ooc: Non-RP weapons, even when looted are generally bad. Sell looted weapons. You want to have all the same speeds of weapons anyways, more accuracy that way. As for scanners, thrusters, and the like, free free to use the best you can get.
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mori
Target ID: Executive Commander Kaine
Encryption: Regulator 4
Sir, while patrolling Omicron Alpha this morning, I noticed something in Unknown Alpha. I called up some support in the form of Pilot Aaron, equipped some more powerful scanners, and we went in. However, when we got there, we were met with a large Nomad fleet, apparently he same one we met before. Pilot Aaron, through an act of courage, managed to distract them until I completed scanning. We then retreated to Omicron Alpha, then to Planet Malta.
However, I when I examined the scannings, I saw that what we had seen was another huge Nomad fleet... several huge ships, and multitudes of smaller ones. But when I examined the Long-range scans that Pilot Aaron's ship had made, I discovered something more: One Liberty Cruiser, giving off a faint Legion transponder signal, in the middle of Unknown Delta.
I believe we have found the Silverblade.
I would like to prepare a rescue operation as soon as possible. What do you think?
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mori
Target ID: Executive Commander Kaine
Encryption: Regulator 4
Sir, we have another report of the Liberty Cruiser. It is in a dire position, and we cannot wait any longer. I am sorry to do it without your approval, but we must go investigate this, and, if it is the Silverblade, rescue it.
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mori
Target ID: Executive Commander Kaine
Encryption: Regulator 4
Sir, our mission was a success, thanks to the help of pilot Gruber, who was an incredible help. Pilot Gruber held off a fleet of Nomads in his lone bomber while the damaged cruiser was repaired enough to move out. Then the Pilot defended the cruiser from a great number of Nomad Fighter, and destroyed several of them, while the cruiser battled it's way through a Nomad Battleship and two Gunboats. The cruiser was, in fact, the HFC Silverblade. We rescued it from a small fleet of Nomads, then heard their (the Cruiser crew's) story.
It seems that the reason that we never got any contact is that the acting captain was trying to be rude. We have no clue why, but he got really annoyed with me. He is now in prison awaiting court marshal for Disrespect, Complete and absolute disobediance, and nearly costing his crew their lives because of direct disobediance. The Silverblade is now stationed at the Zoner base Freeport 11 in Omicron Delta, having just finished repairs.
I would like to promote Pilot Gruber to Lt. for his excellent work and extreme assistance. Would you agree with this?
Also... there's something else. The reports of what attacked them. Apparently, is was a large, Nomad-like, black ship. Perhaps what the scouting drones saw? I will await your opinion.
Comm ID: Executive Commander Kaine
To: Grand Admiral Mori
I apologize for my inaction on the subject of the rescue of your cruiser. I have been busy lately with some important subjects. (School) I am glad to hear that your cruiser has been saved, but the news of the other Nomad fleets is, troubling. Continue to scan, can you get some more detailed info? Ship classes, numbers etc. I am sending the Agressive Recon ship Invincible ((My camera ship.) in to take some recon. The Camera ship's engines are enhanced, can go 200 backwards and forwards, if you add thrusters, that's near cruise speed! I think this should produce some results.
Feel free to promote Lt. Gruber. He deserves it. Also, give pilot Aaron a commendation on his record for his brave distraction. Feel free to give him a promotion if you feel due.
Kaine out.
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mori
Target ID: Executive Commander Kaine
Encryption: Regulator 4
Thank you Sir.
As for the Nomad fleets... well, before the rescue, we encountered a Nomad Battleship, two Gunboats, and several Fighter wings. During the rescue, we encountered 4 or 5 Battleships, each with two gunboats and a wing of fighters. After the rescue, Major Legeonation and I took the HFB Vircruz and HFC Silverblade to Planet Primus to investigate reports of a massive Nomad fleet gathered there.
The reports were true.
We engaged and destroyed not 5, as the reports said there would be, but over 25 Nomad Battleships, each with a two-gunboat escort and a wing of fighters. We also engaged several solo fighter wings. However, the report suggested large numbers of cruisers as well, and we found that to be false.
