Firewall Status... [color=#33CC00]Online Verify Encryption Keys...Ok Confirm Identity... Julia Wolfe Recognised Initialise Video Uplink...Established
I entered the New York system to find an Outcast Gunship and a Rogue Bomber holding an Ageira pilot hostage 10 clicks from Norfolk Shipyard. After we secured the release of the pilot the two pirates were released on the condition they didn't go near any lanes. Myself, Johny Leroy and John O'Hara started our patrol towards West Point only to see the same pirates actively pirating a trade ship. They murdered him in cold bold, we focused our fire on the gunship, after a lengthy battle it went up in flames. Agent Sam Sheppard intercepted and destroyed the Rogue bomber and a poorly armed gunboat. A successful house cleaning for the Security Force. That is all.
Miss Julia Wolfe
Associate Deputy Director
Liberty Security Force High Command
<<<<Log in:Captain Remus Sius>>>>>>>
<<<<Password: *********>>>>>>>>>
<<<<Password Accepted>>>>>>>
******************Incoming Transmission*************************
Source:West Point Academy
Sender: Captain Remus Sius, Texan Armada
Encryption: Medium
Greetings fellow Navy personnel,
I was patrolling NY when I came across some conversation between 2 pilots. One bearing the name Wolves.Defiance, an Outcast Tridente Gunship. In the com channels a person said he was a pirate so I went to investigate. And then he told me and my companion his location which was WP to Cali JG Trade Lane. I found him holding LN pilots and civilians in his hold but he refused to comply so we battle but I barely survived thanks to a Siege Cruiser patrol and docked with West Point Academy where I now await repairs.
ID Recruit Madison Grieves LocationBattleship Yukon
Today, during a routine patrol I stumbled upon an Outcast Trident class Gunboat, Wolves.Defiance, liotering around Fort bush. Thankfully 2 Liberty Gunboats had already surrounded the ship and I began to question the Captain. During the questioning it became apparent the Captain was an uncooperative pain in the ass, until Jason Reed and a LABC in the area provided enough 'diplomatic pressure' for him to agree to an escort to Freeport 4. However, on the way the Missouri decided the Trident need redecorating and reduced the ship to a smoldering wreck. Fortunately (or unfortunately) the Captain survived, so I ushered them to the Freeport, hog tied and at gunpoint. I did make it clear that next time there would be fireworks.
On the return journey I recieved a piece of information regarding Slavers operating in Cortez.
[color=#FFFFFF]Identification Processing... Lieutenant-Commander Samuel Zander
Salutations Commanders.
A distress call was transmitted from the Liberty Navy Secure Comms regarding The Joker and several other identified hostiles being present in the Texas system. Our response-team consisting of several Liberty Navy Pilots and commander-in-charge Fleet Admiral Hale moved swiftly to Planet Houston. Once assembled we launched our counter-attack to deal with the said threat, however, seconds before unleashing our offensive move a Rheinland Military Cruiser had arrived to the scene. Fleet Admiral Hale saw it fit to dispose the identified Cruiser first.
Once the target was neutralized the Fleet Admiral began issuing the order to initiate an attack upon the Gunboat which was affiliated to The Joker. Target was neutralized in approximately eight minutes.
The battle turned into a contest of dog-fighting skills between the remaining Very Heavy Fighter class vessels. Our issued targets were neutralized one by one. The Primary Navy Fleet did not lose a single one of their pilots, however, several pilots of the Secondary Navy Fleet were shot down. Said pilots' escape pods were secured by our members.
I wish to further expand this action-report with my personal notes. Ensign Jason Reed performed with great excellence during the battle, being responsible for neutralizing two hostiles thanks to the accuracy of the Pilot's Mini-Razor gun. Make no mistake, the rest of the response-team were also co-operating and following orders issued by Fleet Admiral Hale.
--Incoming Transmission--
--Transmission Target: Liberty Navy Headquarters, Office of the Fleet Admiral--
--Message Priority: HIGH-- --Transmission Sender: Rachel Baker, Lieutenant Commander--
--Transmission Origin: Liberty Navy Gunboat, "Lady Liberty", Texas system.--
Rachel appears on the screen, slowing raising her arm in a salute.
"Sirs I..regret to inform you of this but, I have...I have failed in my duties as an Officer and as a Sailor in the Liberty Navy."
