This channel has been provided for ease of communications within the Corporation. Misuse will result in consequences including but not limited to; docking of the offenders pay, immediate sacking, and removal of bodily tissue.
This is my first report of recent happenings during my shift in Transportation Department. Most of the time I delivered Gate / Lane parts to the Tau 31 Gate Construction Site in Tau 23. I don?t know what they?re doing there but it seems they don?t really make progress in completing the construction of the gate concerning how much material they get delivered from Ageira. Good for us on the other hand. Keeps the profit stable.
During my journeys I didn?t face any kind of trouble. It?s suspiciously quiet in the outter systems at the moment. Well who knows how long that lasts...
Greetings again. Seems that I am the only one yet who is writing these reports. Oh well, who likes paperwork anyway.
I met Ageira|Alhambra this week. A very kind and capable Colleague. We made some very profitable trade runs. Unfortunatly we were ambushed from time to time. In some of these situation we were able to defend ourselves in others we payed or simply tried to avoid them at all. Most important is that we are still alive out there.
Besides from this nothing interesting happened during my shift. I will report in as soon as this changes.
--Opening Data Connection--
--Transmitting Message--
Sender: Dahugan Iowahc
Subject: Report #0001
Report [color=#999999]#0001
Greetings Office!
Today i made some trade run with the captain of the Tyreen. No incidents to report.
We transported lane parts and scientists. The ship is now docked for maintenance and inspection.
As soon as the maintenance finished the Similaun will undock and start trading again.
Dahugan Iowahc
(Captain of the Similaun)
This is a priority report for Administration. Today we have encountered a large number of pirates in Colorado. There were several Rogues, Outcasts and other pirates in the area near the Jumpgate to New York System. ASF forces were completly outnumbered. No other lawful forces were present. Unable to counter this thread all we could do was to broadcast as many warnings into the Neural Net as possible. A lot more ASF forces are needed in the area of Pueblo station to counter the presence of unlawful forces in Colorado. In the current situation the safty of Ageira or other cooperate vessels can not be guaranteed. I hope something can be done in this matter.
And by the way: There're also quite a large number of vessels which illegaly trade Gate/Lane parts at Pueblo. I was able to intercept some ships but this situation could become a serious thread to Ageira's profit if this will not be stopped.
I think it's better to report this. Today I accidently violated the Ellesmere System an LSF controlled sector. I went there on my own and with no expicit order from any other Ageira Employee. I was not aware of the consequences that happened. I was caught by an LSF Officer. Fortunatly I was not getting arrested but I think they will report me to you. So I think it's better you here it from me personally. I don't want to excuse any action I did which lead to this incident. I take the full responsibility and await any sanctions which might come.
Mr. Caine, we were informed by the LSF Agent that spotted you of this matter. This is quite a grave offense.
In response to your actions your ship will been grounded, it's computers scanned and then wiped. You will be confined to Pueblo until this matter is resolved.
In regards to your earlier report, we have begun hiring of more security personnel. Expect to see an increase in ASF activity.
Identification: ChampIndustries Comms System
Subject: Working Conditions
~ Opening Message ~
Greetings Co-workers.
I have been recruited into Ageira|, if you are wondering.
However: Our deployment schedule is not aligned with that of other Ageira employees, and as such our dedication to the company is dangerous for any travel risking interactions with Hackers.
We would like to propose that we are permitted to maintain our employment with Ageira|, but are also to keep our current ship's name (ChampFreight) while still ensuring the progression of Ageira| when we are able.
Do let us know of your descisions or counter-offers, if not solutions to this issue.
Sender: Stephan Drake Subject: Lucas Caine: Punishment
~Message Begins~
Mr. Caine.
Your punishment has been decided. You pay has been docked to half you were paid previously, for a period of one month. If you have not shown exemplary conduct in that time, you will be ejected from the corporation.
In short; Pull your act together, or you will get the boot.
This is the captain of the Turquino signing in to submit the vessels first trade report.
Commodities Transported:
Gate/Lane Parts And Niobium
Route Taken:
Today, I was tasked with transporting Gate/Lane Parts to the Tau-31 Gate Construction Site. This was by far my biggest assignment so far. The Turquino, being newly commissioned performed outstandingly althought i was weary as this was her first good run out, but all engines and systems performed excellent, although I will have to get the captains chair looked at, the squeaking was driving me mad. I left Pueblo Station at around 09:23 hours as apposed to 09:00 hours as we was told that their were pirate ships in the area, so we waited it out.
After we finnally left the station we flew through Colorado and Kepler with no problems at all, it was only when we arrived in the Kusari systems that we started to encounter and other other vessels. It seemed that every Jump lane we used had a blood dragon squadron waiting around, all of which the newly commisioned engines cruised passed with ease leaving them in our wake. Upon arriving at the Tau-23 system we was met by an Outcast vessel, which upon scanning was a Falcata, some kind of bomber vessel, heavily equipped, the captain demanded a 'donation' which turned out to be more of a tax in the end, anyway, over system comms I noticed that Colonial Remnant was in the area so I put out a stress call and ran, credit to the Colonial Remnant pilots for dealing with the Outcast For Me. I safely arrived at the gate construction site, waited for the outcast to leave the area, wether it was in his ship or in his escape pod iam not sure.
My assignment on the way back was that Baltimore Shipyard in the New York system was in need of some Niobium. I was told to head over to Java Station where there would be a shipment waiting for my vessel. After getting the shipment of Niobium loaded I left Java Station at around 15:00 hours, the outcast was long gone, although there was some ship wreckage floating around, guess that was him. On the way back we encountered no pirates at all, and our speed to get to the colorado system was very fast with no delays. Although upon arriving in Colorado I met another Ageira Vessel, Its System Comm I.D. Was: Ageira|Lucas.Caine Credit goes to him as he may have just saved Ageira alot of time and money. He stopped me and informed me that there was a large formation of Pirate Vessels at the Colorado to Newyork Jumpgate I then formed up with him and he escorted me throught the New York Jump hole and to Baltimore Shipyard where I completed my first major assignment for Ageira.