' Wrote:Possible Solution 2:
Add a neutral "wing" to the base. Basically the same as the existing base, without the commodities and ships/equipment/etc. Lawfuls can still land on the "Police" version of the base for trade and the like, and the Neutral version can be landed on by the pirate being arrested.
As far as I know there should be enough dockable slots remaining in the systems with prison stations to accomodate this.
This would definitely work as well ... just gotta make sure the half that is hostile to the bad guy doesn't destroy his/her ship before they dock in the prison side.
' Wrote:Possible Solution 2:
Add a neutral "wing" to the base. Basically the same as the existing base, without the commodities and ships/equipment/etc. Lawfuls can still land on the "Police" version of the base for trade and the like, and the Neutral version can be landed on by the pirate being arrested.
As far as I know there should be enough dockable slots remaining in the systems with prison stations to accomodate this.
I like this idea. although some pirate players may use it as an oorp escape dock when in a tight spot, it has merit. it also allows BH to get proof that they have made an 'arrest' (ss the pirate docking with the prison wing)
' Wrote:Possible Solution 2:
Add a neutral "wing" to the base. Basically the same as the existing base, without the commodities and ships/equipment/etc. Lawfuls can still land on the "Police" version of the base for trade and the like, and the Neutral version can be landed on by the pirate being arrested.
As far as I know there should be enough dockable slots remaining in the systems with prison stations to accomodate this.
If you could get this neutral wing to send them to Bastille for seven days, that'd stop any abuse!
See, the problem with 'escorting' wanted ships to prison isn't really what the authorities would do. I mean, you won't see a Corvette being 'escorted' to the county jail for drive-bying someone and then going at 250 mph in a residential zone. What do they do instead ? Well, the guy either stops or his car gets wrecked by five police cruisers. In the end, he gets transported to the jail in a police van, not his own vehicle.
The same applies to FL. Ships have ejection mechanisms, so they don't die if the ship goes boom. Remember the first mission of the SP campaign ? They needed Ashcroft alive, but I didn't see them asking him to 'tag along' to the prison. They, instead, shot his ass up. Also, in the mission you escape from Liberty, you meet a bunch of bounty hunters that say 'Target the engines, we need them alive'. So really, bounty hunters don't always kill their targets.
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Ah if only. If only people could accept that fate has placed them in a situation where they must now reap the rewards of their mis-deeds.
Maybe folks could try to roleplay jumping into a pod and developing their character's story in a new direction. Maybe one could try not flying that same ship for a bit.
Maybe rename the replacement.
Maybe add the encounter to a character's story as a development.
Maybe do what many people do and start a new character. Accept you are dead. Others do it. They still get to play.
If you are going to pretend to roleplay, at least pretend that there are things which happen over which you have no control. Such is life.
In short, maybe people could avoid pretending that when they got caught and/or shot down that it had no consequences for them. Generally, players treat it as a mild inconvenience. And when you have four or five other ships who capture you and try to rp capturing you or disabling your ship, all I've encountered, and this is from players who regard themselves as good rp'ers, is ooc pm chat in which they throw a hissy fit and people ridiculously continuing a fight they know they must lose and then pretending it didn't happen. And these are the serious roleplayers.
In the last 4 months I've only been able to successfully arrest 2 people.
All the other times, the guy either didn't want to play along or I didn't have sufficient backup to escort him to the LPI base without it turning into pew pew time.
Arrests are damn rare to accomplish. They should be touted like badges of honor.
*puts on fedora and trenchcoat* Now I know what sort of community you really are. *walks off into the rain*
I deal with it by 1: ignoring the police, and 2: assuming that there isn't a 'civilization' per se, in space. There are, on stations, police, rules, and social contracts. In space, between the incredibly powerful weaponry, and the incredibly powerful engines of a spaceship, you have a nation. Every, single spaceship. Every, single Station, a nation. Now, there's some big ones, and they collect sovereign states. My transport is sovereign territory (with some 16 members) in the Bowex metagroup, which is a part of the Bretonian Metagroup. The ship has decided to throw in with Bowex, and as such, with Bretonia, though they know they could, at any point, toss aside that allegiance, declare themselves independent, and take up slavery, child prostitution, and thievery under a strong man government.
As such, space is a battlefield, between disagreeing nation states. The state of Liberty, the state of the Rogues. One doesn't try to arrest criminals in space, because they can't be 'criminals'. They're not members of the society, they've forsaken their rights and claims to rights as a peer.
On planets, on stations, you disobey the law, and you get tossed in the brig. In space, there is no law but that of the strongest party, and you challenge them with guns, and guns alone.
This is a much more fluid framework for looking at the lawful/unlawful divide of Sirius, as it alows one to look at the pirates predating tradeships, and the navy hunting down the pirates in the same light, rather than as two polar opposites. They're each the force of a nation state, inflicting its will onto the vast deeps of a region so large they can't hope to control it.
' Wrote:I was once arrested.
It was awesome.
Although most of my characters would sooner die than go in.
and that's the whole problem: everyone rps his pirate/unlawfull as some hard core guy who doesn't give a flying truck about dying. why not? because in 4 hours, he's good as new.
I think that if 'dying' was permanent, i.e. character gets deleted, a lot of people would prefer to be arrested...