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Doctor Holliday returned to his patient. It had been 6 weeks since she arrived and he was impressed with her improvement.
"Good morning, Nina," he said to her as he stood at her left side, "I'm going to remove the brace on your arm. Please, tell me if I hurt you." Very slowly and even more careful with the help of his nurse, he undid the brace to reveal her arm. He then took his portable scanner and did a thorough scan.
"It's still not fully healed but it appears healed enough to where we can do some light therapy on it. He held her wrist with one hand and supported her arm at the elbow with the other and gently moved it. Not much but enough to make 6 weeks of stiff muscles tweak a bit. As he did it over the next several minutes, it got slightly better.
"Good," he said to her, "I'll have a regular therapist come in and start working a bit with you."
He then went to her right shin and with equal care, removed that brace and as before, scanned it. It was healing nicely. He held the leg just behind the heal and under the knee and began to work it. He nodded with approval and got on his com, "This is Doctor Holliday, I need a therapist in the I.C.U." After a few seconds, he called back up, "scratch that, she'll have a regular room shortly."
He then turned to his nurse, "I will need a wheel chair and one of the orderlies. Would you please go get them?"
"Yes, Doctor," she answered and did as instructed.
"Nina, I'm so impressed by your healing that I am transferring you to a better room, one that you will be more comfortable in," he explained, "I am also going to have you brought to your feet a couple of times a day with help until you can put full weight on your leg."
He then sat before her, "I have two things left to work on you. One, the burns and cuts but that will be the last thing I do. When I'm finished, you will never know that they were there. Now, the other. I need to fix your teeth and wanted to know what YOU wanted. I can make it easy and build some partials. They're easy to remove and clean at your leisure but up close are obvious OR I can implant some ceramic teeth. They are more time consuming but won't be noticed. In either case, I need to take a mold of your mouth and I'll admit, the molding compound I use tastes awful. But, the end results are worth it." He then smiled, "I'm sure you would like to eat solid foods again."
While she thought about it, the orderly arrived as did the wheelchair. Nina was uncovered of her blankets. On her right was a young man and John himself took her left side while the nurse carefully guided the I.V. lines still in her upper wrist. When she was ready, they gently lifted her to her feet and held her up. The nurse then tied the gown she wore in the front. John gave her a smile of re-assurance and confidence as they helped her take a few steps.
"Steady, Girl," he said to her, "not too many at once. You're still very weak so don't push yourself." With that, she was set into the wheelchair and brought into her new room. At least now she had her own comm screen for movies and her bed was much larger and more comfortable. She again was helped to her bed.
John Holliday smiled, "Good work. I'll be back in a couple of hours to see if you need anything."
With that, he left the room to make more rounds, making a check on Lydia as well.
*Bret walks aboard the Med.Force.One with Loreley beside him clinging to his arm*
Bret:...It's ohkay Loreley....I'm just here for a checkup on my arm...They wont do anything to hurt you I swear... Loreley:...Ohkay Master...
*As the two of them walk up to the Receptionist's desk...Bret stops and looks around the ship....It was weeks ago that he had been here as a patient under critical condition....after the brief pause, they continue up to the Receptionist*
Receptionist:...Can I help you..Sir?... Bret:...Oh...Um...My name is Bret...I was a patient here a few weeks ago...I'm coming in for a checkup with my arm and the Biotic attachment...I've been getting a sort of rash where it connects at.... *Bret lifts up his arm and pulls his shirt sleeve back...showing a redness at the connection point* Bret:...Is anyone available to take a look at it?.... Receptionist:...Let me see if I can get someone while you take a seat... *As Bret and Loreley find a seat in the lobby.....The receptionist makes a phone call*
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
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Glad to see a patient doing well after his work, Doctor Holliday approached Bret with a smile and a handshake.
"It's good to see you again, Bret. I hear you need some minor attention." He then motioned down a corridor, "Please, follow me."
They made a walk to a robotics lab where Bret was then instructed to release his arm. At this point, the nub of his arm was examined, "No infection of any kind so we're good there." He held the arm up, examining it more closely with one of the robotics techs who commented, "Looks like some chaffing, Sir. We can have that addressed in about an hour or so."
"Make it so," replied Doc to the tech.
The tech then took some measurements of the outer circumference of the nub of his arm and even made sure the sensor implants weren't causing any chaffing or infection, which they weren't. The then took a measurement of the inner circumference of the socket of the robotic. Once done, they took it to an area of the lab where it was milled with a laser.
As the work on the robotic was being done, Doc himself treated the reddened skin of the nub.
"I don't know what your daily routines are but I would advise that until this heals on it's own completely, probably a couple of days, take it off while it's not being used, probably while you sleep I would imagine."
After a good cleaning and treatment, there was still time so Doc decided to treat his patient right.
"While we wait, Bret, shall we do lunch?" he asked. He then looked at his arm, "Don't worry, no one will say anything. They know better than that." He then added, "Of course, your lady is welcome to join us."
*As they walk toward the Mess Hall....Bret stops and turns towards Mr. Holiday* Bret:...There's also another reason in why I came Doc....You see.... *He starts to rub his shoulder...pondering at the right words to choose* Bret:....You see...Two friends of mine need....a little help....It's not a matter of life and death but.....They want to get checked out....This is a sensitive nature and I know your bound by a rule of privacy...But... *Loreley grips his arm and looks at Bret* Loreley:...Master...Just tell him...
