Comm ID: Sous Lieutenant Christian d'Aubigne To: Gallic Royal Navy Transmission Centre Subject: Activity Report From: Battleship Carcassonne, Living Quarters 2-09C
Bonjour camarade,
This begins Activity Report 4, which is also speaking for Margrave Blaise Mersenne in command of the RNS-Slyvana.
After a summons by Margrave Mersenne, we proceeded to investigate reports of Sirian traffic in Royal Space. After a gradual sweep of the area we found sensor traces of a Temporary Autonomous Zoner Affiliate. Unfortunately the traces were obscured to the asteroid fields surrounding the system, so it became a next to impossible task to apprehend the intruder. The Affliate came up on our scopes as a [TAZ]Rainus.Uysison.
After our investigations, the Margrave and myself made our way through the the Royal systems to complete a patrol pattern before returning. The Slyvana made her way north, whilst I went south to see if I could reaquire the TAZ trace heading out of Royal Space. The Sylvana detected a Sirian IDed vessel sporting an "Interspace Commerce" affiliation. After a quick communique exchange I was able to head the ship off before it was able to leave Royal Space near Gap Station. At closer inspection the vessel was registered under the name of Anugi Takagi. Most likely Kusarian in origin. After a quick command to halt and the following inspection we found the ship to be full of Cyrotubes, which we all know to be regulated goods. The fact that a Sirian was hauling them with the intent to spread throughout Sirian space didnt help our willingness to be merciful. The Sirian pleaded that he had no idea about this and tried to make us believe that he was a friend of Gallia. A likely story of cource but nevertheless we showed mercy and escorted the Trader out of Royal Space with a stern warning that if it was found in our space again, then we would most certainly shoot first and ask questions later.
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Following this encounter the honourable Margrave and myself parted ways.
ID: Margrave Blaise Mersenne ENREGISTREMENT: GRN-3305-81-C ORIGINE: Avallon Station DESTINATION: Sieges Sociaux, Royaux de Marine CHIFFRAGE: Securite-B
This is Margrave Blaise Mersenne, submitting a report for the 27th of Janvier, 743 A.G.S.
A general alert was dispatched through Naval Command by Her Highness, Aurelia DeFrance. The inter-system sensor network had detected a large mass-reading entering into His Majesty's Territory of Burgundy; heuristic analysis correlated it with a strike force originating from Champagne, and leaving little doubt as to who our trespassers were. I sortied immediately from Battleship Beauvray and rendezvoused with Her Highness at the Dauphine Jump Gate. Shortly thereafter we had received a secure transmission from His Highness, Joseph DeFrance. That the son and daughter of His Majesty the King assembled on the field of battle was a most motivating event. Wasting no time, we rallied in high orbit around Planet Nevers. Positioned at the extent of our sensor range, in the direction of the debris field, was the Council task force. Initial fly-by scans indicated a fleet strength consisting of three Agamas, one Basilisk, one rebel Obstinate-Class Cruiser, and a Sirian warship of undetermined construction; this vessel transmitted a closed frequency identification similar to those utilized by the 'TAZ', and was confirmed against archived records. The rebels possessed a numerical advantage that would have pressed us to our limits, yet in our dark hour a symbol of resolve soon launched from Planet Nevers: the Chant-du-Cygne; the Grand Marshall had heard our call, and held the line with us. By her command, we charged into the breach.
Within seconds, the battle commenced. Flak and fire screamed through the void, as though the fabric of reality was torn asunder. The rebels met us head-on, but lacked the necessary coordination to blunt our spearhead. It would not be long before the first Council warship fell to the withering fire of the Chant-du-Cygne, and then another. Within the confusion, the Council bomber miscalculated his ordinance deployment and destroyed himself as his torpedo struck the shields of the Chant-du-Cygne. As the flow of battle shifted to our favor, the rebels answered the Grand Marshall with a battleship of their own. Salvos were exchanged before the behemoths closed to 'knife-fight' distance and, with a hellish fury, they collided. In the aftermath, the Chant-du-Cygne emerged from the burning fray, her cannons ablaze and will unbroken. The Council forces had been routed, and the final skirmishes were handled by the Prince, the Princess, and myself.
