' Wrote:You obviously fail to understand the concept of a joke. However, go ahead and insult, you're quite accustomed to that method of dealing with people.
Good god. If you take this as an insultion then something is wrong. I didn't want to pote a joke or so. It was a try to get back to the topic.:crazy:
Edit: Sorry if you take things like that so serious. I will try to avoid posts like this in future...I don't want to -insult- you again.
' Wrote:Good god. If you take this as an insultion then something is wrong. I didn't want to pote a joke or so. It was a try to get back to the topic.:crazy:
Dude, you just posted a picture of a gorilla pulling a finger. Then you insinuate that I'm a chauvinist pig for thinking there are no girl gamers and then you have the audacity to think I shouldn't be insulted? What planet are you living on?
' Wrote:Dude, you just posted a picture of a gorilla pulling a finger. Then you insinuate that I'm a chauvinist pig for thinking there are no girl gamers and then you have the audacity to think I shouldn't be insulted? What planet are you living on?
It's not my problem if you interpret that much of feelings in single words. Just get the point and get clear I didn't really insulted you. And I also never said you are a chauvinist. Maybe I have thought that but I can't see where I should have called you like this.
But now enough from this stuff. Let's try to get back to the topic.
' Wrote:"Is that a Rheinland Cruiser"?
-Yes that's the Donau and.......:D
But hell...that's no cruiser. Also no battleship...what is it?
Ah, hell no. I'm going to go through your whole post and show you how one determines exactly what you meant. It's really not so hard.
Let's start with the picture, shall we? A gorilla pulling a 'zap' sign, more a point of evolutionary departure in the context of your post, with the added affect of giving the middle finger to people who you feel haven't 'evolved enough'. It's an insult all on its own.
Now let's break your post down, bit by bit. First part. "Someone knows who could that be? Hmm...you Scavenger?"
Once again referring to the gorilla but now trying to appear clever by asking who it is and determining by your use of a rhetorical question, that it's me. Thus bringing me into line with the same evolutionary scale as the gorilla.
Next part. "Seems you are living in the stone age, even there you have made strange 'comments' it seems."
Another method of trying to show someone as a non-evolved member of the Homo Erectus/Neanderthal species by mentioning that they live in the 'stone age'. Commonly known as the time men would club women before engaging in some much maligned rape. So, in essence, you have devolved me from a human to a stone aged gorilla who uses clubs to subdue women and rape them. And the second phrase of your sentence is even better, for 'my comments' are even too devolved for the Stone Age, imagine that? So, I ain't just a person living in the Stone Age but even the Stone Age dwellers, according to you, are more evolved than I.
Now the last part. The part commonly used to 'rectify' the misfit by showing that society is evolving past their point of evolution and is thus 'better' and more 'advanced'.
"There ARE female gamers. I know at least four girls living around my area who are 'gaming'. Get the fact that women are playing on the computer, too in an advancing society with increasing possibilities to get access to computer games and all the other kind of new tech."
Also another common aspect of people with a point to prove is the use of non provable sources, i.e. your 4 girl 'friends'. This is a hot use seller in most online debates, for there is no way on this Green Earth to prove it one way or the other but it sure as day won't stop people from using it. The capitialised use of 'ARE' trying to emphasise that you are right doesn't help much either.
All in all, you didn't have to call me a 'chauvinistic pig', one could determine exactly what you meant just by speaking the English language.
Scavenger, there ARE girls that enjoy PC games, Console games, etc just as much as guys. Granted, probably more than 3/4s the time, it is actually a guy pretending to be a girl who either has no life, is gay, or transgender. BUT! There are some cases where there really is that one girl among 10 fake ones. Now you may not know this because you joined in '10 but Disco actually did have a girl admin at one point. She and other admins posted their picture here, which is in a really old thread deep within the dungeons of disco. Aside from her, i know of 2-5 other disco girls here. No, i have not seen them or spoken with them, and yes, only one of them or none of them are probably girls. Now in Console gaming, i have played and talked with actual girls that play Xbox 360.
Also, why would you defend yourself so heavily only to admit the accuser was right? (you saying you're in the stone age while being offended of being called living in the stone age)
' Wrote:Also, why would you defend yourself so heavily only to admit the accuser was right? (you saying you're in the stone age while being offended of being called living in the stone age)
And Lennox, that was definetly an insult.
Ok, Hawk is going to kill me but I do feel I need to point something out here. I realise there are girl gamers, no really, I do. It was a joke, I felt I made that apparent in a number of other threads, however, I'm sorry if that was misunderstood. Now the reply to both of Rev's latest posts have also been made jokingly to try get the thread back to where it was before, don't take them literally. Please.