Greetings. My name is Rildan, captain of the Border Worlds Transport Zakel.
I recently heard of the existence of the ZoE, and after doing some research, I feel that I could possibly compliment your skills in ore extraction/transport.
I am an Independent Trader, currently piloting the Border Worlds Transport Zakel. I have done my best to establish my reputation as a fair, honest person. Even in my dealing with those some might claim have... questionable character, I have striven to be the same, making certain to follow through on any monetary dealings which I may have made with them.
The reason I am contacting you is that from my personal observations, I have not seen that you use very many ships to haul the ore which you mine. I would be willing, if an equitable agreement can be arrived at, to contract my ship to your corporation for this purpose.
As you know, a standard BWT can carry 3,600 units of cargo space. Due to certain upgrades which I have installed, mine is slightly lower, at 3,580. I personally believe that I have chosen well in the department of arms and shielding, as I carry 9 Type 4 Transport Turrets, as well as the best Countermeasure Dropper and Shield that I have been able to obtain.
I am fairly certain that you possess a well-staffed legal department, so I will leave the writing of the actual contract up to you, however I will state that the absolute minimum I would be willing to accept for carrying a load of ore would be $3,000,000, depending on the distance and hazards of the route, as well as repayment of any pirate fees which I may incur.
Escort services would be provided by your ships, I would assume, and we would have to work out how payment would be made to them. To be honest, unless it is a particularly hazardous route, I normally would not want or require an escort. Thus far, I have been able to take care of myself, and I would hope that life would continue in that manner.
I look forward to receiving your answer, and hope that we may start a mutually profitable business together sometime soon.
Greetings and Salutations,
I am Claroke Goldenton and I'm the Chief of Public Relations for Zoner Ore Extraction Inc.
We are extremely pleased to hear that our reputation has appealed to someone with no affiliation to the Zoners. As you no doubt have seen, we also strive to be as honest as possible. We have several contracts with different corporations around Sirius whether to sell ore to them or mine in their fields. We have yet to break an agreement and we wish to keep it that way.
You have a very interesting proposition. We do indeed need Haulers more than miners. I am unaware if you've seen this or not but we prefer to have a veritable army of Drones do our mining while our employees simply tractor and transport. Lately we've had several miners join our ranks due to a recent buyout of another Mining Company. Thus the balance has tipped and any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I've talked it over with the other Directors and we all agree to give you a contract to work under the ZoE.
Below is a draft of a contract our legal department came up with quickly. Please see if any revisions are needed.
Quote:Formal Agreement between the Zoner Ore Extraction and Mr. Rildan
Zoner Ore Extraction Inc. will be henceforth referred to as (the) ZoE.
The ZoE and Mr. Rildan hereby agree as follows: Article 1 – Action: Mr Rildan will be officially contracted to work for the ZoE when he wishes.
Article 2 – Compensation: The ZoE will pay the sum of 4 Million Credits to Mr. Rildan every run he makes transporting ZoE mined Ore.
Article 3 - Details:
The ZoE will pay Mr. Rildan 4 Million Sirius standard Credits per run made.
All ZoE Security Personnel will be informed that you are working for us. Thus they will be free to offer you their services.
Mr. Rildan will not give away ZoE corporate secrets. These include but are not limited to, Security Force strength, Sale Routes, Mining Locations, and Other Contracts.
The ZoE will compensate up to but not exceeding 5 Million credit pirate fees per pirate per encounter. This compensation is only valid while Mr. Rildan is transporting ZoE Mined Ore or on his way back to the mining location.
Mr. Rildan will transfer all profits made off of ZoE Mined Ore, minus the fee and any piracy compensation, back to the ZoE Miner who is mining.
Mr. Rildan will adhere to all ZoE Standard Operations concerning moving to mining locations.
Either party may terminate this contract on the grounds that the terms are not being met.
Eric Goldsteen - Chief of Administration
Claroke Goldenton - Chief and Public Relations
Chester Copperton - Chief of Accounting
Mr Rildan:
We have decided that the sum of 4 million will be more suitable compensation.
If this is acceptable to you, please reply and the legal department will forward the contract to your neural net address so you will also have a copy.
Thank You for your time,
Claroke Goldenton
Chief of Public Relations for the ZoE
-) End (-
Like Mining or Transporting RP? Join the ZoE. Interested in Corporation RP? Contact the ZoE.
