Incoming transmission...
Sender: Gunship Sokol, Ivan Slava
I have some good news. Althoe the Jokers ship has been destroyed before he seems to have survived. Untill now. Me and some other Bounty Hunters have destroyed the Jokers gunboat touday near Kesington shipping platform.
I had the honor to fire the last shot.
Sadly my guncam malfunctioned in the moment of the Jokers ships destruction. So this log database should do.
I fired the last shot at one of the Jokers thug.
Excellent work Sokol, but the amount of 6 million credits couldn't be transferred to you due to the problem of your neural net account (// tried to send via /givecash command, but it says that "char doesn`t exist")
If you could give us second neural net account (// other char) I will give your bounty money.
FROM: Ian McGreggor, Captain of the Black.Pearl TO: KoF
I'm without words. I really don't know what else to do. I've tried contacting many of you directly to resolve whatever issue you have with me. I don't know why you've declared war on my vessel. I don't ever recall encountering any of you in a negative environment. Your reputation as a strong trader faction keeps me on good behavior.
But alas ... there's nothing I can do or say here. I bid you peace gentlemen and ladies. I do believe you have mistaken me and my crew for someone else.
- Incoming transmission
Source: [KoF]-Bloodhound
Type: Public Message
Due to the number of bounties killed and the current state of KoF`s finance, i hereby declare in the name of KoF CEO, that all bounties are null and void from this moment on!