Now, given all of the recent requests for weapons and ships, I want all groups and individuals who have been granted use of IMG ships and weapons to post here, so that I can confirm my divisions records.
needless to say, If we did have an agreement and it somehow failed to make it to my records, and you do not bring that to my attention here, miss-understandings may crop up. And nether I, nor you, will enjoy any trouble that comes from the confusion.
thank you for your cooperation.
Ron matterson.
[color=#FF0000]IMG Defense Division Directer. ---Transmission ended, Channel open---
' Wrote:<span style="font-family:Century Gothic">Violence is Golden</span>
Incoming transmission...
Sender: Calvin Sorlyn
Subject: Nyx
Hello. Hope this is the right channel.
I'm Calvin Sorlyn, leader of Orion, a small mercenary band working mostly for the Gas Miners Guild. Our primary contract is targeting Outcasts, Corsairs, and slavers in the Sigmas, though as some of your pilots can confirm, we go to the Taus occasionally as well.
I've seen your Nyx in action. It looks like the perfect replacement for my old, unreliable, second-hand Wasupu - and it doesn't have as much exhaust that could set off the Crow Nebula. I've seen a few too many explosions there... saw one just completely consume a Junker's salvaged Enterprise-class liner. Horrible.
My references from both the Gas Miners Guild and some of your own pilots should confirm that all my work is legal. When I'm not working for the GMG, I'm hunting criminals for bounties in Liberty or scouting for traders.
The Hinaichago, second of the Argus class, is a rare class of ship drafted to fulfill the role of a dedicated deep space reconnaissance vessel.
Bought by the Zoners and refitted to survive indefinitely without external support charting systems outside of the mysterious jumphole network.
The Hinaichago carries the armor, armament and fortitude to excel far beyond the redline of the known systems of Sirius.
Class: Argus Prototype
Date of construction: 715 A.S near Freistadt Base in a temporary shipyard facility. as the Second prototype of the Argus Class
Decommissioned : 770 A.S. refit to final Argus model deemed too expensive.
Sold: 778 A.S. to the Zoners
Refitted: 778 A.S. thru 784 A.S. at Livadia Shipyard
Recommissioned: 784 A.S. as a long duration science and exploration vessel. Stowage room for ore samples replaced with living quarters and greenhouses.
Relaunched: 785 A.S. Captain Marcus DeWallace commanding, IMG representatives attended the launch at Freeport Seven.
Exploratory mission #1: 785 A.S. thru 787 A.S. Captain Marcus DeWallace commanding
Exploratory mission #2: Scheduled for 800 A.S. and slated to last between fifteen and twenty five years, circumstances depending.
Missing: 800 A.S. Vessel presumed lost along with Freeport Seven
UPDATE: As of 817 A.S. vesel has been reported to still exist. Vessel departed Freeport Seven early, and was simply out of comms range at the time of destruction. Vessel returned from seventeen year exploration run, Captain Kashiwaba Tomoe commanding.
*using a computerized voice* Greetings IMG forces. My company would like to request the permission to use a IMG gunboat to assist us in our work. A sing ship with 2 IMG turrets will do fine for our operations. Do not worry about our intentions, we have all lawful intentions for this ship as well as the other ships requested in a encrypted transmission to Head of IMG. Ship names will be sent over a private encrypted channel
*end transmission*
*still in a computerized voice* Even though we have sent a request to the your leader we would like to change our request from what we sent to them.
In addition to the request above we would like to purchase the following ships from your fine ship yards:
3 Nyx fighters
3 Pytho bombers
Any information you may request can be talked about over private channels.
Bobby, your request for use of the spatial and the needed number of vampire guns has been approved. The only thing i need to know is the exact name of your ship as it appears.
for my files of course.
Ron matterson.
[color=#FF0000]IMG Defense Division Directer. ---Transmission ended, Channel open---
' Wrote:<span style="font-family:Century Gothic">Violence is Golden</span>
Comm ID: Zachary "Zukeenee" Lucas Transmit to: Ron Matterson, IMG Defense Director.
Begin message:
Hello there, Mr. Matterson. Now it's my turn to apologize, as I wasn't notified of your response to my request until just a minute ago. Attached is the communications channel used for the transaction, for your records.