Hi, I'm new round here (actually been playin FL some time on other server) and have a few noob questions if you don't mind.
First of all I heard there are strict RP consequences for engaging, was wondering as a bounty hunter, who can and can't I attack? Can I hit anyone so long as I'm on a contract? As for escorting traders thats fine right? The escort license pretty much means I can hit anyone is that right?
Money is slow as an escort but at least I can go round exploring in the meantime.
Anyways, how much does one on average make trading? Is that the way to make money around here? Heard some conflicting stuff from trading, mining and missioning, but mining not being as straightforward as mine and sell it at the mining station. I used to do the ol dublin gold and sell on hood thing, guess thats out of the picture now. When I felt up to it I sometimes took it abroad...
when engaging, make sure you only do so against opponents that your Id/Faction allow you to. On a side note, be sure your equipment also agrees with your ID/Faction. As for the BH, I believe they can only attack those that are unlawful. If you want to work for any side you wish, then I recommend a mercenary ID.
From what I know, the average trader (with ~5k cargo) can make about 20mil/hour on discovery. You can make more if you know how to do it.
Quote:Hi, I'm new round here (actually been playin FL some time on other server) and have a few noob questions if you don't mind.
First of all I heard there are strict RP consequences for engaging, was wondering as a bounty hunter, who can and can't I attack? Can I hit anyone so long as I'm on a contract? As for escorting traders thats fine right? The escort license pretty much means I can hit anyone is that right?
Money is slow as an escort but at least I can go round exploring in the meantime.
Anyways, how much does one on average make trading? Is that the way to make money around here? Heard some conflicting stuff from trading, mining and missioning, but mining not being as straightforward as mine and sell it at the mining station. I used to do the ol dublin gold and sell on hood thing, guess thats out of the picture now. When I felt up to it I sometimes took it abroad...
Anyways any noob startup tips appreciated thanks.
Hey man. Welcome.
Bounty hunter can claim only lawful bounties. So check those lawful bounties on forum and yes, you can hit anyone from those lawful bounties as long as you apply for them first. (Like in liberty and Kusari, you just gotta apply first then you can get cash)
Mercenaries and Freelancers and unlawfuls can claim unlawful bounties as well. Bounties placed on good guys, or shady bounties placed on traders, like DHC has placed on all miners that are mining in DHC fields for example.
While deciding what's better, keep in mind what can a BH fly and what can mercs and freelancers fly.
While escorting, you can hit anyone that stops your trader. What again usually means pirates and bad guys. You don't have to have a license for that but someone has to hire you to escort their trader.
As for trading / mining / missioning:
Trading: Best bet is to join a trading corporation and be able to use big trains. In the same time meet awesome people and help your faction like they are helping you (by allowing you to trade in big trading ships). You can make about 15mil a run, or even 30mil a run by doing some longer runs. What runs? Find out!
Mining: Mining involves shooting rocks that give new type of commodity. So when you shoot rocks in dublin now they give gold ORE not regular gold. Gold ORE is sold at two places for alot of cash. 16k for 1 piece.
or 14k for 1 piece. Depends where you sell it. But there are alot of people interested in purchasing your ore right on the spot. Meaning you can mine and they'll transport it. Again, best if done in groups or in faction.
For missioning, you need to grind for a big ship first and then do missions in Gamma / Alpha / god knows where that bring around 1mil reward + whatever loot you collect + credit cards. It probably gets up to 5mil per mission or something.
To summarize, the advantage of mercenaries is being able to work for both sides, while Bounty Hunters are lawfuls. Thing is, Bounty Hunters have better equipment than regular civi equipment that mercs use, so that's one plus for the BH.
Do note, however, that mercs can mostly fly tech that they get permission from official factions, for example, as payment for a job or jobs.
Quote: While escorting, you can hit anyone that stops your trader. What again usually means pirates and bad guys. You don't have to have a license for that but someone has to hire you to escort their trader.
Thanks, I always wondered whats the diff between merc and BH. I'll be a merc then.