@Mista; Okay, I'll give you that. But it IS there now. Guess how many HF has? None. There own man manufactured BS for the taking, quite powerful too. Right there in the home system. RP cut, grilled, and served right there for you. Not one bought except the late-TankTarget's.
Having an RP for a large amount is one thing, but it CAN go too far. So far only 5 of your members posted their shiplists.
From only 5 we have;
Liberty Cruisers - Renegade, Fafnir, Silverblade, VultureOfDeath
Liberty GBs - Silverfire
Liberty CARRIER - Goldenflame
Liberty Dreadnought - Vircruz
Now first and foremost.. Whatever RP you have. Whatever deal you've set up.. Under no circumstances should an enemy faction of Liberty own a Liberty Carrier. Its huge, its expensive, its kept in tight by the Liberty Navy. It would be destroyed before handed over. They DO have self-destruct devices. And there is no chance Liberty would give one away.
Thats 7 Liberty CAPSHIPS only. 5 people; 7 Liberty Capships. Over 50% in the over-powered Lib Cruiser, 'because its the best cruiser.'
Lets tally home-grown ships. You know. Lane Hacker ones.
Scimitar: 1
Sabres: 1
Spyglasses: 0
Two. JUST 2. One LF and one HF, no capships.
Of the ships constituting LH ratio'ed to Liberty Ships.
You get; 2:7 Thats less than 1/3 of them being your own ships. YOUR OWN FACTION ships.
Don't get me started on all the lawful ones as well.
I'll await the other members with abundos of Lib ships to post now.
(Are you guys starting to see my point? I'm not in this to bash you. If I were, why would I have allied and aided you against the SA? I'm trying to point out a MAJOR flaw in your RP, that really should be corrected. 2:7 ratio between your ships to enemy ships is sickening. Even given your RP. Guys, straighten up the fleet, or 'arsenal' if you want. Either way. Its in serious disarray at the moment. AW has cut almost ALL house ships from our entire list of ships. Not just future. We've forced members to get rid of them and substitute them. We have 5 ships remaining. Of 38 or something. 5 are not Outcast, Outcast ally, Zoner, or Zoner ally ships. Thats my RH Bomber, Korrd's RH Bomber, Gezza's Lib Cruiser (Acropolis {Big, elaborate RP story}), My Lib Cruiser (Sigtryggr {Elaborate RP, and ongoing RP in the GotP series}), and my Kusari Destroyer (Chimaera {Elaborate and old RP, as well as ongoing RP in the GotP series, and others.})
2 Lib ships, 2 Rheinland, and 1 Kusari. Thats out of 35-38. Zoner manufactured/sold ships are around 40%-50%. At least. Outcast are similar in percentage, though a bit fewer. 35-45%. You guys are huge amount Liberty, bare minimum amount of your own. AW has 40-50% Zoner. HF has 4-5% Lane Hacker.
The point is this; Start using ships that are connected to your alignment, ALONG with the Lib Ships for your RP background. Not just Lib ships. This has concerned more than me, and my subordinates, but other factions as well. Your not fitting the RP of an unlawful group at all. Your even starting to seem friendly with the SA by now. Conducting 'negotiations.' You should be on the edge of war with them at all times, if not at war/hostile. This has even had to influence my thoughts about AW's status and relationship with HF. Beginning to get cosy with ex-enemies of us, backstabbers of us, and people who attempted to attack Omicron Theta. Negotiations with SA should be at the point of a gun, or back when the bolt went through them.)
Fine then Damnit, I understand your point. But HF is very similar to and more of an extreme than the AW. We operate out of LH bases but are not Lane Hackers. I personally remember a time where most of our pilots flew either (A: Raven Claw/Talon
(B: Sabre
Now HF is all FORMER LIBERTY they all were LIBERTY PILOTS at one time and have since moved on. And perhaps maybe there are too many Liberty ships but that doesn't matter. HF is waging Drake's personal war on Liberty and is taking EVERYTHING they can from them.