For the records, I will present the force listing of His Majesty's Royal Navy and those of the Council:
GRN|Aurelia.DeFrance, flying a Serval.
GRN|Josef.DeFrance, flying a Lynx.
GRN|Blaise.Mersenne, flying a Serval.
GRN|RNS-Chant.du.Cygne, Flagship of His Majesty's Royal Navy and commanded by the Grand Marshall
Three Council Agamas
One Council Basilisk
One Obstinate-Class Cruiser
One Redemption-Class Battleship
One Sirian Cruiser of Unknown Origin
All members of His Majesty's Royal Navy left the battle unscathed.
Listed below are the confirmed kills:
The surviving rebel was allowed to leave, in order to inform his compatriots what had transpired this day.
Analysis: Though the Council is capable of rapidly assembling and moving a strike force, they lack the coordination necessary to fully utilize this advantage. Incursions of similar scale can be found in archived reports stretching back to 742 A.G.S., with similar rebel deployment numbers and vessel types. Similarly, all such recorded encounters have occurred within Burgundy, prompting us to believe that the Council may be probing our defenses within the system. Though it seems quite a waste for them to dispatch multiple warships, we cannot forget the potential that they wish to see the full extent of our response capabilities. Whatever supply lines they may have with the Sirians could mitigate, to an extent, the amount of resources required to launch these attacks. Never the less, without the molding force of drills and rhetoric, these incursions do not amount to a serious threat.
The presence of the Sirian warship amongst the Council fleet indicates that the rebels have managed to forge some manner of agreement with an outside body. Sensor records indicate that these 'TAZ' vessels hail the 'Zoner' identification. Many of these ships have trespassed into His Majesty's Territory in the past, all of whom delude themselves into believing they are assisting our industry, or wish to enter into negotiations with us. The 'TAZ' seems no different from them, albeit possessing a certain degree of organization not previously found amongst other Zoners. Of troubling issue, though, is that the captain of this particular vessel, the IKS-bortaS, seems intent on assassinating Her Highness Aurelia. We can only assume that the Council enlisted the 'TAZ' to conduct such under-handed attacks against His Majesty. It is also quite possible that they are performing reconnaissance flights to feed intelligence to the rebels. This is a serious threat we cannot allow. As such, I recommend that all such 'TAZ' vessels be destroyed immediately upon identification.
ADDENDUM: As per intelligence provided by Her Highness, this TAZ warship is now identified as a 'Fearless-Class' Cruiser. Naval databases have been updated to reflect this, as well as other vessel and equipment types utilized by the TAZ and Zoners.
Conclusion: This was a decisive victory for His Majesty's Royal Navy. The destruction of two Council warships and a wing of fighters should hinder their operations for the time being. I will deploy whatever forces I can spare from Dauphine to reinforce the perimeter in Burgundy, should the Council attempt any future incursions. Similarly, naval checkpoints will be established along the Lanquedoc Jump Gate as well as deep patrols into Dauphine's open space. It is better to destroy the weeds at their root, than to cut them down and allow them the chance to regrow.
To the best of my abilities, I claim the contents to be truthful and accurate.
By my hand and eye,
[color=#33FF33]Margrave Blaise Mersenne
Maybe some day, they'll see a hero is just a man who knowshe's free.
ID: Knight Gabriel Beauvoir Origin: Avallon Station Target: Royal Navy Command
Hell of a first day.
Was doing my routine patrol when the Grand Marshall herself requested my aide with trouble in Burgundy. The traitors had come to desecrate the crown, we proceeded to track a scout, so we could enact punisment on them.
The scout lead us into a trap!
It was no problem as our forces cut them down, we must have killed at least ten of them! Here are the kills I managed to record in the fray.
The only one of their forces to escape was the Maquis leader herself. I am not aware of a single casualty on our side, although a Union Course by the name of Armin Van.Buuren did great service to the crown, arriving to assist our Royal Forces, then disappearing afterwards, not wanting any credit or thanks.
After debriefing myself and Athenais did a patrol, after a recruit by the name of White.Whale refused orders from Athenais and we took to work on destroying his ship, as he refused to surrender quietly.
