Today SFF-Fill was flying to texas when he was a attacked by xenos (~Tex~) me in SFF-Flyby went to help along with SFF-Raven.Corvus SFDS-KENT SFF-Jonny and F.E.A.R-Kirov and F.E.A.R-Sonnel. then another 3 xenos turned up in eagles. We where all fighting for dear life's at this point i am not shaw who is winning as i was knocked out we have taken down 2 of there fighters. and me and jonny have gone.
possible recommendation to add these terrorist's to are long KOS list there names are as followed.
SFBS-Norwich out
i shaw some one else will add who one later.
I have nearly left the sever but any free time ill come back and play. also ill try to post every few days and read the forums.
[SF]-SFBS-Norwich~Britonian Battle ship
[SF]-SFGB-KING'S_LYNN~Liberty Gun Boat }Kiggles is keeping them warm
Billy-the-Kid~Taiian Bomber (don't like it read my bio its got a RP reason)
Black_Beard[TBH]~That would be telling
Red_Beard[TBH]~That would be telling } Under the control of the elders
Blue_Beard[TBH]~That would be telling
[NLH]Green-Grass~find out for your self
PA|-The-Kid }Frozens keeping them warm some how
[HSBC]-ATM joint CEO PM me or X-Lancer for a loan.
=transmission= All SF Personnel
adding to flyby report
pirate skirmish in the California system
a call to aid [SF]-flinn
we had a new pirate join in the above mentioned skirmish
recommend also adding....
spacewolf to the KOS list
i was unable to be as effective as i would like,so i concentrated on a few hits on the pirate ships shields of which i was successful. i also was acting as a supply and repair ship to the SF Fighters also if F.E.A.R needed aid too
the fight went well we had pirates down to Prospector and ~Tex~ and they decided to bug out after a long fight.
all SF personnel then respectively went back to their posts in Bretonia space.
more SF Personnel will add to this report
Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm. ID: Trainee Jonny
To add to SFDS-KENT
I was sent a transition to go to California quickly. When I arrived I asked what was going on, however as soon as I sent the transmission I needed no answer, I immediately ended up in against ~Tex~. I was sadly outclassed and soon put out of action.
I will be taking this as a lesson to practice more, so that next time I can do queen and Bretonia justice in their service.
Sir... this makes me sick. TWO Bloody 'Merc' Battleships were incapable of killing a pair of lousy corsair huntresses. And a Gunboat. Oh, and a cruiser that 'magicked' its way into the theatre, to replace a battleship... Apparently, they have better cloaking than we do.
So, here's what I have. Came out of the gate, and hear a bunch of sissy yelling about " Corsairs" and "Bounty Hunters". Laid into 'em with traditional brutality, and got 'em moving again. Almost caught one corsair, but he dodged the CD's and headed out again. I was content to watch these pukes wander about looking for him.... For an HOUR!
Another Huntress, "McNeo", made a run at the planet, pursued by BlackOne, an Adv. Battlestar. I knocked him out of cruise, shot off his guns, and was denied the kill by BlackOne, who chose just tham moment to open up. Makes me sick.
The "magic" destroyer, who can change into a battleship at whim, finally rammed the other Huntrees into submission, and peace settled on the system.
My throat is raw, my comms officer is bleeding, and I have a strong desire to kill every one of these "Children of Bretonia". PAH! If THESE are the Children of Bretonia, I want a transfer back to the RM, before they contaminate me! It was Disgusting! It was like watching a four-year-old and his siamese twin fight each other! I could have done better with a single fighter! I would seriously reccomend that these "People" be removed from Cambridge IMMEDIATLY, so they don't contaminate the rest of us! If they're not, I'll be asking for a change of station...
Kapitan von-
Oh, and they said something about a 'Goddess' that they fight for! A GODDESS? What is she, the Goddess of USELESSNESS?
Kapitan von Moltke, out.
OOC: Honestly... that was disgusting. Ramming, char switching, ooc over system, one of them didn't even know what the SF was, for gods sake!
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
I am going on holiday for 3 weeks and unable to play, i will be back on when i get back :(
good luck to at SF personal keep are boarders safe.
SFBS-Norwich out
I have nearly left the sever but any free time ill come back and play. also ill try to post every few days and read the forums.
[SF]-SFBS-Norwich~Britonian Battle ship
[SF]-SFGB-KING'S_LYNN~Liberty Gun Boat }Kiggles is keeping them warm
Billy-the-Kid~Taiian Bomber (don't like it read my bio its got a RP reason)
Black_Beard[TBH]~That would be telling
Red_Beard[TBH]~That would be telling } Under the control of the elders
Blue_Beard[TBH]~That would be telling
[NLH]Green-Grass~find out for your self
PA|-The-Kid }Frozens keeping them warm some how
[HSBC]-ATM joint CEO PM me or X-Lancer for a loan.
You sir, only watched from Cam as the corsair cruisers tried to leed us on a long chase for fun.
