~Transmission; Start
Location: New York, West Point
Comm ID: [LN]-Shade.Walker
Tough day today.. as soon as I departed from Manhattan Mercenary stopped me and he handed few VIPs to me.. he said he took them from Hacker. Silver.Stix was his name If I am not wrong.
Not even a minute after I moved to patrol New York and at first lane I bumped into Hacker but he was just flying pass and tried to avoid him.. after quick scan I saw he had nothing in his cargo hold so I never bothered chasing him.
Few minutes passed and he Dante's.Inferno was on other side of system near Badlands.. it seemed he watched lane. I warned him to move away from lane but he refused. I wanted to avoid fight and he seemed normal.. but then Smeagle showed up.. he called him self cannibal. Anyway few Navy, LSF and LPI pilots came.. while we talked and tried to scare them away from lanes deeper in badlands Smeagle engaged one of our rookie pilots.. he gave his escape pod back but again he shot at our patrol passing by and I ordered attack on Smeagle and that scared him off in Badlands. We decided to leave Dante's.Inferno alone there.
I moved again to patrol lanes and after full circle I was there again Dante was on same spot and Smeagle returned but he had reinforcement.. or just criminals gathered around. One Mercenary named Led wanted them to pay him to kill one of us but they refused and he came to us.. I threaten him to make him leave but it failed. Then when I thought better I wanted to hire him to shoot down Smeagle but then he refused and when he started talking with Smeagle about destroying Navy we engaged him at West Point. He exploded pretty fast. Few engaged on their own but it was too late to call them off.
After long talks and fight I lost my nerves. Forces were pretty balanced and we engaged Smeagle was first target, and anyone else who helped them.. of course everyone of those criminals helped him including "innocent" Dante's.Inferno. Few of our ships engaged and few more pirates came.. ships were exploding all over the place
In all that fuzz It was hard to keep who died.. and soon I was there chasing Dante's.Inferno, Simon.Garret and they were chasing our Gunboat.. Dante was almost destroyed but then Sabre Pvt.Ferrier and Hacker Gunboat The.Spirit.Of.Doom decided Dante needs help..
I wanted to avoid fight with them and finish off Dante but it was impossible.. Dante and Simon left area soon after our Gunboat exploded and I was there fighting alone against Gunboat and Sabre.. Sabre was getting damaged faster then me, but still gunboat was doing its job.. I managed to call first LNS I saw but lucky me it was Carrier.. at first he scared them but after they saw he wasn't shooting they came back and used it as shield. Then Vigil came too and in mean time Sabre rammed Carrier and he exploded. I decided we go after gunboat.. but gunboat managed to cruiser away and jump in California..
That was it for me.. fight was long. Too long I couldn't chase anything anymore. I went back to West Point to rest.
During my New York patrol i saw Shade Walker in big fight near West Point, he was alone against lot of enemies. I'm a bomber and i had no chance to survey in the fight but . . . "Semper Fi" i engaged enemies to help Shade, unfortunately a freelancer called Simon.Garret engaged me for some reason unknown to this day, after few minutes, my teammate Lincoln with his gunboat join the fight but enemies focused on him and kill him because i couldn't kill enemies with my clumsily bomber and shade was busy. After this death, it was my time and when i died, I hoped that we had saved time for Shade.
------------Incoming Transmission-----------
----------- Source: Norfolk Shipyard--------------
----------- {ID} Ensign Angelina Dimitrova ------
-----------Location: New York System, Norfolk shipyard --------
I started my patrol from planet Manhattan and i meet up with the LNS-Lady Liberty but it was in the end of its patrol I dockt at the trade line at Manhattan-> Fort Bush line and to what a Cardimine holder yes he had 9 units of cardimine i told him to drop the Contraband and the mister was nice to comply and i let him go with a warning. Here are gun cam shots The Cardimine Smuggler
After that a Outcast Runner came at fort Bush i can swear those Outcasts think that they can outrun every thing in those sabers. It engage in intimidate chaise i managed to cach up to him and he opened fire on my ship. And i defended myself against him the result was very unpleasant for him.
After that we engaged the Joker well it was hard not to say we lost many ships so did they The battle was hard but in the end i had to call the retreat order to Norfolk shipyard I like to commend all the Officer that dint managed to retreat.
Incoming Transmission :Liberty Navy Secondary Fleet
Neural Identification :LNS-Nebuchadnezzar
Ordinary patrol in Texas and pick up something big on scanners.
Not wise to bring battle ship alone when I'm here.
I ask him nicely to leave.
He refuse.
Greetings to my CO's and other command officials. Today I was on a long patrol. I had to escort a BMM trader out of Liberty, I managed to do this task well. After that I picked up 2 HF battleships' signatures on long range sensors and I contacted high command, LPI, LSF and LN officers, many ships came. It was a hard battle but after this Vice Admiral did hard work to put us together. I was quite surprised he pointed at me for commanding fighters, and I took the command on fighters and managed to lead them well against enemy bombers. They were pushed and couldn't even launch their SNACs. After we destroyed the HF battleship. The Vice Admiral gave me moral boost like "Well done, Ensign!". I can swear I will get promoted to Sub-Lieutenant! Then we, Vice Admiral, me and Commodore, engaged an enemy GB. A Zoner bastard gave him resupplies so he could escape, but the Vice Admiral told me that he will handle things with him. After that, in a middle of battle, a Hacker named Jarek came and engaged one of our GBs. I went to neutralize him, and I did so. Here are my gun-cam images on at least ones I managed to take. I also found a new callsign for myself, "Angel". Isn't that nice?