I will issue promotions as soon as I see the two involved.
Comm ID: Hellfire Legion High Command: Supreme Commander Drake Thastus Recipients: Hellfire Legion
Encryption: Regulator 4 Run Command...Send Intercept...trace, blocked
"I am back... the war against the "threat" has gone well. It seems now that the Order will be able to beat them back and with some help from the Corsairs as well. However, the nomads are in full swing in their offensive against Liberty who seemingly has provoked them severely with their constant raids into their space. There are so many weak points now that Liberty's fleet has been crushed and Kusari has gained the upper hand in the war against Bretonia."
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mori
Target ID: Supreme Commander Thastus
Encryption: Regulator 4
Sir! I am glad to see you again! Beginning report.
The nomad Fleet Activity has increased by a hundredfold, as proved by the fact that the HFC Silverblade and the HFB Vircruz battled a massive force of over 25 Nomad Battleships, each with a two-gunboat escort and a wing of fighters, and several solo fighter wings today. Also, there have been several sightings of unknown, black, nomad-like ships. We have several new recruits. Executive Commander Kaine added a Lt. rank in between Pilot, 1st class and Major, and we already have two. Lt. Gruber and Lt. Aaron, though Lt. Aaron has not yet been informed that he is a Lt., as he has not been seen since his promotion. We have several ships stationed in Omicron Delta, and several more stationed in Omicron Alpha, as well as a large defensive force in Vespucci. We also spotted something in Omicron Lost earlier today... something big and black. We are not sure if it is a Black Hole, or something else, but it fired a fireball at the HFC Silverblade. Report complete Sir!
Requesting permission to inform Lt. Gruber, who shows much promise, of what is going on.
HFB Silverstorm! Fire a full 18-gun salute for the Supreme Commander!
*18 loud booms come over the Comm channel*
Grand Admiral Mori out.
EDIT: Oh, phooey, you're right Flyer... Ah well. Let's just say you can hear them because they shake the ship, and as the Comm unit is in the ship...
ooc: Denelo, no sound in space, mate. But I appreciate the idea.:P
Comm ID: Executive Commander Kaine
To: Supreme Commander Thastus
Sir, it's good to have you back. I see Admiral Mori has filled you in on our current position. There's nothing I'd really like to add, however, you should know about our stance with Liberty. I may be able to lower our stance with them to neutral. I cannot tell you at the moment, but I may have been able to strike a deal with a certain contact high in Liberty. More to come.
For the Legion! Kaine out.
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
Comm ID: Hellfire Legion High Command: Supreme Commander Drake Thastus Recipients:Hellfire Legion
Encryption: Regulator 4
Run Command... Send Intercept...trace, blocked
"Well...these Black ships are, a different kind of Nomad. More accurately another species created by the Dom'Kavosh before their dissappearence. The nomads, after Liberty's constant attacks called in reinforcements hoping that the Dom'Kavosh were out there waiting for them. This was the case, but so were the black ships. The war went well for the nomads however. Of course...they lost their Dyson sphere and are in no condition for an extended campaign. So they have brought a truly fearsome weapon to bear...
This weapon is capable of destroying entire solar systems...by causing a supernova in the sun. They only have two, but that fleet of 25 nomad ships is barely a 45th of their over all fleet. They have been doing nothing but building ships since their defeat years ago...and now Liberty has provoked them. Why do you think now "The Wild" have begun to re-assert their dominance..."
ID Legeonation Ship R&D
Phoenix Shipyards, Vespucci System
To Hellfire Legion High Command
After much debate, design and redesign Project Virage has finally completed the space frame, hull and structure for the Virage Aerospace Interdiction Space Superiority Fighter (AISF). The design team has managed to place two high-powered warship class guns on the main chassis without degradation in performance. Engineers are still working out the final details on engines, armor shields for the AISSF. Test trails are expected to begin soon. More information to follow.
I am grateful for the promotion. With this occasion, I present to all HF the newest ship of the Legion, the [HF]HFC-Sopho, which will be ready for action by this time tomorrow.
For the Legion!
OOC: I like that sig... I kill stupid people... :lol: can somebody relay a link where i can create one?