If I wanted to, I could run my cruiser around the system all day you would never catch me. So that is not the issue.
And the ramming this is not an issue. I accidently hit him twice because we were closely entanlged.I know the ramming rule and might I add he also rammed me a few times and you never herd that because I didn't whine about the ramming like the corsair who made it sound like all I did was ram him. (rammed into submission, HA, we barly ever connected, the whole fight!)
And when they pulled BlackOne out of the trade lane they both rammed him and started attacking him. So I hardly think you can trust the word of those corsairs. Apperently they only metioned the rules we "tripped over" and not theirs! (1) BlackOne shot McNeo a few times after he was out of the battle. I appolagise, we are still a little foggy on this Ghost thing.
He was sitting at the O-5 Hole while the battle still raged (in the theatre)
I think that if you are out of the battle, you shoud leave the system and stay out until the battle is over. How are we all just suposed to remember who the Ghosts are and who is still in.
We will try not to do it again. (2) My changing ships. well I was under the asumption that I could F1 to change chars if not engadged or in range of enemies.
My BS could not go through the rocks and the corsair just wanted it to be a goose chase. So I thought that for the BS to give a mission to the destroyer would be legal RP.
Next time I will be sure to dock the ship before changing. We will be happy to pay any fines if need be. But if we are fined for ramming than I want the corsairs fined as well. It is only fare as an equel amount of ramming happened.
P.S. Our performance is not that bad just because of a runner. We have completed contracts for the [SF] in the past; and including this one (Wich "you" said was a contract) I have done 2 contracts for free, for you. So I hardly see whats to be angry about. Sounds like a deal to me.
Quote:OOC: I must say that it seems like you were a bit angry last night, like you had a fight or some problems at home. Hope you feel better
:ylove:You can hate me but I will still love you:ylove:
To: Admiral Firebird
from: SFF-Xenos
Today in Cambr...
I was receaved a sos from {C}-Gordon! He was under attack by pirat in corsair Huntress! I come and together we successfully destroy him!
Here is a picture of his death
Xenos out.
***This report contains reports on 3 major incidents yesterday***
Morning sir!, sorry I didn't have this on your desk yesterday, but after all the things that happened, the medics wouldn't let me out of the hospital in time. But I am feeling much better now, and here is the report;
The day started off very slowly, Bretonia was pretty much empty, so I took SFF-Flyby as my wing man and plotted a patrol pattern around Bretonia. Not long into our patrol we had other SF members coming onto active duty. Namely; SFF-Flinn, SFF-Jonny and SFDS-Kent, while me and Flyby carried on the our patrol, SFF-Flinn reported that he had finished this testing with the Arrow Vessel. A separate Encoded Report will be made on the uses, weakness and strengths of this vessel. I gave him the clearance to head to liberty to get his normal fighter vessel. SFDS-Kent was then sent along with SFF-Flyby and SFF-Thames (who had just come on to duty) to outfit the destroyer and do some weapons tests. SFF-Thames then needed to go off duty. It was around this time that SFF-Flinn reported trouble in California.
On his way to Texas, he was scanned and engaged by a Xeno Eagle (pilot was named ~TEX~), the pilot must of thought SFF-Flinn would be an easy target being in a arrow, with no armour and class 7 shields. I gave the order for a rescue!
All elements of the SF mobilised at better then expected response times! All SF involved have won my respect. And Flinn did an extreamly good job, it took about 6 to 8 mins for all elements of the SF to show up at the system. Flinn didn't have a scratch on him!, but he could not do much with the low firepower of his vessel. Still the Xeno was too busy trying to kill him for over 10 mins that he did not see the rest of the SF bear in on him. (Please see Encoded report on the Arrow Interceptor)
It wasn't long before the Xeno called in help, again proving my theory that; "Xenos are only brave in numbers", still once Cathartic, Frank.lewis and Prospector joined the fight, we certainly did our very best to fight them off, at this point Flinn was safe and COULD have jumped out at anytime, but he didn't want to leave his SF comrades behind. We also saw that the local FEAR pilots had reacted and came to help the SF in our fight. FEAR made a good showing of it sir, a BS and a fighter were involved; namely, F.E.A.R-Kirov and F.E.A.R-Sonnel.
It wasn't long before we scored the first kill, Frank.Williams died after hitting the FEAR BS, me and Flinn had taken his shields down and hull to about 0.5%, and with one shot to go... the hull plating of the BS done the job instead. Just then our new Trainee Jonny, got into a mess, I saw him eject just in time, his mistake was to fly into a cross fire of 3 Xenos, but it should be noted the Xenos had singled him out (possibly scanning all SF to find the weakest target), there wasn't much he could do, but he represented SF well sir!
