Doing ze regular patrol from New Berlin to Border station Konstanz, ich spotted couple Red Hessians. Zoon zit formed a fight between 3 Hessians und 2 Bounty hunters und some Rheinlanders.
Pretty zoon ze fight started, zey recieved some reinforcing. Zoon found out zat ich was only one left und had to fled zo Border station Konstanz
Comm ID: Polizeidirektor, Otto Hildebrandt
Receiver: Database
RE: Muenchen Patrol
Date: 19.06.818:2000 New Berlin Time
Message Reads:
"Guten Tag.
During a logistical Mission in the Muenchen system the Berlin-Tegel under the command of Frau Oberst Falke, got attacked by two dissident heavy crafts.
Shortly after the Berlin-Tegel reported the attack I reached the site of the fight to releave our Gunship. Oberst Regenkurt came to help moments later.
The Red Hessen bomber Erstschlag was neutralised rather quickly but the scra pilot Dan Balah kept attacking, and was then supported by two aditional red Hessen, Benno Fuchs And Petko Dimitrov.
The fight was taking into length and Oberst Regenkurt had to break away to help some ships in distress in the Frankfurt system, but the superiority in numbers of the hostile forces could have been levelled by the appearance of the mercenary Daniel Crow. Still refusing to surrender the criminals Petko Dimitrov and Dan Balah were killed and Benno Fuchs fled into open space.
[font=Palatino Linotype]>> Incoming transmission
>> Origin: Planet Stuttgart
>> Comm ID: Kadett Hans Eberhart
[color=#33FF33]Guten Tag Command, this has been a wierd day.
I was on my patrol in the Frankfurt system, and I receive a report of Red Hessians in Stuttgart. I immediatly respond, and find them at planet Aalen. 4 Red Hessian Army vessels were in a fight with 2 Rheinland Military officers and 2 Rheinland Military officers of the Secondary Fleet. I engaged the Red Hessian, but they were outfited with fighters, so my Mjolnir didn't have a chance. As my nanobts and shield batteries were depleting, a powerful electric surge rendered my ship useless. It was all dark, and I went unconsious. The Officers at Stuttgart told me my ship was destroyed and my escape pod carried me back to Stuttgart.
I was lucky this time...
>> Transmission ended
// someone moved a char from my account so i dced
Awesome sigz by Cabulb
[20:44] Avalanche (Greg/Pharos): Yeah, I ****ing know serbian.
[color=#000000]A little report from patrol in Hamburg. Nothing is happy, since the price reduced from Ore, is the activity from pirats a little big lower. Was a good step from our facility and now is it quiet in Rheinland.
>>Incoming Transmission >>Encryption:: [color=#000000]High
[color=#FF6600]>>Comm ID:[color=#33CC00]Kadett Lisa Hermann
[color=#FF6600]>>Source:[color=#FFFFFF]Vierlande Prison Station >>Subject:[color=#FFFFFF]Escort Report >>Target:[color=#FFFFFF]Rheinland Federal Polizei
Guten Tag, Today I got ein task. Ich needed to escort Saarbrucken RFP Class Prison Liner first to Konstanz Border Station to pick up load of prisoners then to Vierlande Prison Station. Everything was gutt, untill we got disturbed in lane near Dortmund Station. An Unlawful Mercenary distrupted lane, and after some time, decided to attack my vessel. I sustained damage. Shortly after lane was repaired we docked. We didn't want to compromise Prison Liner's safety and possibility to fugitives escape. When we arrived in Hamburg System, Prison Liner Saarbrucken docked at Alster shipyard to resupply. After that we were heading Vierlande Prison Station.
Number Of Prisoners Abroad:
In front of Vierlande Prison Station:
End of Report.
Kadett Lisa Hermann.
>>End Of Transmission
Angelrator @Foochow has been wished with the best by @Dimon and @Cashew (:
-something went wrong and pic got a "bit" oversize
**Incoming signal
**Target: Rheinland Federal Polizie Pilots
**ID: Oberst Hans Regenkurt
**Subject: Armory
Guten Tag Kollegen
I am happy to announce that effective from today, the Rheinland Federal Polizei is handing out special equipment to their pilots. These equipments consist of special weapons, which the Polizei is in possession of.
These equipments are the following:
Heimdall x2
Delusion x1
Cerberus x2
Wild Fire x4
Prometeus x3
Blue Blaze x4
Diamondback x4
Silver Fire x4
Bloodstone x2
Phoenix x2
Solaris x3
Dulzian x3
Hammerfall x2
Lazurite x2
Thor’s Hammer x4
Dark Blossom x1
Jade x1
Onyx x1
Golden Blade x4
Kintano x3
The list of equipment we currently have will be updated in the future, as we upgrade our armory in the future. All equipment may be requested here, and will be decided by the Polizei Direktor and Inspekteur der Polizei.
For the reason of keeping these weapons on a safe place, the RFP|Arsenal was comissioned to service , which is a Rheinland Armored Transport not long built at Oder shipyard.
