A possible alternative would be to have a message shown just after character creation, saying something like "use the /restart command to move and factionalise your character. Type /showrestarts to view possible areas"
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' Wrote:Yeah but if Igiss likes this idea, other servers using this mod will be forced to do it too... if they still want to play this mod, ofc.
And how would you force it?
Anyone with access to the server can easily remove the restart plugin files, or FLHook itself.
You obviously have no idea about how it works.
You are not paying attention. I said that if this idea with the different start location gets implemented in the Discovery Mod, other servers that use Discovery will have the same start mode. Besides, why do you care about other servers, we are talking about our server. Stop thinking in such a negative way and stop attacking other members when they have a point.
Alex -> If Discovery community and devs want to implement it, they can. And other servers using Discovery either have to accept it OR remove it at their will, its not the concern of Discovery creators as Discovery creators create Discovery stuff for Discovery community in the first place.
' Wrote:For me it's indiferent.I just want to bring the idea to the developers because all new players spawn in Liberty and then they start making OOC in /s chat.This could spread them on all map so Liberty will be no longer lolwutt country.
Great lolwuts everywhere...
Enough Joking...
The idea itself isnt bad one, but why put that much work in it if its already there the /restart works fine, sure it could be made a bit more "public" with a shiny add everytime you create a new Character...
If we want people to move away from Liberty...remove the liberty option from /restart. Then the people will go to other places because it's easier to start there. It won't cut down on that much of the silliness. But it will help.
Yea,Bear but the new players who get in Lolberty and stay lol-ing around don't even know about Discovery's factions and server commands.So this way they will find a menu when they create the character, with different houses and a small brief about every house.