I had my first full-time patrol as an Ensign of the Liberty Navy today. It could be said relatively uneventful, compared to what we usually have to face. Even as that might be so, we did get to deal with several troublesome issues.
As I was en route to [color=#FFCC00][font=Century Gothic]<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]Virginia to get a BDR-804 from the [color=#FFCC00]Petersburg hangars, I encountered a large strike group of secondary fleet capital ships, which seemed to be assembling to strike Rheinland. Their task force was consistant mainly of capital-class vessels with the usual lack of fighter support, so Commodore Robinson brought the operation to a halt before the secondary fleet started, in light of the fact that the lack of fighter support could have meant a huge advantage to the Rheinland Kriegsmarine in the combat that was about to come.
While the Commodore was dealing with the difficult-to-reach reservists, I exchanged my flight keys for a BDR-804 and took it back to the field. As I was going back to Norfolk, I ran accross a Smuggler transport, designated as Jarek.Smuggler. My scans indicated the vessel was housing tons of Cardamine, so I instructed him to cut his engines and prepare to submit his hold for confiscation. Needless to say, he didn't comply. I reported the event to Commodore Robinson who told me to chase the Smuggler down at all costs. So I did.
The vessel fired at me as I disrupted its engines, I immediately retaliated. The smuggler fled torwards a jump hole, where Commodore Robinson was already waiting, in a well-placed ambush. We took the Pirate train out, its cargo hold of poison perished in space and in the explosion.
We returned to Manhattan to do repairs and offload the samples we collected, then we were called to respond to a threat forwarded by the agents of the Hellfire Legion. A patrol consistant of pilots Hood and Reed were already engaged by the threat, being successful at bringing one of the enemy vessels to destruction, a lower ranking one. Reinforcements came from both sides, two other Legionnaires and several other Liberty Navy vessels arrived to contribute to the situation's outcome.
As smoothly as the operation began, as rapidly did it collapse by the interference of a disobedient reserve fleet Battlecruiser, leading our forces to be pulled out to the airspace of Fort Bush.
Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg
Today's report;
It was a busy day today, so I'll make a summary of all the events. I'm in no mood to make the events of today, of which there were many, longer than they need to be.
Pirates within the Manhattan area.
- There were a lot of them. -The majority of them died. -Personally, I scored two kills. -Admiral MacTavish claimed the third, a Bayonet, which was evading my weapons fairly well. -Admiral MacTavish also claimed a few others as kills. -Auxilliary forces helped dispose of the rest.
Pirates around the California Jumpgate in New York.
-The Joker, two thugs and Inferno-Drone. -Totalled two gunboats and two fighters. -Friendly forces initially totalled myself and MacTavish in fighters, with reinforcements coming to our aid after their forces tried to exterminate us. -All targets destroyed. -Outcast Tridente arrived after the battle was concluded. -Target destroyed.
Rheinland Military ships in Texas.
-Four Rheinland Military ships spotted in Texas. -Friendly forces consisted of myself, Samuel Zander and a secondary fleet pilot who fell fairly quickly, but not before we forced one of the Rheinland Military pilots to use their wingmen's nanobot stores.
[color=#FFFFFF]- Opponents were led by a tactically astute pilot, and their forces covered their ailing comrade well. - We were forced on the defensive and lost the initiative. - Commander Casero arrived as our reinforcement. - The Rheinland Military retreated before they took any casualties.
Pirates around Fort Bush.
-Three pirates identified around Fort Bush. - Friendly forces consisited of myself and Tim Raynor. - A fight didn't break out. - Outcast Tridente captain was, however, assassinated by a hooded figure.
Finally, the patrol ended.
Here is the important part, however:
Christopher Dangen, Im sure you've heard of him.
He is no longer a threat to Liberty, having abandonned the Order.
We do not need him as an enemy, therefore he is no longer one. Put simply, if you shoot him, I shoot you.
***Incoming transmission...***
"Subject ID: Sub-Lieutenant Christopher Hood, Primary Liberty Naval fleet division"
"Source: Battleship Mississippi"
Good evening, command.
This day has begun in most common way. Couple of patrols to do, regular assignments and something else.
In the midst of day I received a distress call from tradelane between Colorado gate and Ft. Bush. I quickly grabbed my stuff and proceeded there. Upon my arrival I met other pilots. They gave me a sitrep and I instantly commenced fire upon hostile vessels.
