**Announcement to new employees from Administrations Office**
Our legal department has produced a new handbook for our new employee's. It will answer almost any questions you might have. I will refer you to the handbook below please read and understand them as there will be no excuse for not knowing what is contained within. If you have any further questions please contact ZoE home office "The Klondike".
---) Your Name: Karl Raffan ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 23-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Iridium --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: 4085 --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Scarborough Station, Newcastle
-) Name of the Miner: |ZoE|Raffan’s.Hauler -) Name of the Transporter: |ZoE|Raffan’s.Hauler -) Number of Runs Made: One -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 2750 -) Total Credits Earned: 11.233.750 -) Any Profit cuts: Zero -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: 2.000.000
---) Your Name: Chester Copperton ---) Your Position: Transport ship ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 23-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Iridium. --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: 4085 --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Scarborough Station, Newcastle
-) Name of the Miner: Chester Copperton -) Name of the Transporter: |ZoE|The.Copperton -) Number of Runs Made: One -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 3600 -) Total Credits Earned: 14.706.000 -) Any Profit cuts: Zero -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: 7.353.000
---) Your Name: Chester Copperton ---) Your Position: Chief of Accounting ---) Current Date: 23-03-818 A.S.
-) Any Information you wish us to know: The Copperton - |ZoE|The.Copperton - Borders World Transport The Copperton 2 |ZoE|The.Copperton.2 - Corvo Cruiser (Personal Office)
Greetings And Salutations Gentlemen.
We've sent you the amount due up to this from our latest endeavours.
All Funds transferred are based upon the 5% figure.
---) Incoming Transmission (--- -) Target:ZoE Secured Communication Channel (- -) Source:ZoE Ship: Beaconsfield (- -) Source ID:Chief of Security, Thomas Mellows (- -) Encryption Level:Impregnable (- -) Begins (-
---) Your Name: Thomas Mellows ---) Your Position: Chief of Security ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 23-03-818A.S ---) Role Assumed: Mining Operation Protection
--) Description of Time on Duty:The Beaconsfield was assigned to security detail in the Silver Fields owned by Kruger in Omega 7. Largely, mining activity went ahead without a hitch. A small problem arose with an independent miner complaining about our security procedures. Needless to say I was quite animated in the local comms. In the end the miner left without incident. Besides a few other miners getting a little too close and one Hessian "mistakenly" tractoring our ore, there was no further issues.
-) Total Credits Earned: N/A
Regards, Security Chief,
The Beaconsfield, Elbich Mining Facility, Omega-7
---) Your Name: LEGION ---) Your Position: Chief of Research ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 23-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Silver Ore --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: 10,454 --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: DATA PENDING/New Tokyo
-) Name of the Miner: |ZoE|Gaia, |ZoE|Drone-z00000 -) Name of the Transporter: |ZoE|Golden.Cargo, |ZoE|Ore.Runner -) Number of Runs Made: 2 -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 3600, 4000 Still in Transit -) Total Credits Earned: 37,634,400, Additional 41,816,000 After sale of second load -) Any Profit cuts: N/A -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: 37,634,400, Additional 41,816,000 After sale of second load
Chief Science Officer,
The Argyle, Shasta Orbital Sky-Hook, Baffin
-) End (-
Sion: Why is there a sirius credit card at the shrine?
Aiolos: Um... Nomads like shopping?
Keepers.Telchine: "Excuse me sir, you're a Nom and I must destroy you" "***...-Accept-...'this'...***" "OMG! Welcome back, Mr. Nomson, make yourself at home!"
Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever: We would fully be going to communism if we gave those nasty factionites the control of the BS's.
Kazinsal: No. We'd be going full communism if everyone had a BS for free, to simplify it. And each BS would be shared. Stick that in your solaris turret, Cam.
Dodike: No, there would be only one battleship for all of us to share
Kazinsal: In soviet Russia, battleship share you!
' Wrote:I had to fight Chuck Norris's great great great great great great great great great great great great grand daughter or something just now!! Link First I was like :O, then I was like Q_Q, then I was like PEW PEW PEW! Then she was like BOOM!! Then I was like ^_^
---) Your Name: Miyamoto ---) Your Position: Security Officer ---) Current Date: 23-03-818 A.S.
-) Any Information you wish us to know: This is to inform the home office that on this date I, Miyamoto, have taken ownership of the mining vessel |ZoE|Iowa.Harvest, and am beginning the process of converting it into a fully automated mining drone. When this process is complete, it will be available for general ZoE usage. I anticipate that this should take a period of 3-5 days, possible less, depending on the shipyard's efficiency.
---) Your Name: Karl Raffan ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 24-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Iridium --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: 4085 --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Scarborough Station, Newcastle
-) Name of the Miner: |ZoE|Raffan’s.Hauler, |ZoE|Iowa.Fields -) Name of the Transporter: |ZoE|Raffan’s.Hauler, |ZoE|Iowa.Fields -) Number of Runs Made: One -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 5500 -) Total Credits Earned: 22.467.500 -) Any Profit cuts: Zero -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: 11.233.750
Payment has been received forwarding taxes to to the NTF. Paid in full for last operation.
**Message Closed**
Like Mining or Transporting RP? Join the ZoE. Interested in Corporation RP? Contact the ZoE.
All Signature Payments/Donations go to "SS.Lucky.Credit" (No quotes).