Ok my secont diary entry, its very new to me to speak all feelings on that little machine, but i will try to make my best.
Today i had a very hard situation, some funny corsairs thought that they have to disturb my engines, they said that [ErrorConverting] want to have my ship and weapons... they wanted me to jump out of my own ship.
Of course i said no, after a short talk they suddenly opened the fire. They hit my shield very hard, but i made it to recalibrate my engines just in the right moment.
We fighted a long time, maybe over a hour, but suddenly i hit on the them directly with my special torpedo and just saw a big explosions... after this hit the other one ran away into a asteroids field.
I was very lucky about my first victory...
Computer stop
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*Opening Document* James.Lithfield
346th Entry
Record start
It was another hard day, i had my last real conversation on planet New London, this was 2 Weeks ago. Over this time i just docked on Stations to refill my ship. The only words i changed was something like "Could you please refill..." or "I need some of that food rations for fighters".
Just yesterday i took an Orca from the Bounty Hunter Headquarters on New London and hunted down 4 light fighters...
i Think i will end my transmission now and go to bed...
Computer stop
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*Opening Document* James.Lithfield
1254th Entry
Computer start
Yeehaa, this are the best holidays i ever had...
i found a nice lady on Planet California, shes a Member of the Liberty Police Inc.. I think i falled in love with her. Really bad that my holidays will end in a few days and that i will never see her again...
Because then i will have another 2 months without conversations... a sad time... [ErrorConverting] [color=#FFFFFF][[font=Fixedsys]ErrorConverting] [color=#FFFFFF][[font=Fixedsys]ErrorConverting] [color=#FFFFFF][[font=Fixedsys]ErrorConverting] [color=#FFFFFF][[font=Fixedsys]ErrorConverting]
Com...p..ut.. End...
Co [color=#FFFFFF][[font=Fixedsys]ErrorConverting]
*manually shut down*
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*Opening Document* James.Lithfield
Record start...
Well, i think that this will be one of my last diary entrys... ... ... im thinking about switching the job, leaving the Bounty Hunters for a nice job on a larger transporter, a job with other people, a job where i will have to talk with other... ... humans... ...
When there will not happen something significant...