Next Cathartic, I believe our friends from FEAR got this kill, I was too busy chasing down TEX. But it wasn't long before we lost Flyby, KENT reported that he did in fact eject and was picked up by Kent moments later, as to how he was engaged? no idea, no one saw what happened, my personal theory is that he was torpedoed sir! At this point a Corsair pilot by the name of Spacewolf joined the fight, not sure why, he kept comms closed at all times, I called in Kent for fire support and me and Flinn hunted him down, I got the last shot off sir, the corsair was heard screaming over comms just after his ship blew up, we think he must of ejected.
At this point, the fight must of been going on close to an hour (from when Flinn was attacked), and Flinn was starting to feel the fatigue of the fight, and a momentary laps of concentration meant he got his ship also destroyed, it should be noted he survived in a interceptor all that time, with only class 7 shields. At the point I think the Xenos had also had enough, none of them could hit me, I had well enough nano bots and shield batteries sir to carry on at least another 2 hours. But we must of warn them down somewhat, as the 2 remaining Xenos quickly made a run for it.
I thanked FEAR for all their help, without whom it would of been a much much harder fight, one we may not have been able to win, they responded in a similar manor to us, even offering me a position within their organisation sir! I turned it down ofcourse, without seeming rude or anything, simply telling them I had committed myself to Queen and Bertonia.
After these hit engagements, Flinn how wasn't hurt when his Arrow blew up, headed back to Texas, to pick up his new ship. An Avenger sir, not a bad ship I think. I decided it was time to go check the unknown systems sir, with the Nomad ban in effect, I believe we should keep up to date with all the latest goings ons in the known systems. To this effect, I took SFF-Flinn and SFF-Eofi to do a recon patrol in the unknown systems (OOC: sorry I hate going OOC, but i just wanted to point out.. we didn't go looking for fight, just to get a couple things for Flinn), as we were trying to pass through Omicron Gamma (as silently as possible) a TBH pilot came on open comms channel and demanded we leave!, trying not to give ourselves away sir, I used some time wasting tactics, trying to reach the unknown systems, I did however inform the pilot our objective was not him, nor any of his clan. Having made it to the unknown systems, we were met by a HF cruiser, who seemed to leave us mostly alone. Again after telling them as much as I could about our missions without compromising our security or intelligence, we carried on with our mission. The TBH pilot was named Elder.Alexander (OOC: sorry if I got your name wrong, I forgot to screen shot) and it seems he followed us to the unknown systems, I didn't think of it much, maybe they were also passing through, anyway, without any warnings this pilot engage flinn (I know what your thinking sir, but I checked, no Flinn does not have a target painted on his ship!) again for some reason he was singled out!
We was also getting attacked by a group of nomads at the time sir, so I gave the TBH pilot to give up on Flinn, he did not, he wanted the kill it seems. So I gave the order to engage, and Flinn got his first confirmed kill in battle. Ofcourse by this time, other TBH had also joined the fight, even the HF cruiser saw us a tasty targets it seems sir!, lucky for us, it seems the solar flares were effecting his target, he didn't do much damage. Now with the aggressive pilot down, and only his back up left in the system, I ordered Eofi and Flinn back to Cambridge. I stayed in unknown space to keep the TBH pilots busy and cover my wingmen's escape. Having jumped more than 2 systems away, they were safe, and so I made my way back. The 3 or 4 TBH pilots were not able to bring down my shields sir! I feel much more confident in my fighter these days.
I saw the operation as a success sir, we got what we came for, engaged and destroyed a hostile target, and all got back to Cambridge in one piece.
I was just getting ready to go off duty in New London (Flinn and Eofi had just gone off duty) when reports told of TBH pilots in Cambridge. I called Flinn and Eofi back onto duty for this final fight. The {C} pilot Blackone was also in the area and offered assistance, I didn't turn him down, with 3 overworked fighter pilots, I wasn't sure we could hold the system alone. Before long 3 TBH pilots had shown up in Cambridge plus a RAHF pilot. Just as our small battle group was getting ready to jump into Cambridge, the hostile group jumped into New London and a fight took place at the New London -> Cambridge gate sir!.
About 4 or 5 mins into the fight, SFF-Eofi's vessel was destroyed, but with "Find & Rescue" crews based close by at Planet New London, he was quickly picked up in his ejection pod. Some time later the RAHF pilot was killed, sensors indicated that he may have given the finial blow to himself, via missile or Torpedo. After a good and long fight, where neither side looked like losing, another {C} pilot showed up in system to help. This forced the TBH pilots to back down, and leave the area.
After the battle was over, I noticed a sharp pain in my leg, it seems I did not notice that one of the hits I took forced part of my inter hull to collapse, and drive a piece of metal into my right leg. I reported to the Military hospital on New London and went off duty sir!.
The TBH pilots involved I believe were Manico and Montoya plus one other I do not remember (OOC: again :/ sorry I forgot to take screen shots, so I may have some names wrong)
Sorry for the long report sir!, and the malfunction of my gun cam and sensor data banks meant I could not provide more proof on this report, I will make sure this doesn't happen again.