[color=#000000]I m really confused today. I saw a Mjonirl Fighter in Criminal Hands. Its a shame, one change the side for nothing. Lets begin the report. Its begun with a Emergency call from the Mainz Station in Frankfurt System. "Muliple Contacts, dont know who and what." Came from the Station Officer. I launched my fighter and flew to the Mainz Station and found den Vize Admiral and two Gefreite against a Squardon from the AGS. The Fight was hard and we were always outnumbered. The AGS get two times Reinforcment, one time from a Mercanery. I think the name was rudless or whatever.
We killed a AGS Mjolnirl and another fleed in a asteroid field.
[color=#000000]Herr Gott, that was a day with two thousand bad sign.
Number 1.: I had two bandits by the Westfalen-Planet Hamburg Lane. An Unioner and a Hessian. They were not really talkactive and engage me without big words. I had some help from WRF. Then later I met our old friend Kurt Meyer. During our Conversation, arrived a Military Pilot our place. Meyer told me why is Rheinland and our goverment so bad. I triered to escort him to the Vierlande Station, but he had another plans and engaged my ship. Anyway I will bring him back with thousand deaths or nothing. The fight was short ,but we had only a little break. Then arrived one Hessian our nice spot. The Hessians wanted only our heads and he engaged with his friends. I killed one, the another kill by mines. The another left the combatzone fast after the deaths from his friends.
Today vas rather eventful, I began by patrolling ze Neu Berlin und ze Hamburg systems. Shortly, I came across a group of Phantoms, who fired upon me, and, due to a freak ion storm, disabled mein ship. I vas unable to capture any images of zis incident as mein guncam vas disabled in ze storm.
While having ze Mjolnir repaired on Hamburg, an alert came about a Red Hessian making trouble near ze Westfalen. Halting repairs vere zey ver, meinself and two Military ships intercepted him, und after ze usual propaganda rant, he engaged us. Ze cruiser RNC-Nassau joined ze fight, and supported us viz repairs und shield charges.
Even so, ze Hessian vas a very skilled piloten, und managed to take out one of the military ships, zen myself. He vas disabled ven ze final fighter hit him viz a mine, disabling his own ship in ze process. I must make a note to fit a mine dispenser to ze Mjolnir.
After zat, came ze usual insults about how we could not hope to protect Rheinland viz our skills. He seemed to take no notice of ze fact zat I am only a Kadett, und have not the best piloten skills in Rheinland.
Guncam footage for ze fight, und afterwards, can be located at mein neural-net storage here
Vell, this is mein first report, und first of many I hope.
Auf wiedersehen
Kadett Dobrecht signing out
Fur Rheinland!
If nothing is worth fighting for, then why are you fighting?
Are you brave?
Or do you simply fight because you have nothing better to do?
ID: Polizeidirektor Hans Regenkurt
Location: Planet Hamburg
Subject: Flight report
Attachment: Guncam image set
Todays flight was full of unusual and annoying events. First off, as I just took off from New Berlin, I've been joined by Kadett Hans Dobrecht. We were about to head to Frankfurt, where the Rheinwehr was intercepting a possible pirate group. Even though they reported that they are keeping the situation under control, I felt like we should take a look, just in case. However, on my way there, I found something interesting. A mining ship , fully loaded with Rheinland built military vehicles and equipment. That was something unusual, so I asked the captain to stop his ship for a cargo scan and questioning. Nobody replied and the ship jumped to New Berlin. I followed the vessel and ordered Kadett Dobrecht to intercept the before mentioned ship. I got on to them at New Berlin. The vessel still refused to reply or stop, even after multiple disruptor shots. After I tried to contact the ship's captain again, all of the sudden, the mining ship opened fire on me and the Kadett. At this point I ordered him to return fire, while I did the same.
After the destruction of the vessel, not only we found the full load of vehicles, but a HEIMDALL-class weapon aswell. Since then the before mentioned weapon was placed on board the RFP|Arsenal, while the military hardware was taken back to New Berlin by Daumann transports.
From here on, we've headed to Hamburg , because we got words of Libertonian vessels attacking our space. By the time we got there, multiple Rheinwehr vessels were present and took care of most hostiles. However, we found ourself another trader. Thisone was a freelancing captain aswell, and failed to comply upon my request to stop for a cargo scan. After notifying the captain 3 times, I ordered the Kadett to give him a few warning shots, to make his mind up. It worked and as a penalty of not being able to comply, I asked the captain to return to Liberty, or as a fine, drop his cargo. He chose to return to Liberty via Bering. However, he tried to escape by jumping out of the trade lane half way towards the Bering Jumpgate and passing around Hamburg using cruise engines. The guy was unlucky since I spotted that. From that point, I was a lot less friendly, and ordered the pilot to drop his cargo and leave Rheinland or face something a lot worse. The captain still decided to run, and made it to Planet Hamburg, where even though the Rheinwehr pilots returning from their missions requested the planet to shut docking rings and gates down, he managed to dock. Planetside authorities were waiting for the pilot. From this, we now know the ship was only transporting superconductors, so I don't see the reason of running.