To: Supreme Commander Thastus, Executive Commander Kaine, Grand Admiral Mori
From: Aaron
This situation is critical. Yesterday, after I completed the maiden flight with the Sopho, I headed to Magellan System, for delivering a report. I got to Omicron Minor, where I saw that The Order was fighting off a combined fleet of the Liberty Navy and the Bounty Hunters. I was asked if I can render assistance, I agreed. With this occasion I can say that the new breed of targeting computers are a very good improvement, and we managed to take out the opressors, which weren't very strong in numbers. After that, I excused myself for leaving, and I set course to Alaska system. I flew for a great deal of distance, then I saw something... odd. I could not notice that there was increased activity of the nomads, but when I reached the jump gate to New York, I saw something... delusive. A large nomad fleet, comprised of 3 battleships, 6 cruisers and many smaller support vessels were rallying near the gate. But the intriguing part was that around 10 Bounty Hunter destroyers and 3 full squadrons of Hammerheads entered formation with the Nomads. I killed the engines, to avoid detection, and I requested a full scan using the ship's advanced sensors. Before the scan was complete, I saw that a Liberty Fleet was coming through the gate. 2 Liberty Dreadnoughts, 4 cruisers and their supports vessels quickly started to engage the Nomads. In a very strange language, the Bounty Hunters said something to the Nomads, then opened fire on the Liberty Fleet. I wanted to use the opportunity to flee, but one of the Dreadnoughts made contact with the Sopho. The one at the other lend of the line was the Liberty Admiral Michael Frost, my uncle! He requested help, adressing to me as 'unknown vessel'. I replied, and when he saw who was commanding the ship, we had a little chat, and he promised that if we defeat the Nomad fleet, he will grant me safe passage through Liberty. I engaged the Nomads, But we were outnumbered and outgunned. I sacrificed Sopho's shield to save Admiral Frost on several occasion, and we managed to take out 2 Nomad Battleships, all Nomad escort ships and most of the Bounty Hunters. The 3 remaining Bounty Hunters Destroyers and the Nomad Battleship tried to run, but I used the Cruise Distruptor mounted on my ship to stop them. The Liberty Fleet suffered unbearable casualties, Admiral Frost had been forced to transfer the flag to a nearby cruiser, and to scuttle his Dreadnought because it was boarded by the Nomads, and it's crew killed. The remaining Liberty ships retreated, but Admiral Frost remained to help me in destroying the rest of the enemy. Before the enemy was destroyed, they sent a quick burst of data, which I received and kept it safe from my uncle, which didn't learned of this, because his cruiser sensors were damaged. The message was heading to Magellan, and was brief and conclusive. It sounded like that:"To all ships proceed with the plan. We need Drake Thastus alive." Thanks to the Admiral's Cruiser Forward Gun, we destroyed the fleeing enemy without sustaining further damage. We jumped to New York, and I saw that the Navy was constructing a huge mine field, to prevent any possible Nomad invasions New York. When we got through, the mine field was completed. Because his cruiser was badly damaged, It had to be towed. The Sopho suffered superficial damage, and was still able for action. I invited my uncle onboard the Sopho, and headed to West Point Military Academy, where I obtained the escort pilot license. When I was entering the station, I was stunned: "Oh my god! I haven't been here since I was 19... I grew up here... how much a man can change in 5 years...". When we arrived inside the station, the Sopho was receiving assistance and repairs, I headed to a window, which had a view to the Alaska Jump Gate and the surrounding mine field. Then, suddenly pink explosions inside the mine field. The same pink colour the nomad ships have. By judging the strength and the numbers of lights, it looked that the entire nomad fleet entered that mine field. I ran in the fighters bay, my uncle was following. Each one took a defender, we went as fast as we could to Norfolk Shipyard, where the Sopho was docked. I cancelled all repairs, and rushed with the cruiser to the mine field. I was right, at least 200 nomad battleships and escorts poored into the mine field, and were destroyed, and they were still sending ships through the gate. The mine field was collapsing, and in desperation, my uncle called my father, Admiral John Frost, onboard the Rheinland Battleship Kvasir, which was stationed near Manhattan. He rushed his battleship to the incident, his timing was perfect, when he arrived, the Nomads just broke through the mine field. The Kvasir targeted the opening where all the Nomad ships were rushing, and with it's massive guns started pounding the enemy. I think they run out if Battleships, because the Kvasir in 5 minutes of action destroyed 20 Battleships or so. After a brief discussion with my father, I learned that Freeport 4 was kept under siege by the Nomads. He couldn't help me lifting off the siege of Magellan, but he gave me tactical info that he gathered with his battleship long range sensors. I rushed to Freeport 4, I engaged the Nomad Battleship and it's escorts, and lifted the siege. Moments before it's destruction, the nomad battleship made a transmission which I received and successfully decoded: "We failed with this mission. The Legion's new ship is stronger than we thought. We must destroy the ..." the message was interrupted because the Nomad ship exploded. After that, the Freeport commander summoned me to his quarters, but I refused. Here is the heavy stink of treason... Sir, do an inquest, and do it fast... your life is in a great danger...