*Bret holds Loreley's hand and then takes a deep breath* Bret:....I need to set up an appointment for Miss Catalina Hamilton and Vixen....We...may have a possible problem with them...This is also asked by my friend Rick Van Pelt as well due to the fact that you've helped me so much already....This is something of the sensitive nature so...Could you do this for me?... *Bret tilts his head to the side...waiting for Doc's response to the matter*
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
Inside of Lynn, her evil side is lurking. The Goody-Two-Shoe was outside for so long, robbing her of all the fun. Again, she felt imprisoned, but this time she shared the same link then her Guardian. Weeks...months...years...decades... ran by, filling her mind with dreams of bloodshed. She knew, the first thing she will do when getting the hands on the throne, would be to kill the first person in her vision. It won`t be a pretty death.... she will use her own hands. No weapons... that would fasten it too much.
Outside, Lydia loves the freedom. Already forgotten most of her past, she met a cool woman. She moved to her ward from the emergency thingy. And even though it was quite some distance, she found her way to her. They talked alot, maybe even becoming friends, although her mind drifted off quite some times. But it is better then all those medical exams... she feels so well already... hardly knowing why she is here... well, staying on good terms with this Nina is very important.
"You saw her. She is well. Relatively spoken" Lynn inside mumbles to the Guardian. Of course she weren`t well at all, but they were just some minor scratches for her. Especially since someone else had them. The Guardian slowly shook her head. "You know, that this is not true. We will wait until she feels good enough to leave the station. Then our deal wears off." Lynn snorts, but then concentrated. Are her eyes playing tricks on her? No... it is true. "You have a crack in your mask" she whispers, astonished by herself, Does that mean, that she can see her face... or is it the beginning of the Guardians End?
Nina didn't like the idea of people rummaging around in her mouth but she didn't really have a choice.
She was still struggling with her muscle aches. She knew she would need muscular therapy and well.. that always hurt.
Nina had a new problem.
There was only so many times that she could tour the station with the orderly before she got tired of it. The muscles in her legs always felt like jelly and she was getting frustrated. Not being able to walk around was really taking its toll. She tired fast too.
"Sure doc, I put myself in your hands. I think the ceramics would be better, guess I'm a little vain?" she said with resignation
"Doc.. do you..have a Therapist on board? I.. I think I need to talk to someone" she added sadly.
She peered up at the man who had helped her so much already hopefully.
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Doc made his rounds on this particular morning. He was sort of withdrawn but held his professional composure.
Visiting Nina first, he took the time to chat with her, taking her hand in his in comfort.
"I don't consider the liking of ceramic teeth over partials vain at all," he said with a chuckle, "I think you would be surprised how many people take them over partials. A few days of discomfort is worth it to them."
He then thought for a moment, "Yes, I can give you a therapist if you wish. I was going to anyway once you healed up a bit more but it seems you have your senses. Of course, I'll do my best to help you when I'm here. I do hope the physical therapist is helping you out. If you can get your strength up, I can have you start light physical activities and build up from there. We have a great zero gravity handball court on board but you'll need your legs for that!"
"One last thing to consider, which I can do at anytime," he continued, "I will be removing all scars from injury or burn as soon as your ready. I have a machine that I use especially for it. You will be put to sleep during the procedure and remain so for 24 hours afterward. I will explain why later. I can set it up for later today if you like. Think it over and I'll be back shortly."
With that, he let her hand go and went to Lynn's room.
"Good morning, Miss Lynn," he said, trying to put on his best face. He then took a seat next to her.
"I understand that you wish to have those scars all removed sooner then later." He then nodded, "I'd like to make that happen and can do it."
Having her pull her shirt up enough to examine one, he measured it. Then, he measure the others as she allowed. He took a few notes and pictures with his datapad and scanner. He then sat up and spoke kindly to her, "I can fix those as if they never existed. It will require that I put you under for a 24 hour period as any movement or touch can ruin the process. If you are fine with that, I will arrange it."
He sat long enough for an answer.
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In the hallway, he chatted with Bret about his request.
"Of course I can help Miss Catalina and Miss Vixen," Doc said with a smile, "female issues I'm assuming."
He then called for a couple of female doctors to help out, "I want them to feel comfortable."
He then turned to the two doctors, "Nadia, Stephanie, take good care of these two. I'll check back with you shortly."
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Chief Medical Officer's Log, Dr. Edward Tesh Reporting:
I received a young lady today into our psychological ward. Miss Sarah Baker is with us to get some psych help after she was tortured by the Rheinland military. She has been quartered. I have yet to assign anyone but will do so in the morning.
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Doc was aboard his dream, making rounds but more importantly, informing some staff of an incoming patient.
"You will have a patient coming from Canaria Medical who is in need of an arm," he explained, "he wishes to join TAZ, to change from his evil Xeno ways. After some negotiating with a representative of the Liberty government, I am responsible for him."
Doc handed Dr. Hans Gephardt a file. Hans was head of the bionics and prosthetics lab, "this is the man who will be under your care. He is stable from his injuries but what he needs is your specialty. What he wants will be between you two but he is not to have anything with offensive abilities."
Dr. Gephardt read the file, "Jack White, Liberty born, former Xeno...." As he read, he was reading to himself before nodding. "I take it he will be quartered not far from me?"
"And guarded," Doc replied, "he needs to earn my trust if he truly wants to change."
"Very well," replied Hans, "I have work to do." With that, he rose from the table, shook Doc's hand and left.
Doc returned to making rounds of patients before retiring to his on ship quarters.