' Wrote:I'd love to see a 5k, 1000m/s gun that does 10,000/5,000 at a refire of maybe .3, that would give a bomber the ability to plink a gunboat or cruiser at range, but it's hardly going to be devastating to a fighter.
EMP SNAC is an awesome idea.
Bomb would be nice too. (60m/s, 200,000/100,000, 0.01 refire, ammo-based)
Already tried it ?
I've done far worst, solaris with 8000m/s, no energy use, 40 refire rate, 4000 range. You would think it can kill a fighter ?
Check this out : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WRGENCR5
I think I've already posted this in another thread, but still:
Faction Bomber Weapons
- Based on same 'logic' as the Faction's Fighter guns. Like a Del Cid type Bomber Shieldbuster for Sairs, and a MagmaHammer type 2.00 refire HullBuster for LN
- With Low hull damage, High Shield Damage, and maybe same energy usage as normal SNAC (?)
Bomber Missiles
- Some kind of Heavy hitting Low Refire Missiles that take some Energy (Easily CDable - Obviously)
Bomber Mines
- A non-tracking Bomb With huge Blast Radius but limited Ammo (And maybe with a 'Drop Delay' like Nova Torp)
Faction line SNACs were proposed a while ago (can't remember thread, not going to look) but were not included for one reason or another. They varied the SNAC damage, energy usage, refire to varying degrees for different factions. The argument against it was that everyone would just go for the one that did 10k damage more per shot, but took one second more to refire. One-size-fits-all remained.
Faster, less powerful bomber guns? You mean like the fighter guns that were so recently taken off Bombers? They say that if you don't learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it. Hmm...
Bomber EMP. Outcasts would probably be the first to make it really, ramping up their Infernos. Problem then becomes the public outcry for fairness in that all factions should have that opportunity. It would also make bombers like the Mjolnir, Barghest, and Challenger uber-powerful, and lighter bombers would be left with a difficult choice to make that will put them at a disadvantage. [insert "fly with wingmen" argument here]
Bomber mines. Sounds like fun, but what would the explosive radius be? Also, even with a slow (40m/s) travel speed and massive damage, they better hit an unshielded ship, or they're a waste of resources.
Quote:Sounds like Mini Razor for me and something you can shoot fighters with...
You can shoot fighters with a snac, hell you can shoot fighters with a nova, just takes some skill.
Nothing would make the weapon I suggested any more accurate against fighters than a snac - it'd still have the same projectile speed, which means the same aiming/accuracy. It just takes sustained fire to do the same amount of damage.
Quote:Faster firing SNAC would lead to killing fighters easily.
Refire rate does not effect accuracy. Projectile speed does. Read the above.
Quote:I'd love to see a 5k, 1000m/s gun that does 10,000/5,000 at a refire of maybe .3, that would give a bomber the ability to plink a gunboat or cruiser at range, but it's hardly going to be devastating to a fighter.
This, on the other hand, is wrong - high projectile speed increases accuracy against small craft. A 1000m/s gun? Srsly? That's 300m/s faster than most fighter guns, and if you can hit with those you're going to hit with this, only instead of doing a few hundred damage, you're doing a few thousand per shot.
' Wrote:You can shoot fighters with a snac, hell you can shoot fighters with a nova, just takes some skill.
Nothing would make the weapon I suggested any more accurate against fighters than a snac - it'd still have the same projectile speed, which means the same aiming/accuracy. It just takes sustained fire to do the same amount of damage.
It may help. Not to deal the same damages but at least to hit partially your target.
' Wrote:This, on the other hand, is wrong - high projectile speed increases accuracy against small craft. A 1000m/s gun? Srsly? That's 300m/s faster than most fighter guns, and if you can hit with those you're going to hit with this, only instead of doing a few hundred damage, you're doing a few thousand per shot.
A gun using the weapon orientation can't be used at all. Check my link once more, you may be surprised.
I could agree to an EMP snac if it used all (or nearly all) the bomber's powerplant, therefore they'd need 1 bomber with a emp snac and one bomber with a regular hullbuster snac to take down something or other.
' Wrote:I could agree to an EMP snac if it used all (or nearly all) the bomber's powerplant, therefore they'd need 1 bomber with a emp snac and one bomber with a regular hullbuster snac to take down something or other.