Gallic Junkers seem like very interesting and diverse species. And Dab's post in that ID thread just reiterated their position in Gallic society - namely the lack of trust in them by every other Gallic faction. At the same time, they seem to run errands for all of them (bar the Maquis), so I think you'd lose something by allying too closely to one or another.
They seem like the 'tragic' actors of Gallic society for similar reasons as well. They have some tricks up their sleeve and they have to be sneaky by nature, but... They're nowhere near any kind of a position of power, currently less than ever, since the Royal Navy doesn't seem to necessarily need them any more. And the Corse and Brigands seem prone to killing them for sport/massacring their entire stations and trading with them when it suits them. Many would probably feel the urge to powerplay through those kind of situations, here's hoping you'll choose not to.
Oh, and You should probably move the Maquis to the 'at war' list as well. They hate anything that might be connected to the Crown with a passion.
One romour that Dab put up shows that the Marqius have a trading relation with Gallic Junkers so I'm not inclined to put them as At War stance.
Gallic Junkers will not be allying with any Gallic Faction. Not now not in the future. They just are nice to Gallic Lawfulls and Corperations(nice to the Loyalist Corperations) but that doesn't mean that Gallic royal Navy has to act nice to them, they can and will hopefully will continue to act indifferently to them. (Nuetral) Thats why all other Gallic Factions will treat Gallic Junkers as a Nuetral party or worse which they all do. That doesn't dictate that I should. But does dictate alliances which Gallic Junkers have no allies, for which I will be planning to roleplay gaining some from a couple Sirian Factions that are likely to be beneficial to them, and not affect there current relations.
And about powergaming I know better. I'm not a fool. But I understan where you come from, but I will say this now when they do shoot us for sport we will shoot/pirate them for sport as is allowed by the ID.
Quote:502352 - (Bourg-en-Bresse Space Port Infocard, Junker) The largest Junker installation in Gallia, Bourg-en-Bresse is often considered the center of their operations in Gallia and even in all known space of Sirius. It's only partially true, since Junker leaders prefer to stay on New Paris in luxury and safety. However, this space port is the largest Junker installation currently in existence, and certainly serves as the headquarters for all their activities in the Gallic Border Worlds. Built in 688-690 A.S,. after their previous base in Burgundy, Bourbon, was overtaken by Unione Corse, Bourg-en-Bresse has tough armor and advanced weapon systems, but enjoy relative safety since all factions in Gallia, lawful and unlawful, prefer to maintain neutral relations with the Junkers. Only exception are the Maquis, who were most probably encouraged to start a war against Junkers by the Council after the High Command became aware of the Junkers' espionage network established in Liberty, Bretonia, and Rheinland.
Quote:504933 - (Junker) We have somewhat complicated relationships with the other criminal groups. The war with the Corse is long over, and we do business in some areas, but we hardly ever operate together. Our relations with the Maquis has helped us to establish a profitable partnership with The Council who have since come to rely on the supplies which we smuggle through the Royal Navy blockades.
Yeah, I don't think some of these infocards were thought out well. But considering "If someone is suspected of actively working for the Crown- even so much as organizing aid packages for soldiers- they could be targeted by the Maquis." - taken from the wiki - and also, unlawful groups being aware of Junkers' spying work, I think it would be fair to say the Maquis don't like Junkers at all.
But yeah, shooting those up sneakily is fair game of course - as long as you keep them guessing (iRP) as to who's done that*, so that you wouldn't face another Bourbon Base scenario.
I wish you much luck with this, the Gallic Junkers might just bring some more life and another dimension to Gallia. And I hope my random thoughts on the matter helped at least a tiny bit.
*like I said, Junkers are a diverse species and Corse/Brigands probably wouldn't retaliate on a bigger scale as long as the incidents aren't too many and too organised. The second you start hunting anyone openly is when the real trouble would start. IMO
I am argueing in my head though in regards to the Marquis, and as well with that all Gallic UNLawfulls know what we are. Kinda decided really to put them as Unfriendly and see how it goes from there. If I see organised attacks by Marquis or when a group is made for them and they would prefer it to be At War I will change the stance accordingly. As really it's only me thats dictating it (being backed up by a group of players). Which if we found a Marquis player who plays them and finds it out I may be finding more problems then that I'd like (flaming) so too have it as unfriendly (i'll move the degree a bit to be more unfriendly) my be unfair to players who play Marquis or starting a Marquis group where they strongly disagree with Gallic Junkers being At War with them.
So for now it will stay as it is for fairness reasons untill a group of marquis players do not mind being at war, or decide to want to do roleplay trading bewteen the two, but on occassion we do shoot each other like Brigands and Union Corse relations are.
If anyone has a couple ideas of rank names for GSC please do let me know your ideas. I know I want them to be in with Gallia, Ie french sounding.