~Transmission; Start
Location: New York, Battleship Missouri
Comm ID: [LN]-Shade.Walker
Few days ago I got call to help at West Point. When I got there I saw Liberty pilot in brawl with Kusari Explorer. I joined in fast to help out that fighter, soon one more fighter joined us.. It took time but two fighters and bomber finally managed to bring pirate down before he jumped to California
Today after the fight against Rheinland Mlitary in New York I bumped right into small Order fleet. I had no cruise disruptors so I chased them around New York until reinforcement near Badlands disrupted them.. they refused to leave Liberty.. telling us there was a threat.. Like we can't solve our own problems. They were almost telling us we are incompetent and we don't know how to do our damn job.. and they just kept repeating there was a threat. Once me managed to slow them down.. nomad showed up too but in all that fuzz Nomads escaped and we were there fighting Order.. soon we shot down those that didn't try to leave Liberty and left to find those nomads. Lucky me got hit by Ion storm.. lost all my scanners but somehow I managed to leave Badlands and dock Missouri later on. Not sure what happened with other Navy pilots.
Rachel appears on the monitor, giving a curt salute and drawing in a short breath before speaking.
"Sirs, today I took the Lady Liberty out on Maneuvers, successfully downing one Independent pirate Gunboat as well as an Outcast Gunship, both in the New York system. The independent pirate vessel was called Sulaco and the Outcast gunship was called Negro Cruz. I was not able to obtain gun-cam footage of the Outcast gunship's destruction, however I did record evidence of the destruction of the vessel Sulaco. I will upload images from my onboard cameras shortly."
"Additionally, I encountered an Order vessel who's pilot was named Myles Ewing in the restricted Zone, New York side who however was not threatening or menacing and eventually left peacefully."
"I may not make many reports through the official channels, but I want you to know that I am not shirking off my duties as an Officer in the Liberty Navy. I frequently run patrols and I'm still well aware of my duties to the people of the Republic. It is also of the utmost importance to me that I personally oversee the well being of Libertonian National Security where I can. Whether this means engaging hostile targets or merely positioning the Lady Liberty in certain areas to provide a Naval presence. I just haven't the time to send in a report detailing every action taken by myself or my crew aboard the Lady Liberty...anyway, I'll be retiring to my quarters now, Lieutenant Commander Baker, Out."
Rachel steps away from the screen, snapping another salute toward the monitor as the screen fades to black.
------------Incoming Transmission-----------
----------- Source: Norfolk Shipyard--------------
----------- {ID} Ensign Angelina Dimitrova ------
-----------Location: New York System, Norfolk shipyard --------
Greetings Officers. Today I was attack by a RepEx Ship. Yes a Rhenland Shipping Company. It was Pirating Traders from California, but it made the mistake. The Transport enterd NY system wile chasing a transport. After a Long chase we managed to reach him, good thing that some of us had some CD. And then me and a Mafic engaged,the ship was Destroyed. After that a Outcast Tridente came along to do trouble,good thing that the LSF came to my aid. Those Gun ships are quite dangerous, but not so dangerous when you have to clean them from the hull of your ship. The Tridente was destroyed. Also a Line hacker having a Nomad remains in his cargo hold. Well that hacker was a very smart one. He stoped and drop the remains were we destroyed them and he run away. Hard to find smart hackers. Here are some gun cam footage from my ship.
***Connecting with Liberty Navy Database***
***Connection aquired***
***Comm ID: Jadin Larsen***
***Begin Message***
Ensign Jadin Larsen
Patrol Report
Began duties with a tour into Texas. Caught wind of a Rheinland cruiser flying in the system from LPI officer Aiden Maggard. Not long after arriving at Planet Houston, the enemy vessel slipped into Bering and then completely left my scanners.
At that time Lt. Kentauras Toliman ordered me to head to Planet Manhattan to check out a complaint from a concerned citizen about a Navy tagged Rheinland vessel. Sure enough, I made contact with Geordi-"Fixer"-Forbes, who reiterated to me his concern about the strange situation with this Rheinland Behemoth transport ship. I made contact with the captain of this transport, a ship named (appropriately enough) Noobie. I commanded him to halt and made him aware of his Navy tag. He was unaware of it and stated that he would fix it at a convenient time. I questioned him about his cargo and his destination seeing that he was flying an enemy vessel. He was hauling 3000 superconductors and I wanted to make dang sure that they wouldn't land in Rheinland military hands. Instead of answering my questions, his partner, a gull transport ship named Manny, answered for him. I immediately became suspicious and called for assistance. Lt. Toliman arrived with a new naval officer Allen Hunter.
Lt. Toliman ordered the Rheinland vessel to drop cargo. After we received compliance, I was ordered to destroy the cargo, which I did in haste. After much whining and arguing, the two cargo ships took off with promises of never flying into Liberty space again. Heh.
-:> Incoming Transmission <:-
Sender: Senior Flight Officer Keith Hirsch, Liberty Civil Space Patrol Blue 1
Location: Battleship Missouri
To: Liberty Navy
SFO Hirsch, reporting in.
After attempting to help Lt. Toliman's flight with a suspicious vessel - they probably reported that to you already - I went on patrol in California.
Most of the trip was uneventful. However, on the lane to Cortez, I encountered a pirate bomber, Slash.-DoC-. He's apparently a cannibal, and very mentally unstable. I attempted to talk him down, since my L-337-K shuttle isn't very well-equipped to fight bombers. However, I was forced to act when he fired on a transport hauling over 300 refugees. I distracted him long enough for the refugees to get away, and then he turned his attention to me.
He seemed unwilling to actually attack me, however, and I couldn't pick up any Navy patrols on comms, so I had to leave and warn the traders in New York.