---) Your Name: Karl Raffan ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 24-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Iridium --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: 4085 --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Scarborough Station, Newcastle
-) Name of the Miner: |ZoE|Raffan’s.Hauler -) Name of the Transporter: |ZoE|Raffan’s.Hauler -) Number of Runs Made: Two -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 5500 -) Total Credits Earned: 22.467.500 -) Any Profit cuts: Zero -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: 4.600.675
Until further notice there is no mining operations in Omega-7 with out security personnel present.
There has been a threat to our personnel and we are awaiting further information.
---) Your Name: Fox Lee McCloud ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date: 24-03-818 A.S. -) Any Information you wish us to know: In the Next 48 hours, I will be unable to be at my post for any mining operations for the ZoE. Due to circumstances at home in Newcastle, I will have to take 2 days of absence stating 0n 26-03-818. Situations have arisen with my family in which case, for privacy reasons, I cannot put here. I will hopefully be able to return to operations on 28-03-818. However until that time, I will put in as many hours as possible to make up for the days for work I will be missing. I hope that with this, it will not put any dents in my probation. I hope to have this approved by the dates mentioned so that the company will be better prepared for my absence.
McCloud out.....
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
---) Your Name: Rildan ---) Your Position: Independent Trader, working under contract ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 24-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Iridium --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: $4,085 --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Scarborough Station/Newcastle
-) Name of the Miner: |ZoE|Iowa.Fields -) Name of the Transporter: Zakel -) Number of Runs Made: One -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 3,580 -) Total Credits Earned: $14,624,300 -) Any Profit cuts: $4,000,000 -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: $10,624,300
---) Your Name: Fox Lee McCloud ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 03-25-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Iridium --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: 4.085k per unit --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Scarborough Station/Newcastle
-) Name of the Miner: |ZoE|Iowa.Fields, |ZoE|Drone-z00381,|ZoE|Karl.Raffan -) Name of the Transporter:| ZoE|Iowa.Fields -) Number of Runs Made: 5 runs -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 13,750 units -) Total Credits Earned: $56,168,750 credits -) Any Profit cuts: $2,000,000-Bomberjim-piracy -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: $45,000,000-please send $1,000,000 to |ZoE|Penumbra for escort for 1 run.
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
---) Your Name: Rildan ---) Your Position: Independent Trader, working under contract ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 25-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Iridium --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: $4,085 --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Scarborough Station/Newcastle
-) Name of the Miner: |ZoE|Iowa.Fields, |ZoE|Karl.Raffan -) Name of the Transporter: Zakel -) Number of Runs Made: One -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 3,580 -) Total Credits Earned: $14,624,300 -) Any Profit cuts: $4,000,000 Contract payment -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: $10,624,300 transferred to |ZoE|Iowa.Fields
...Tom works through his paperwork on new recruits and security reports. He sees a new message on his neural net..."Hey Tom, can you work through getting these financial papers organized? Thanks." A small crease appears on Tom's forehead as he ponders the future...Lots of paperwork...
Greetings all,
Stepping in to report our taxes to the NTF. Quite a lot of Iridium has been moved lately with consistent and well presented reports. Good work miners and transporters, keep it up.
***Uploading Image***
Regards, Security Chief,
The Beaconsfield, Omega-7, Elbich Mining Facility
---) Your Name: Miyamoto ---) Your Position: Security Officer ---) Current Date: 26-03-818 A.S.
-) Any Information you wish us to know: This is to inform the home office that as of this date, my mining drone has entered service. Its designation is |ZoE|Drone-z00435. It is available in Kansas most times, should any ZoE member need help mining Iridium ore.
As of right now, it is possessed of a very basic expert system, so don't expect very much conversation from it. It will respond appropriately to any |ZoE| designation vessel, any ]NTF[ designation vessel, and any vessel of a recognized police or military force which happens to be operating in the area. At the moment, the system is too primitive to allow it to respond to any other vessels.
---) Your Name: Fox Lee McCloud ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 26-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Iridium --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: $4,085 per unit --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Scarborough/Newcastle
-) Name of the Miner: |ZoE|Iowa.Fields, |ZoE|Drone-z00435. -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 11,000 units -) Total Credits Earned: $44,935,000 -) Any Profit cuts: $0 -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: $35,000,000
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
---) Your Name: Karl Raffan ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 29-03-818 A.S.
Dilvered Iridium Ore to Doc Holiday as per contract.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Iridium --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: Contracted Price --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Baffin/[TAZ]Doc.Holiday
-) Name of the Miner: |ZoE|Raffens.Hauler -) Name of the Transporter: |ZoE|Raffens.Hauler -) Number of Runs Made: One -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 2750 -) Total Credits Earned: 6.875.000 -) Any Profit cuts: None -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: 4.875.000