ID: Knight Gabriel Beauvoir Origin: Avallon Station Target: Royal Navy Command
Hell of a second day.
I was working on re-fitting a Torpedo to my Bomber when I got the call to arms, the Grand Marshall needed me.
That's what I found when I arrived, our forces were winning though.
At first we lost the Grand Marshall, to a Supernove Antimatter shot, then our Gunboat. On top of that, the Council and Maquis forces kept appearing out of nowhere.
I avenged the Grand Marshall by executing the bomber, and then two of his friends. We cut them down until only the Maquis was left. We hit the Agama hard until eventually it fell.
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[color=#33FF33]Seraphin LeBeau
To Le Grand Marshall et le Gallic Royal Navy Officials,
My first day of service began today, I took my vessel up tovards Battleship Epinal, I felt excitement and anxious to get out in the space and begin service, but first I had to head tovards the bar to do some missions for Royal Navy Operatives to help my relations with them, so I may become affiliated and gain an official Identity Card.
After numerous vezy hard missions against Le Council et le Marquis, I had ran out of ammunition and killed many of zhe rebel scum, when I achieved the affiliation et le ID, I felt the need to do my duty. Minutes after, I went to the Champagne system on a small patrol, I headed out with deux chiens on my tail... They followed me back to the Epinal where I awaited mon commrade and General Bruce Montague. With the orders from Le Chant du Cygne we engaged zhem, and vithin moments of combat, I experienced systematic errors and targetting errors in my vessel making the fight vezy difficult.
I was soon after, shot down by the foul wretches and made my way to Burgundy under orders from the Grand Marshall et Higher command. I am currently in Battleship Rocroi stationed for a rest until I am called for service. I have failed my duty today.
I greatly apologise.
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ID: Bruce Montague, General d'Armee Navalle, Margrave of Burgundy ENREGISTREMENT: GRN-1231-48-B ORIGINE: Battleship Temeraire DESTINATION: Sieges Sociaux, Royaux de Marine CHIFFRAGE: Securite-S
[COMMENCEZ LE PLAYBACK] This is Bruce Montague, General d'Armee Navalle, Margrave of Burgundy, submitting an action report for the 4th of February, 734 A.G.S.
Today I received word that one of our recruits, Seraphin LeBeau, required assistance, and I decided to see for myself his worthiness in combat. When I arrived at Battleship Epinal, there were two Council agents- Xavier Dupont and Boris Weber. They made clear their intentions, and we engaged. Aspirant LeBeau needs some experience beyond basic flight simulators with his vessel, and was destroyed before he was able to return to the Epinal. By that point, however, a Maquis bomber had arrived, and I found myself outnumbered three to one... and due to previous engagements, the separatists took no chances and turned down my offers of a duel. At least until the Chant du Cygne arrived, anyway- at that point they were more than willing to accept our terms, rather than face a foe they could not hope to defeat. The Maquis accepted, oddly enough, and took him apart with no great strain- though I did take significant damage from my own mines as I pressed the assault rather than whittling him down under constant threat of Council reinforcements.
Reinforcements did arrive, but it was after I had dealt with the Maquis. Soldiers of Council arrived, but we had reinforcements of our own. After brief discussion, we sallied forth to meet them in glorious battle. Across the course of the battle, no casualties were inflicted or taken- partly due to ion interference, but also in no small part to command disputes. As the ranking officer in the engagement (Grand Marshall LaCroix was aboard the Chant du Cygne at the time, but too far away to effectively call targets), I would assume command- however, a DOS agent codenamed Athenais insisted on trying to help out until she was given stern warning by the Grand Marshall. Early in the fight, several others suggested targets too, resulting in mass confusion... though as the fight progressed, things got mostly worked out. It still took far too long to do, and in the future the chain of command must be strictly upheld. We are a military, and the best of them at that- not a bunch of ragtag rebels.
Remember that as you continue to serve the Crown, you must obey it as well- for it provides the structure and organization that protects you and your peers.
