The [LMC] - for Liberty Marine Corps, is my attempt to RP as Liberty military on a wider and more independent way. Attached to the Navy, and yet much more versatile, with a certain history and tradition based on the contemporary aura that we have of the USMC. I expect out of it also more forum-based RP, along with good interactions on server.
Being non official faction, I guess you can put on the tag if you feel like it without advising me, or make a tag of your own, but it would be nice if we could organize ourselves together, in order to form a hierarchy to make it easier to RP it out - even though so far, I am the only one using the tag.
Hope you folks like the idea.
The Few, The Proud.
The origins of the LMC goes as far back as the traditions of what was once known as the United States Marine Corps goes; well before the colonization of Sirius. Historically speaking, the modern Liberty Marine Corps however was introduced roughly at the same time the Liberty Navy itself was officially established. It has ever since worked closely with the Navy and participated in every major conflicts involving Liberty so far.
Originally founded to provide infantry support on Navy vessels, the Marine Corps has ever since acquired considerable independence and operates its own flotilla of spacecrafts and armored land crafts, able to fight on planet and in space and its own logistic units. Nowadays, aside from serving as infantry aboard naval vessels, the LMC is described as a "spaceborne" force, acting as a first line to assault enemy positions in order to support Naval operations. However, reality is that the LMC is deployed in any battlefield of expeditionary nature using the mobility of the Navy.
A Stryker starfighter, the standard multirole fighter used by the LMC
"All Marine is a rifleman" remains true even eras after Liberty succeeded to the United States of America; most of the Marines are infantrymen and their standard issued weapon is the Mk-6A2 laser rifle. Officers and NCOs are issued a Mk-9 laser pistol.
Heavier weapons include Mg-10 pulse machine gun and Mg-11 pulse machine gun, G-1 type rocket launcher system, etc.
The LMC also possess land warfare vehicles (Ml-11 Jefferson medium battle tank, Ml-09 Roosevelt troop transport to name a few) divided between tracked or hover armored crafts.
As well, the LMC operates squadrons of starfighters, most notably the "Striker" multirole fighters which are used as close range assault craft. Reconverted Gunships are often used as troop transporters, as well as freighters. Other crafts in LMC arsenal include bombers and a wide variety of utility crafts.
Despite the LMC having naval roots, the hierarchy structure is more similar to that of the Army;
Here's a rough comparison between ranks;
General of the Marine Corps - Admiral of the Liberty Navy
Brigadier General - Vice Admiral
Colonel - Captain
Lt-Colonel - Commander
Major - Lt-Commander
Captain - Lieutenant
First Lieutenant - S-Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant - Ensign
To join, fill out this form
Full name: (Your full name)
Age: (your age in standard Earth years)
Gender: (Male/Female)
Career progression: (Your previous affiliations, where have you graduated, what are your qualifications, your participation in military conflicts and or other operations sanctionned by the Liberty Government, civil or military. These events must have been proven through actual RP in game or on server. This of course only applies to characters that has existed for a while. All your forum RP links may be added to prove your words) Otherwise, you should only have graduation from a Libertonian military academy along with your wings.)
Last held rank: (Must have been the result of career progression, following the above rules. The base rank is Second Lt.)
Decorations: (Decorations shall be awarded over time with your service.)
Other notes: (other notes of interests.)
1) LM and LN are awfully close to one another. Sort of like if I made an Internal Police Incorporated and had IPI versus LPI flying side by side. LMC would ease this issue I suspect.
2) I ran out of things to critique. I presume you're looking to employ the LN ID and such? Color me intrigued. About time we saw the men's department of the navy.
Interesting idea, A couple of questions and comments:
The [LM] tag is very close to the Official faction [LN] tag...perhaps [LMC] might keep people from confusing the 2...
A ship listing would be a good idea.......Seeing as this is the Marine Corp, I would suggest nothing bigger than a gunboat, and only 1 or 2 for top commanders. The Traditional Marine Corps depend on the Navy for the bigger firepower.
I would also suggest some sort of "Gator Freighter" to haul your Marines and their gear around in. Perhaps Something like the prison liner or the CT-53 Civilian train? (You will have to use something under 3800 cargo due to ID restrictions)
Other ships you could use are the Grizzly and armoured transports .
As for Fighters, the Liberty and Civilian lines would work for you.
There is a gent who RP's as a Marine officer, with a large ship, his character's name is Jimmy Patterson, catch up to him, I am sure he would be more than helpful.
Good Luck, and maybe we will see some footage of Troops dropping on New Berlin (Ducks as Strudel gets thrown his way)
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station
' Wrote:As for Fighters, the Liberty and Civilian lines would work for you.
Look around son. You see your momma's sewing circle? You see the doughnut shop? You see Applebees? DO YOU THINK YOU ARE AT THE MALL. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO FELLOW RENT A COPS.
Look around son. You see your momma's sowing circle? You see the doughnut shop? You see Applebees? DO YOU THINK YOU ARE AT THE MALL. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO FELLOW RENT A COPS.
If someone RP's Marine Corp Gunnery Sergeant R. Lee Ermey, this might be realllll interesting.
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station
' Wrote:Ship used is limited to Liberty fighters, freighters and gunship, the later two are used mostly as troop transporter.
bah damn i roleplay the iwo jima as jims battallions base its a battlecruiser,im outta slots and cant afford to sell anything allmost all the ships are roleplayed)
' Wrote:Ship used is limited to Liberty fighters, freighters and gunship, the later two are used mostly as troop transporter.
So I take it you're looking at the LN ID?
' Wrote:bah damn i roleplay the iwo jima as jims battallions base its a battlecruiser,im outta slots and cant afford to sell anything allmost all the ships are roleplayed)