Why use Lane Hacker technology when Liberty tech is up for grabs? Drake knows everything about Liberty he's seen it come into existence for god's sake. So also for the record the majority of HF fighters I flew alongside of were A and B and perhaps a good deal of ships sold on LH bases.
And now that the Spyglass is on Phoenix everyone already has a BS and I personally would not trade for another BS if I already had one. And I was about to finish an RP story when this sort of **** began.
Now I am gonna issue one final DAMNED ORDER to the entire HF. Buy a few Sabres and resume attacks into SA space. We should not have to explain ourselves for following RP but as my last act as Supreme Commander I will see if I can please the server police. Let all hell break loose. Go full HF, Spyglasses and Sabres with a few Scimitars thrown in.
Kick some SA rump. No more friendly with lawfuls, just kick their asses.
He will never be happy, Tank. No matter what explanation we give him, he will always find a flaw. Personally, I'm thinking this alliance was a bad idea in the first place.
Dab, the Liberty Carrier was given to us by a corrupt Liberty Admiral. We had a qualified group of Liberty specialists go over the Carrier, piece by piece. They disabled any self-destruct devices, and all is fine.
Tank, I thought I explained, that only today my trader was fixed (Thank you Korrd...), and I've already managed to earn a lot of funds. The reason I could not buy a Spyglass is because I had of money. But, Dab took no notice of this, as he considers it an excuse.
Dab, you have no right to tell me what I should be doing. That is your opinion, and yours only. Only when an admin, or Tank tells me to, I will listen to your opinion. For your information, I have been planning an attack on the SA for a few weeks now.
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
Actually Flyer, what TT said does 'make me happy.' He just said for HF to get more Sabres and Spyglasses. That was my entire point. I said already, Lib ships are fine. But the fact that you ONLY HAVE those Lib ships is whats concerning me. Lib ships and LH ships = Good. Lib ships with no HF ships = Not good. TT just told you to get some LH ships too.
*Harley Impersonation* "I rest my case."
BTW, after that Spyglass is completed, I expect you to start paying AW off for Vespucci.. We (I) contructed it.
No. I intend to pay off any debts I have to AW, first. I do not like being indebted to someone, especially if they are one such as you.
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
What I hope you guys realise by now is that Tank has LEFT! Everytime he pops his head back here, he is say 'Damn, I really made a mistkae by leaving and stuff is gonna start going haywire if I really do go"
Dab has a right to be questioning your meathods and you have a right to be anrgy. You both have made valid points and I respect both of them. For now, I will leave this to you. I eprsonaly think that the HF and the AW are a pair of the msot seperate factions in the mod, and I really don't see how the alliance is still working.
A mistake by leaving? I think he did too, but he doesn't think so. I'd show you a PM he just sent me, but I think it might offend some people.
Verg, I do think you're right about our alliance. We've always seemed to limp along, no matter what the struggle. That's one thing I admire about Dab, he's a good leader, but a bad negotiatior.
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
Damnit you're making me post again QV... HF and AW work mainly due to divine intervention... well when were aren't bitching about something it's usually great. HF/AW is now one of the most long standing alliances in disco history and we have fought and won a few wars together. And saved some Helghast bacon along the way. You sorta have to get past Dab's know it all side and then you see why and how this alliance works. It works because Dab and I are friends and our factions seem to work well together.
This sort of thing breaks alliances and I am tired of HF getting bullied by other factions over little things it is the reason I left and I will not let my faction be destroyed because everyone thinks it is their business to but in on ours. Now can I finally go in peace? All this debate is doing is proving my damned point.
Discovery will somehow function through its dysfunction as a community.
If you really, really, REALLY, want to quit, the I suggest log of the forums, set it so that you don't get email's if you get PM's and never return from the site, because remember, you arn't the leader of HF anymore, BFH is, and I am sure you got some homesickness their mate. better start up your chars again before its all too late!
Verginix out