Sadly too less people on- may be making organised event fight with organised groups from the factions involved would make it better. I would try the german cruiser for first time anyway- but it is red with the rest of Germans- Police etc.
' Wrote:First Event for me, hopeing odds are even as getting totaly ganked when 6 Turtles uncloak isnt fun
Turtles do not have a cloak on this server. And no, at least some people from 2te (those pesky cloaked ganking turtles) are actually planning to enjoy LNS side, not RNC one. Cause we have enough RNC pewpew on Disco already.
As for me, I already created 7 ships there, 4 Rheinland and 3 Liberty caps. (gonna be more, for different setups). As an example.
But due to the amount of players that are going to fight for LNS.... =\
And I'll be able to join on sunday only, anyway Q_Q
' Wrote:Turtles do not have a cloak on this server. And no, at least some people from 2te (those pesky cloaked ganking turtles) are actually planning to enjoy LNS side, not RNC one. Cause we have enough RNC pewpew on Disco already.
As for me, I already created 7 ships there, 4 Rheinland and 3 Liberty caps. (gonna be more, for different setups). As an example.
But due to the amount of players that are going to fight for LNS.... =\
Yeah i see your point, we will need to balence this, but im one to be with LNS, i hate those turtles
I can't see the server and I did exactly like it's in the manual.
I even tried to run it with admin properties, it though doesn't work. I had no problems with the dash or anything and I entered the numbers and stuff in the "target-field". I launched the game and there was no server calles spazzy's event server.
I have Vista 64bit, are there any solutions?
I am transferring the server from my notebook to the server box. It will be up at 6pm.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: