First of all, the launch of my new command, the Nemamiah, was successful. The engines are work at peak efficiency. Communciation systems are in a similar shape. I noticed a slight lag in the power core when it came to firing weapons, we'll have to sort that out before we enter a serious battle.
I assisted Initiate Luara Aniston, with the help of Royce Lambert and an A.I controlled ship. Just signed the release papers for her equipment. I order the A.I to get her to the right place. Hopefully it won't lead her into the center of New York.
Kraven out.
[font=System]Source:[color=#000099]America Base [font=System]Subject:[color=#000099]Report-04A
After, I've got order to move to the Freeport 4 immediatly, for regroup.
When I came, I found our ships. After that, we moved to the California system where we face few capital ships.
I was quite surprised when I saw Bretonia's battleship coming to assist Navy. Everyone was, actually.
Their numbers increased, after some talks fight started. And we managed to destroy some of them.
What's the best, we managed to capture siege cruiser...
We disabled it's weapons' systems and boarded it ASAP, then we toved it to the Barrier
Today, I launched off Ravager and decided to conduct my own operation.
I went to the New York system alone, and faced luxury liner shooting off pirate. Later, Navy backup arrived, which consisted of one primary fleet ensign, secondary fleet gunboat and carrier.
Pirate stopped attack, and started to watch our talks with primary fleet ensign. While I tryed to find out if he likes Navy or not, secondary fleet vessels left.
Well, target said he's quite selfish, he agreed Liberty is corrupted, but... he thinks too much according to media. So, that will change. After, we had short duel. Unfortunately, ions damaged my cruise distruptor, so I couldn't fire it properly. A bit later, ions hitted my ship's navigation systems, so I had to eject. Ship was destroyed after, by mine of ensign.
I suggest we should watch on this ensign in future.
That pirate picked me up, carrying to the Mactan. He appeared to be better then most of pirates.. E-eh.
Well, later I got safely to the Ravager, where I've got another Bayonet ready.
Ladies and gentlemen, yesterday was a glorious day for the Legion...
We assembled a taskforce consisting of initiates Hendrick and Aristan, Lieutenant Markson, The Terkalakhan recon drone, and Fleet Captain McKinsey.
Hoping to intercept a navy convoy or a secondary fleet battlecruiser, we settled in beside the Mojave/New York gate lane. The action was slow, finding nothing but a lone civilian mining vessel which we told to move along, and the usual traffic of freelancers.
After about twenty minutes, we finally got something big on scanners - a Siege Cruiser, even. Going by the name of LNS-Tyrant, the captain seemed to not be afflicted be any sort of horrid diseases or mental disorders. Since it was evident he wouldn't open fire with a blood curdling scream of "ENAGABUNG!" we decided to attempt to capture the vessel.
We ordered the Tyrant to power down its engines and be taken into custody, but it stalled until a Bretonian battleship which repeatedly called us "hackers" of all things decided to waltz in, along with the primary fleet gunboat Indiana under Jack Malrone, and a couple other secondary fleet vessels.
Luckily, Grand Admiral Raisu was on standby with the Ven'Gyr, and proceeded at full burn towards the area.
Captain Malrone was just as clueless about the Bretonian warship as we were, which was about to open fire on the Ven'Gyr before it mysteriously turned tail and ran.
A CSV by the name of "NavyShip" arrived on the scene packing nothing but flashpoints which proceeded to engage the Ven'Gyr, thus sparking the battle.
Ven'Gyr quickly mopped up the secondary fleet vessels, including a battlecruiser, several gunboats, and assorted fighters, the Indiana somehow managing to evade her Firelance cannons. After these were cut through, we switched targets to the Tyrant's engine array.
The Tyrant barely managed to limp to New York, but didn't get much farther as we knocked its engines out with a well placed mortar shot. The Indiana stood down, Malrone being one of the brighter primary fleet members, and let ustow our prize back to Magellan.
Ultimately, while Ven'Gyr took moderate damage, we had no major losses, and captured a mostly intact siege cruiser - a victory the likes of which have not been seen since the days of Aethelu.
The Tyrant is currently undergoing refit and transponder changes outside of Mactan, and her crew is being interrogated onboard the Ven'Gyr as we speak.
In addition, Initiates Sam Fauk, Peter Hendrick, Luara Aristan, and Royce Lambert are all promoted to private first class. Well done, all of you.
[color=#FFFFFF]Priority:High Encryption:Full Destination: <strike>Lieutenant</strike> Star Captain Alan "Taneru" Markson
Source: Unknown
Subject: SAD
Pilot, you have been selected for the S.A.D. - The Special Operations and Armed Reconnaisance Division. If you are receiving this message, it means you are the best and the brightest; one of the finest the Legion has to offer.
Report to Leniex at once, briefing room SO-07 for your new assignment.
Apologies for the late report, I had business to attend to.
First of all, we launched a strike against Liberty yesterday. Admiral Raisu, PFC Daniels, PFC Hendrick, PFC Lambert and myself formed a quick strike group consisting of two Broadswords, one Bayonet and two Sabres.
While searching for targets we received a call for aid from the Raiders, who were engaged by the LNS-| Mania_killers (Note: I suggest we investigate if the majority of these captains are high on cardamine).
After the initial struggle, we quickly pushed the ship away from Fort Bush and began our real attack. The fighters broke off to insure we did not get caught in the crossfire.
Alas, I did not catch the destruction of the vessel, I did catch the moment a torpedo hit it. (See attached image/s)
In other news, a gunboat captain contacted me about defecting, him and his crew. The attached flight log will provide better details as will the image. The ship is currently 10k out from Mactan.
Today, I decided to patrol New York again.
I started of Colorado jumpgate, when I met upholder, most likely, waiting for reinforcements. I tried to ensure him the Liberty Navy is just corrupted and useless nowadays, but he was.. eating doughtnut, seems. He didn't hear me, at least. Then, I decided to destroy his ship, so he'll..remember my words once.
...Strangely, his ship started to burn, nearly at start of fight.. Luckily, he launched escape pod quick enough to survive...
After that, I decided to check my ship's hull, I was afraid my ship could be on fire as well..e-er. I went to the Rochester, where I met doctor Jameson of the Ghosts of Razgriz.
I've talked with him a little, nothing related to the politics or that.
Then I docked at the Rochester, where I was met by 3 Liberty Navy soldiers.. I was quite afraid first, but they proved they're defectors. I've brought them to the Freeport Four later.
Destination: Hellfire Legion Secure Comms
Priority: Medium
Subject: Recon
Headed out to New York try run "Field Tests" on my recently installed my communications array.
After a couple of quick modifications I was able to intercept the comms of our local "Navy"
and well as you will see it seems they had a spot of rogue trouble.
Submitter:Initiate Lee Maas, Hellfire Legion. Recipient:Hellfire Legion Command
Command had orders for us to check around New York today. A massive Navy strike force was assembling around Norfolk, their destination was unknown but early scouts reported that such a buildup hitting one of our installations would have been painful. Thus, a strike force led by Major LeBlanc, consisting of PFCs Hendrick and Daniels and of course myself was deployed from the various "outlaw" hideouts of Liberty.
Our reunion would have been held aboard (or at least near) Buffalo, from where we were to proceed, but PFC Hendrick got compromised in his bomber by a border patrol in California. A Siege cruiser and its sole Guardian-class escort fighter tried to shoot him up as he entered, so we were to scramble and assist.
I arrived at the jump gate with Major LeBlanc on my six. The situation was not as bad as it seemed to be at first, although Henrick was being shot at by the Guardian already. Following a brief chatter, I was to assist, which led the cruiser to engage aswell.
The cruiser was crippled by our pair of bombers, but following the interference of a trigger-happy bounty hunter flying a Mafic-class mining vessel, Daniels got his ship shot from below his rear body part. Since half of our bomber support was gone at that point, we switched to the hunter who got blasted by a nicely-placed SNAC by Hendrick.
We then threw ourselves at the cruiser again, in an attempt to bring the annoying, yet not dangerous beast to its knees. We were successful at our given task, especially as some random thug arrived to lend us a hand equipped with an inferno.
The result was this:
We destroyed the cruiser's escort ship aswell, but allowed an arriving primary fleet Avenger to flee, taking note of our victory over the Navy's useless criminals.
Ended up on the Lord Commanders wing today, An honor always..
A rather large Hellfire Task-force was made, possibly one of the Largest we have made so far,
We we're bound for Liberty, Presuming the natural welcoming and such. However, We we're unaware of
a rather large Joint-Taskforce of numerous Navymen, Bounty Hunters and the odd Security Agent.
Our presence was picked up rather fast, Engaging the task force Joyeuse was currently leading,
Just outside Norfolk Shipyard. As i was not with the Lord Commander at the time, I am unaware of either
sides casualties until i had arrived.
Fighting was fierce between both sides, The hostile taskforce was beginning to Gain the upper hand against
the Lord Commander, And so standby members of the Legion swept to his aid, Balancing the odds.
A good length into the fray, Two capital ships had shown up on radar, with their gun crews ready.
Hails from the Captain asking for Intervention were acknowledged and so the Assault Carrier plunged
into combat, With the Dreadnought firing the odd couple of rounds or two.
Noticing the Superior firepower on the Hostile side, Joyeuse decided to call in some firepower of our own.
Numerous support craft were contacted, Acknowledging the situation they prepped up at once.
Hostile Gunboats also entered the fray, whilst a Legionnaire was downed by the heavy Flak fire from the
Carrier. Myself also, Barely escaping death when my controls malfunctioned for a split second.
Support couldn't arrive at a better time, We were on the verge of being defeated.
Joyeuse gave the command to show no mercy, And mercy they did not receive.
Multiple Fighters, Gunboats, and the Carrier were taken down in quick fashion, Causing the Captain of the
Dreadnought to retreat with a lone fighter by his side.
Unaware of the Incident fully, I am presuming both sides took casualties. But i am quite sure that the Legion
were Victorious.
Fleet Admiral Wainwright scanned the faces of the collected forces of the Hellfire Legion, as they sat in rapt attention. So many new faces, so few old friends. The Legion continued to change before his eyes. Joyeuse was delivering the final words of a rousing speech, and all eyes were in focussed upon him.
and that is why the Legion goes on! We shall never surrender, we shall never fall. We shall return to guide Liberty to a new dawn!!
The cheers shook the hall. Joyeuse raised his arms in acknowledgement, and backed away. With the applause still ringing, Wainwright stepped forward, taking a deep breath. He waited briefly for the noise to begin to subside, before raising his own hands in an attempt to quieten the men. Finally they noticed him, and the volume decreased to a point where he could be heard.
And so it falls to me to call some few of you forward. You men have all shown extraordinary commitment to the Legion in this time of hardship and upheaval. Some few of you have marked yourselves for more. Your leadership has won us many battles, and saved many lives. In light of this, and in recognition of your continued dedication to the cause, I call Sam Fauk and Shia Bennington before you all to be promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain!
The two men stood, and made their way forward. Receiving their new ranks, Wainwright saw a fervour and zeal in their eyes he had not seen in many years. Times had been hard on the Legion recently, but with men like these Wainwright new their future was secure. The heart of the Legion beat more strongly than ever.
Finally, Star Colonel Adrian Morton has decided to step down from the role he so ably filled after the events of 817, and has requested he be reinstated to his former rank of Star Captain. This we gladly do. Former Star Colonel Morton has already decided upon his successor. It is for that reason I call to stand before you all and be promoted to the rank of Star Colonel, Taneru.
Taneru stood, a slightly bemused expression on his face. As he moved slowly forward, Wainwright glanced at former Star Colonel Morton. Amusement sparkled in his eyes, along with a deep pride in the young man now striding purposefully forward. Receiving his new rank, Taneru lined up with Fauk and Bennington.
I call upon you all, bellowed Wainwright, addressing the hall, to congratulate these brave men!
Once again, the cheers rang out. This time, no-one wanted them to end.
All the old knives, that have rusted in my back, I shall drive deep into yours.