News of my incarceration was a bit premature on the SA's part, hehehe. It is true, I took a nice ride in an armor transport, but it seems the news had not reached the SA that I have a few friends in Huntsville, lol. It was like a revolving door and my lil'bruder, Decimator, was there to greet me. After re-arming my Cathartic we paid a visit to SA-Milrick and SA-Steve Johnson, and they are now floating upon the solar winds at our behest, hehehehe, good times.:)
Very slim pickings this fine morning. I chased a fat pigeon from Texas to Hamburg, but lost him, dang it! However, a little pigeon was nagging for attention and I engaged to his demise, hehehehe. Sadly, his charred remains gave me little satisfaction, frick!
Wooohooo! It is War! Finally they got off their lazy buts! In addition, it shall be in Cali it seems due to martial law, nice. This leaves Texas to my mercy, hehehe. Plus, any wounded ships shall fall easy prey for I am not partial to Bs, SA, nor Helghast. Hmmmm, maybe they taste like chicken, lol:)
I made a sweep through Cali, I know not my usual area, however, I wanted to see if there were any nice morsels left from the HF-SA "pillow-fight." Outside Minor I saw several SA milling about and a Corsair GB running by'em. I scan from a distance, new spyglass scanner is handy, and noticed he is carrying a whole ton of Brit-Commanders and other prisoners. Guess what? The SA did not move, dang! So, I, being a concerned citizen that I am, take the TL out and leave the bugger stalled, but to no avail. The SA don't budge and the critter makes for another TL and I do it once more. Again the SA don't budge, sheesh, talk about discipline. I think they were told to stay and they stayed. Sheesh, it was such a sweet scheme to force SA to do my dirty work so I can come in and sweep the prisoners to safety, lol. Oh well, maybe another time.
Ok, it is time to get serious and stop all this tom-foolery and lolly-gagging around. I need loot so I can indulge my wenching and drinking! Huzzah! I shall no longer allow myself to be distracted by politics. I must live up to my vessel's name:)
So, only when trully in need of entertainment shall I do this: [attachmentid=2781]