The Sopho is currently docked in Vespucci, in Phoenix Shipyard, as it is being repaired. It will be fit for action in about 2 days, but during the previous engagements, the ship lost the formidable Outcast Inferno weapons. After the repairs will be completed, the ship must make a trip to Omicron Alpha, to purchase and mount the weapons lost during the fights.
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mori
Target ID: Lt. Aaron
Encryption: Regulator 4
WHAT?! Thank you for the report, I am on my way to the Silverstorm right now. I have ordered the Silverblade and Silverfire to patrol Alaska, and they have already reported numerous engagement with the Nomads. I will be there momentarily.
Comm ID: Lt. Gruber
Target ID: All HF-Members
Subject: Attack on Vespucci
Dear comrades,
I'm sorry to inform you, that just a few hours ago, Vespucci was attacked by a large nomad fleet. The Silverstorm managed to hold the enemies' ships back long enough for our reinforcements to arrive. It looked as if the tide was turning, when all of a sudden Hunter ships appeared and fired several torpedos at the immobile Silverstorm. We immediately lost contact with her and her crew, as well as Admiral Mori.
Meanwhile, the nomads also attacked Bretonia. The Sopho fought valiantly and held half a dozen Nomad battleships at bay in Dublin. She bought the Bretonians the time they needed to drive them back, but was destroyed in the process. 350 lives were lost. Lieutenant Aaron managed to save 150 of his crew from the clutches of the nomads.
The damage to the Silverstorm was extensive, as well. The whole ship was ablaze and it didn't take long for the reactor to breach. Before the Silverstorm was destroyed, however, we managed to tractor in approximately 600 escape pods, about 50 of which were cracked, broken or otherwise damaged.
We're still trying to acquire accurate numbers, but for now it looks like there are about 550 survivors of a crew of more than a 1000.
One of the survivors is Admiral Mori himself, who was believed to have been lost in the explosion. But he is severely injured. We don't know when he will be back on his feet and in command again.
This is a sad day for the HF. We lost more than 900 of our comrades, but Vespucci held. Bear that in mind, when you mourn your friends and colleagues.
Martin Gruber
[HF]-Major, bomber- and fighter-pilot, awarded with the Silver Star, commanding officer of the HFC-Fafnir
Schmeling (for RP-purposes only)
Independent trader, owner of Schmeling Transport GmbH, Gruber's grumpy uncle
Employee of Schmeling Transport GmbH, transport-pilot
HFB-Vircruz responded to a distress signal from HFB-Silverstorm that it as well as other HF elements were under attack by a large force of Nomads in Vespucci space. HF-Vircruz arrived as quickly as possible and saw the Silverstorm engaging several Nomad warships of varying sizes. Bomber pilot Gruber and HFB-Vircruz assisted Silverstorm in the defense of Vespucci.
A back and forth firefight ensued. As the battle progressed, Phoenix Ship yards dispatched a Virage AISF prototype to engage the Nomads and pilot Aaron assisted. Several times both battleships and fighters lost shields and took heavy damage. Eventually, the HF forces started to get the upper hand.
With the Nomad forces receiving extreme damage and the loss of several ships they were starting to retreat only after the loss of several battleships and cruisers. However before the battle ended a group of Bounty Scum very heavy fighters secretly entered the Vespucci system. They engaged the Silverstorm and launched several spreads of torpedoes. The Silverstorm caught fire as the Bounty Scum ships retreated.
HF-Silverstorm quickly lost containment on their fusion reactor and several other key areas of the ship. Chaos ensued as the signal was given to abandon ship and all escape pods attempted to launch. All remaining HF ships attempted to tractor the pods in. Rescue operations became top priority, as the crew of the Silverstorm was tractored aboard all nearby ships.
And then it happened. Sensors picked up the fusion reactor aboard the Silverstorm going critical. The order was given to vacate the area. All HF ships moved away from the shattered remains of the Silverstorm. Then it exploded in a huge fireball of debris. Only wreckage remained. Pilots attempted to scour the debris field to find additional survivors. However none could be found. As the rescue operation continued, there were no signs of the Grand Admiral among the survivors. The search continued as survivors were relayed to Phoenix Shipyards for additional medical care.
This is Trading Corporation Pilot Mokina, requesting officer permission for an immediate vessel upgrade. If permission is granted, I will purchase a Liberty Gunship and begin taking HF military missions as soon as possible. I am in possession of adequate funds to do so and will not require any supplement.
Scratch that, I've already obtained permission. Proceeding with the upgrade, will report for duty soon.