Comments: Captain Jack Malrone
Seen this ship a few times on patrol. Only actually fought the thing once, straight after he'd destroyed a civilian transport with it. He didn't pose much of a threat to the Indiana - With the SHF he was with causing more shield damage to us than the bleeding gunboat!
Considered to pose quite a threat if piloting a fighter or bomber, but wont cause much fuss in being severely damaged when you're captaining a gunboat.
- Last seen pirating in California.
- Charges upgraded
- New evidence added
Comments: Ensign George S. Walker I was patrolling the Texas System with a new recruit and a member of the Secondary fleet when three transports entered the system from Rheinland space. I scanned their vessel and all three were carrying over 4,000 units of Engine Components. I asked them where they got it from and they told me Oder Shipyard. When we told them their cargo couldn't enter Rheinland they attacked and attempted to run the blockade. Green made it through while Bip opened fire at us killing one of us.
We managed to force Bip to retreat but Black and Green both made it to their destination. We informed he station not to use the parts they recently received I only hope they got them all.
Comments: Captain Remus Sius
I was in New York patrolling when I heard in the global communications channel there was an indication that the suspect was pirating someone. I immediately searched for the pirate but when I got there.. The civilian was killed already..... I chased him until he hid at Rochester Base where he stayed until I was ordered to leave him there.
Comments: Captain Remus Sius
I was patrolling NY when I came across some conversation between 2 pilots. One bearing the name Wolves.Defiance, an Outcast Tridente Gunship. In the comm channels a person said he was a pirate so I went to investigate. And then he told me and my companion his location which was WP to Cali JG Trade Lane. I found him holding LN pilots and civilians in his hold but he refused to comply so we fought, but I barely survived thanks to a Siege Cruiser patrol.