Seein how numerous clans have created message dumps for conductin their business, I thought it'd be right to have a place for us - er - less than lawful types to post our business.
For all you pirate types, feel free to post those ripe routes those freighters like to take for quick cash. Tell us of the rumors of those richer types and of the treasures that might be found. Lets hear of your glorious battles with the murderous house militaries, security forces and police.
While we pirates are a fairly loose bunch, no reason we can't work together against the tyrannous house governments. If one of us needs help to combat these miliataries and such, just send out a call to the nearest pirate vessel or come to Pirate's Cove to gather support for a raid.
Those willin to participate, post your signature here. My pirate ships are listed below in my signature block. Feel free to call on any one of them you see. There's loot to be capture and protection fees to be grabbed.
Begin transmission
Sender Comm ID: Deus Encarmine
Reciever ID: Unlawful IFF Sirius wide broadcast
This is Urias Xhaxin of the frigate Deus Encarmine. Generally stationed in the Corfu run, running interdiction for a friend of mine. Will be in contact.
Scrambling transmission
Burst coding
Sending transmission
Deleting records
The NovaPG will always be welcome here at the Cove. Keep in mind - this comm channel is an inter-pirate channel for pirates of various factions/clans to request assistance, offer assistance or just shoot the breeze. This is also a good place to post your most wanted and KoS list for those that cause you troubles.
Whadda we gots our selfs 'ere mates?! It be lookin' like a place ter rest yer auld 'ead and chat wiv some o' yer fellow 'ooldlums (And I'm NOT talking about the guy on the forum). Tis me! Ashenhurst o' thee Liberty Rogues an' ahm 'ere ter lay waste tah thee scurvy traders that' tink they can shi theer goods thru liberty and git away wiv it!
So far, ahm probably git meself around 10 million in cash from thee fool's an' around one million in cargo.
AH'll bne reportin' mah profits ahn this line a bit later on!
Yar HAr mate! Ah'll be takin thee most potent o' all yer drinks! IT be great ter have a metey like yerself ter supply me wit all me strong beverages! Ah'll be repayin' ye matey sometim in thee near future!
Captain Armanda Salinas sat in a corner booth at Pirate's Cove, a secret base where pirates from all walks of life gathered at peace, to get drunk and be merry. All misgivings were forgotten inside Pirate's Cove's docking gates.
A small crowd or Corsairs had gathered around Salinas,
"What the hell happened to your ship?!"
"I had a little run in with the 'law'. Some fool claiming to be a member of some mafioso family, another mercenary hired by a trader I had relieved of some cash earlier."
A large Corsair let out a laugh and smiled,
"Gave you a little trouble did they? Ha! Maybe you're losing your touch, Captian Salinas!"
The Captain looked back at the fellow Corsair and grinned,
"The next time you can dock your ship after a run in with a Liberty Cruiser and an Outcast Destroyer in the same patrol, let alone destroy the both of them, I'll eat my ship's transponder."
The large Corsair became instantly smaller,
"Y.. you took on a cruiser and a destroyer in a damn gunboat??!! And won????!!!! H.. How the HELL are you still alive??!!"
"Well, let's look at it this way, if I was as good at flying as you are, I wouldn't be."
"I don't believe you! You have no proof!"
"I'm afraid I do..."
Salinas pulled out her hand held Nav Computer,
"The Liberty Cruiser blew out of range of the onboard camera, but I think that the black box reading should suffice"
"I did manage to get a good shot of the Destroyer about the go down, though. Take a look for yourself"
"Err, I.. I need another drink. Excuse me, Captain."
The Corsair walked off towards the bar. Salinas sat wondering how far the rumours would spread...