In One of main offices on the |ZoE|Klondike A man is seated behind a large desk
Chester Copperton watches the Broadcast with great disgust.
Thinking Just great, more troubles on the horizon for all Zoners because of this latest incident. I now will have to figure out the raising costs that I must now foresee.
He opens a drawer and takes out books, papers and starts calculating costs.
Incoming Transmission...
Neuralnet ID: Agent Lovejoy Marshal, The Order
It seems that the captain of the Pendulum's ego is very large indeed. I recall once he threatened myself and another Order agent because we had the audacity to ask him to bring the Nomads he was carrying to a safe station. He told us he would get paid more elsewhere, and then demanded exorbitant amounts of credits for their release, in spite of the dangers of harboring such dangerous cargo on a ship with civilians. He claimed he had tactical nukes on board as well, in case of an accidental release. He was willing to sacrifice his whole crew and ship over a few million credits.
It would do Admiral Orphelia well to remember that he is a representative of a whole faction, and not just a mercenary pilot, flying around and fighting whoever he pleases.
Lovejoy out.
Thanks to MikeyH for the banner.
Reverend Del Wrote:I was going to turn your ship into something that would have been better named "Lada" but I was told to be nice.
Captain your ego seems to be getting the better of you. Joker has lost a few of his prized gunboats to Zoner cannons long before you overwhelmed him with a handful of capital ships. If your target hadn't been Joker, I'd scold you for using such overwhelming force.
I will say thank you though, each time he falls in battle it brightens my day. However, I share the concerns of others. What he did cannot be forgiven, but remember he is a man of his words. What you did only cost him some credits. It will cost other Zoners their lives. As for the under the table deal you are refering to; it is simply an agreement that we won't actively hunt him as far as I am aware. I am not privy to the exact details but from what I can garner it was done to prevent the lose of property and deaths of more innocent. Will we help a fellow Zoner in need against him? Most likely.
I would also warn you against further acts of violence against this man, they are indeed unwise and only endanger other Zoners. That isn't to say justice won't find him, just not in the way you think it will.
I'd also inquire as to if your vessel is a freeport defense vessel, what was it doing in Gamma attacking Joker? As far as I am aware there is no freeport there and actively hunting and attacking someone no where near a freeport isn't very defensive. I rather think you meant your vessel is a warship; not a mobile freeport.
Incoming Transmission:
Adress: Zoner Federation Juggernaut Pendulum
Ping Sat: Planet Gran Canaria, Zoner Federation HQ - Redirect to all Zoner Freeports
Speaker: Honorable Grand Admiral Marvin J. Orphelia
Now, now Mister Goldsteen, ill be damned if a miner tells me how to run my ship. If you had heard the first few reports of this channel, You will find I emptied all civillians to Freeport 11 before proceeding. Lovejoy, It will do YOU well for you to know Delta is not your space. While im in Minor, feel free to parade me around there. But elsewhere, I beg to differ.
Outcast, You kill and maime everyday. It is a massive step for us to take ACTION instead of the Zoner Council's way of doing NOTHING. I send this message out as a notice to all zoners. We shall not go quietly into the night. We will not be terrorized and expected to sit and watch our people suffer and die.
Message: If anything, I expected the Outcasts to be happy. The Joker has been parading around in their vessels and drawing more attention than necessary. I believe that if the Outcasts were wise, they'd recall the Joker's ships or have him killed. That is why his Zoner turrets had been taken after the Corfu Incident.
Comm ID: Eric Goldsteen Chief Administative Officer
Location:|ZoE|Klondike ( ZoE home office)
To: Rebuttle
(off the record rebuttle)
So you are telling me you crew that vessel by yourself then? Otherwise you still endangered many Zoner's lives upon that vessel while they maybe under your command. As a commander you should think of all possible re-courses before behaving as you did. My statement still stands you endangered many Zoner lives on your ship and across the galaxy for your own ego. Now if you will kindly keep my name out of your mouth unless you are referring to me properly. It would be much abliged.
Oh addition i believe liberty is looking for a few good men you sound a lot like them with, terrorist that, and terrorist this. You should sell that ship to a Zoner who deserves its command and join them.
*jimmy sat in his readyroom rifleing through days recived comms logs he stumbled upon this laughed hystraicly
"this admrials a fool all he did was cost the zoners more lifes"
when he fnished laughing he loked out the viewport to the drove of workers around norfolk working on his command resupplying other ships and genenrally idleing around Norfolks massive shipyards he also gazed out in the direction where he felt this admrial was and facepalmed mabye the admrial would get his thoughts from libertys heartland to wheever he happened to be