Rachel stops to draw in a quick breath.
"Today, not long ago...a Rheinland vessel called "Verfolger" was...encountered in Texas space, we came across it, taking notice that it was...gathering information on, well, it appeared he was scanning the Huntsville prison station, we moved to intercept and then proceeded to give chase..."
Rachel pauses again, looking away from the monitor and slamming her fist against the console nearby, cursing under her breath as she did so.
"As we pursued it...the Rheinland vessel continued to scan Libertonian military facilities...mostly the communications satellites that blanket the Texas system...Sir I failed to stop him, We engaged it several times but couldn't get a bead on that damned guy is cruising back to Rheinland with, God knows what kind of information on our communications networks!...And it's my damn fault Sir...I suggest we change the Security codes and data...contained on every satellite system in Texas, I can't forgive myself for this sir but..."
Rachel pauses yet again and takes a look around the bridge of her gunboat.
"...I'll do my damnedest to make, I -will- kill every gorramned Rheinlander that gets in my way from this point on, no mercy, no prisoners, I'll kill them all damnit!"
Rachel pounds her fist on the table nearby and then swings at the communications monitor, causing the screen to go black.
>>>Application for Reinstatement to Active Duty<<< Commander Zachary Ryans
This is Liberty Navy enlisted officer Zachary Ryans reporting again for duty after my six month leave. Command should be pleased to know my voluntary training work at West Point has gone well and the next group of officers enlisting into our bomber squadrons should be quite apt in both combat tactics and leadership abilities.
Due to my extended leave, I have yet to fully acquaint myself with the full combat capabilities of the new Upholder Bombers, and I find myself six months out of the loop of some of the more current events in our military. In light of these facts, I realize the need for some time to re-familiarize myself with modern [LN] protocol and combat techniques. I have accepted the terms of my return to active duty and will serve again as a Lieutenant.
I have put in my request to High Command that I be designated to active duty so that I may have opportunities to expedite my learning process in the new Upholder class bombers. I also have requested that in lieu of my free time I be allowed to be debriefed and updated in the more current events and policies of the Liberty Navy. Until further notice, I will relinquish command of the Cruiser Class vessel LNS-Repentance to my tactical officer, who will monitor its ongoing refit in Virginia.
Word is that an Upholder Bomber with my personal requests and specifications should be fully ready by Monday, at that time I will resume active duty.
Best Regards,
Zachary Ryans
[5:57:11 PM] InfernalTater (Lewis) [Formerly TLI-Inferno]:meanwhile, Aces 'I don't always miss my destinations, but when I do, I'm on the other side of house space.'
You probably don't remember me, but you may well remember my CO - Captain Jack Malrone. Due to classified reasons, the Captain is currently unavailable for contact, however I was there when he got the call you were coming back to active duty. He was definitely pleased to see you return.
Below are links to important Liberty Navy neural-net sites that have been updated since your leave.
Thank you for the warm reception Lt. I know such absences are sometimes frowned upon in times of war, but I felt the instructing of our recruits was a valid cause. Good to hear Captain Malrone is well, hopefully I can have the opportunity to see him on patrol again.
I reviewed the updated information and appreciate the speedy aid. Thankfully I have all the time in the world to pour over such things in this office while I wait to have a ship processed. I hear there are some shortages of available Upholders that are simply waiting for pilots, and I don't want to wait for more to roll off the line. I'm considering returning to patrol on my old horse the Havoc.
Once again, thank you for your assistance ma'am.
Ryans out
[5:57:11 PM] InfernalTater (Lewis) [Formerly TLI-Inferno]:meanwhile, Aces 'I don't always miss my destinations, but when I do, I'm on the other side of house space.'
Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg
Zachary Ryans;
Your return to active duty was discussed by the High Command, and your rank is confirmed as Lieutenant, the same as David Hastings who also returned recently.
I don't remember flying alongside you, but from what I've heard, you're an outstanding example of an officer. I look forward to working with you, Zach.
Lieutenant Jacobson has most of the important documents linked in her entry. She did miss one, in the form of the embargo directive, however, that is already linked in the overall law document. It is in need of a little bit of updating, but that is another matter.
If you've any questions about developments since you're absence, feel free to ask. We need every officer to be familiar with the current rules and regulations in place.