Our force, in consistence of LtCdr. Zander, Admiral Hale, me, recruit Grieves and ensign Calhoun, took out many hostile vessels in this attack.
Pirates have taken serious punch from Naval forces, Liberty is living in peace for now.
Today this Gunboat has refused to comply with orders to turn the ship in. It is under a police IFF with a freelancer ID. It is charged with refusal to comply, treason, and illegal possession of a Liberty Navy vessel. I had tried four times to get the -censored- to turn the ship in, but apparently he thinks himself above the law. As he has destroyed a bomber attempting to bring him in, he is to be considered extremely dangerous. I recommend termination on sight.
Following are comm logs from the fight, which I lost. 1 2 3
And an image of the contents of his equipment: 4
Now for better news, an artifact smuggler was destroyed today. He did drop his cargo, but chose to flee when faced with the fine.
Of late, we have moved outwards in the hope of further educating Vergil about the residents of Sirius. Human and otherwise. In an effort to not decrease the efficiency of the channel, we have left an encoded database entry, available for your download. The database is also able to forward your responses to us (Vergil is quite capable) so you may leave any responses there - although for responses relevant to all lawfuls, the correct channel to use is still this.
We're looking forward to continuing our peaceful exploratory voyage, and I'd like to assure you we do not assert our non-existent power in places it shouldn't be. Any advice or recommendations from pilots experienced in this reigon is very much appreciated, and we are still available for contact when the ship is not either moored or in one of Vergil's "Sleep-States".
The Database may be accessed below, though be aware that we're still fine tuning the connection.
There's something messing around with it...
Cpt. Ian Thorne ::Vergil::
[Screen System Offline]
I began my patrol undocking from the [color=#FFCC00][font=Century Gothic]<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]Missouri, but as soon as that I caught a distress signal coming in from California. A civilian ship claimed to have been under attack by "pirates." I had no choice but to continue my patrol in the named system.
I ran accross the targets ambushing the usual New York-Mojave lane. The opposing force consisted of a Lane Hacker Gunship, designated as [color=#FF6600]Dark.Force and a Freelancer Havok Mk II-class bomber, designated as Wortexbubbleblade. As I got there, I noticed the terrorists fighting a Bretonian gunboat, I have no idea what that meant to represent, but it was taken out quickly. The hostiles announced then that they didn't want to negotiate, and switched to attack me as soon as the Bretonian went down.
Shamefully enough, I was outgunned to handle a gunboat, so I called for backup, which came in a few minutes, Admiral Hale on board the Cape Horn arrived to assist. I took out the Ageira bomber, then the gunboats clashed, obviously with the Dark.Force going down in flames as a mere minute and an attempt to flee passed.
As the area was clear, we received a distress call from Colorado and went to investigate, nothing came out of it. We linked up with Jason Reed and passed along New York, now getting into contact by a bunch of pirates fighing a Bounty Hunter gunship. Admiral Hale told us to help out, so we moved in with guns blazing. We lost the gunship to even more hostile reinforcements pulling in, all but one bombers, so we had an easy go.
The killcount stands at two Barghests, one Roc and a Sabre, whilst suffering not even a hit. The day was saved, we thought at that point, so we pulled back to Manhattan orbit.
It wasn't yet over, though. We were approached by an interestingly eerie piece of design, a flying machine of some sort to which Admiral Hale kept referring as a Harvester.
In light of their recent actions, the Admiral claimed, these sentinent machines were to be terminated from the space of Liberty. I had the honor of doing so, but the unknown class of weaponry and my new loadout gave me some trouble, even though the outcame would have ended in my favour. A secondary fleet Guardian jumped in to assist, forcing the Harvester into disarray.
The situation was again, handled. We all landed on Manhattan and signed off duty.
[color=#66FFFF]Source: San Jantico, Virginia [color=#66FFFF]Sender: Recruit George Robertson, Primary Fleet Subject: Initiation Process Complete
Greetings. As per requested by the standard requirements to achieve to become an ensign, I have finished my initiation period. Files of both the reputation and the number of hours required are ready.
Signing off,
George Robertson
>>> [color=#FF9900]Ending Transmission <<<
JihadJoe Wrote:Xelgion, you have done a marvelous thing. Eppy is begging for mercy, in full caps.