All Signature Payments/Donations go to "SS.Lucky.Credit" (No quotes).
The terms as outlined sound more than agreeable to me. At your convenience, transmit the contract to me and we will consider our agreement finalized. I look forward to doing business with the ZoE.
Most Excellent. We hope to see you in the skies soon. I've attached the finalized contract to this message.
Currently Our Employees are operating out of Freeport 1 in Omega 3 and we have an operation in Kansas.
Safe Flights.
Formal Agreement between the Zoner Ore Extraction and Mr. Rildan
Zoner Ore Extraction Inc. will be henceforth referred to as (the) ZoE.
The ZoE and Mr. Rildan hereby agree as follows:
[b][u]Article 1 – Action:[/u][/b] Mr Rildan will be officially contracted to work for the ZoE when he wishes.
[u][b]Article 2 – Compensation:[/b][/u] The ZoE will pay the sum of 4 Million Credits to Mr. Rildan every run he makes transporting ZoE mined Ore.
[u][b]Article 3 - Details:[/b][/u] [list]
[*]The ZoE will pay Mr. Rildan 4 Million Sirius standard Credits per run made.
[*]All ZoE Security Personnel will be informed that you are working for us. Thus they will be free to offer you their services.
[*]Mr. Rildan will not give away ZoE corporate secrets. These include but are not limited to, Security Force strength, Sale Routes, Mining Locations, and Other Contracts.
[*]The ZoE will compensate up to but not exceeding 5 Million credit pirate fees per pirate per encounter. This compensation is only valid while Mr. Rildan is transporting ZoE Mined Ore or on his way back to the mining location.
[*]Mr. Rildan will transfer all profits made off of ZoE Mined Ore, minus the fee and any piracy compensation, back to the ZoE Miner who is mining.
[*]Mr. Rildan will adhere to all ZoE Standard Operations concerning moving to mining locations.
[*]Either party may terminate this contract on the grounds that the terms are not being met.
Eric Goldsteen - Chief of Administration
Claroke Goldenton - Chief and Public Relations
Chester Copperton - Chief of Accounting
Mr Rildan:
Thank You for your time,
Claroke Goldenton
Chief of Public Relations for the ZoE
-) End (-
Like Mining or Transporting RP? Join the ZoE. Interested in Corporation RP? Contact the ZoE.
All Signature Payments/Donations go to "SS.Lucky.Credit" (No quotes).
Greetings once again. Recently, I was involved in a multi-transport mining operation for the ZoE, and it was brought to my attention that the standard method of payments was far different than the method we worked out for myself. Specifically, each transport was making payments to each miner and each security team member. However, my contract forbids me from doing this, making it seem as though I am trying to cheat the people I work with out of their hard-earned money.
Therefore, I would like to request a renegotiation of my contract, as follows:
After any mining operation I am transporting for, I will pay the ZoE bank 25% of all profits.
I will then split any other profits equally between myself, any miners involved, and any security officers involved.
Any costs (repairs, pirate fees, things of that nature) will be handled by myself, as out-of-pocket fees. If the ZoE wishes to reimburse me, I won't argue, but I won't ask it up front, either.
This seems to be more in line with what is normally done by ZoE transports, and should therefore seem much more valid to other people involved.
I dont see anything wrong with this revision, if you think you would prefer to pay more to us then thats your choice. I would suggest setting your minimum contribution to 10% as this is the standard of what is given to the bank from our transports. You may give more if you wish but you shouldnt feel obligated to.
Regards, Security Chief,
The Beaconsfield, Freeport 1, Omega-3
Upon further consideration, and also considering the fact that nearly 100% of my trading activity recently has been on the behalf of Zoner Ore Extraction, Inc., I believe that it would further both of our interests if I petitioned to become a full member. Therefore, I am hereby requesting permission to officially join Zoner Ore Extraction, Inc., in the position of ore hauler, and any other legal cargoes that ZoE may ask me to haul for them. Thank you.
Considering your productive work with the ZoE and what I have seen personally of you, consider your request granted. Please abide by the naming conventions and so forth and you will be in business. Welcome to the ZoE. Shirts and hats complementary at our GC Head Office.
Regards, Security Chief,
The Beaconsfield, Freeport 1, Omega-3