Bruce Montague, General d'Armee Navalle, Margrave of Burgundy
ID: Capitaine Gabriel Beauvoir Origin: Avallon Station Target: Royal Navy Command
Awoke to a call from the Grand Marshall herself, something picked up in Dauphine.
Grabbed my bomber and took her out for her first real action. I must say that the crown has the best ship builders in Gallia. The Cougar is a beauty.
So I arrived in Dauphine, immediately found LeBeau scouting out a Council Battleship by the name of Ace.Of.Blades. He soon became hostile, opening fire.
We pulled up at Gap Station to find Athenais had missed the fun. We moved back to Burgundy.
We resumed usual patrols, killing a group of hostile Union Course.
As we moved past Dijon station, we encountered a Council Cruiser. Out of nowhere, no word, attacked us. We were more than happy to kill it with fire in the name of the crown!
It was a crafty trap though, the LC forces attacked out of nowhere, though we moved to Dijon and sustained no casualties and minimal damage.
Considering they had lost a Cruiser and a Battleship, we lost nothing. No casualties, no significant damage. We won statistical and moral victory today!
Also, on a side note, there was a Union Corse assisting them. Armin.Van.Buuren. It isn't the first time either.
We must be wary of this one, perhaps a report to Royal Customs in order...
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[color=#3333FF]ID:Aspirant Seraphin LeBeau Target ID:Le Marine Royale Gaulloise High Command
After a rusty first day yesterday not setting the best of impressions, I awoke upon Battleship Beuvray ~ 5th of February. I loaded up my vessel and undocked patrolling Burgundy when I sensed great suspicion from a Pilot by the name of Armin Van Buuren. I was certain the Union Corse had faught with us before only but yesterday, but I was unsure as I went to investigate. I came across the man at Dijon Station where I asked him to remove himself from Burgundy, he did as I said, but fled into Planet Nevers as I escorted him out, I then had to call upon the Gallic Royal Police within Planet Nevers and rat the Corse out as he failed to comply with my orders.
On a warning which I felt too generous in giving, he flew around our Naval station Avalon, in which I told the man, 'You have failed to comply with orders and are going to be dealt with', On this the pilot opened fire on me, missing mainly and we engaged in a rather calm duel in which he was exterminated with minimum effort.
Later that afternoon, Patrolling again, I here words of Blasphemy and of a traiterous nature spreading false propaganda abouts Burgundy. The Ace of Blades Council vessel was headed towards the Dauphine system, where I quickly made my way to before him, I held him for a while and followed him into Dauphine where I chased the battleship towards the sealed jumpgate. Here I taunted and provoked the captain to open fire upon me, they did so, but missed every shot, it was as if a drunkard was the weapons officer. He began moving again onroute to Montelimar Base where for the second time I managed to have him open fire on me, by this time I had alerted Capitane Gabriel Beauvoir and the Grand Marshall, they were on their way and managed to intercept him near the tradelanes to Languedoc. The Chant Du Cygne opened fire upon the vessel in the name of the crown as myself and Le Capitane aided, the traitor was dealt with.
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**New Transmission**
ID: Aspirant Bernard Seymour Origin: Battleship Carcasonne, Languedoc Target: Royal Navy Command
Hell of a first day.
Was doing my routine patrol when I was asked by her highness Aurelia DeFrance to help find some LC| ships in Languedoc.
I obliged to, and me, Aurelia DeFrance and Mathieu Archambault set off along parts of the lanes in the system - avoiding the termination points, so that we didn't get into Council-populated areas.
Somewhere near Planet Quillan, we enountered several ships:
Jules.Bonnot and Aquitaine were Brigands and Unione Corse, flying Gunboats, and hence the biggest threat, so we decided to deal with them first.
After that, all the Gallic ships ran to the planet, and the Sirians managed to get away during the pursuit.
as I started on my patrol with Eugene and Jacques de Molay
not much was going on at the start, but when we where closing the mighty Embrum
we noticed some [UC] tagged ships, one of them had police officers captured in his hold,
I made the decision to open fire and try to safe those officers, we made good progress
but 2 of us had to use their pods, as ofcourse this made the nearby forces alert and came to help me
with the destruction of the remaining crafts, however they managed to escape from our hands,