King's castle. Any problem you encountered? Preserver comm is open to you. To Black Icarus... or you prefer Jeremy Hunter: we lost contact with Answerer, and STOP using names or further sanctions will be placed including closing Preservers chanell to you. Provide me with real proofs of gundam project, that results are insane and Order don't need that firepower, actual technology don't allow creating such deadly machine, with ability to destroy few modern tanks in matter of seconds. I would know where you found that Osiris class battleship, from my information you should be given nothing bigger than bomber. All capital ships have already assigned crew and captains, and been mobilised to front line. Can you enlighten me?
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Per the request of Jeremy Hunter, I deleted 3 of his posts here. I hope, Jeremy, I nailed the right ones. To the rest of you, sorry if this screws up the RP but Jeremy asked me to do it.
From this moment on I want all agents, especially those in Liberty, to keep an eye out for a particular pilot. She is of great importance to a Preserver operation and any sightings should be reported directly to me. If possible, apprehend her. Use non lethal force only. Subject is needed alive for questioning.
Subject Profile Gender: Female Surname: Unknown Forename: Akira Ship: Unknown Identifying features:
Subject has a respiratory disorder that causes coughing and other breathing difficulties. Subject is also a cardamine addict. Subject may also show signs of paranoia after contact with an unidentified Nomad artifact.
Assume target to be armed and dangerous. Approach with caution but not agression. If possible, convince her to turn herself in. Safe asylum in a location of her choosing will likely be the greatest incentive.
White Icarus out.
Quote:Dublin Miner: I am Gallic admiral earning money in Bretonia.
Sender: White Icarus Subject: Shift in area of operations
My cell will be shifting its area of operations to Bretonia and the Tau and Omega systems immediately adjascent.
In accordance with this I have decomissioned and am declassifying the identiy Konrad Zuse. The 90-ARKM-N45 Wraith VHF used for this identity has been destroyed in a staged ambush by the Red Hessains and Rheinland Military Intelligence considers Zuse to be KIA.
On a similar subject, while looking for a suitable base of operations I ran into a potential ally among the Mollys. Although my original goal of gaining permission to use their bases permanently wasn't successful, the Molly I 'negotiated' with over a dozen or so pints of Molly brew was very firm after a few pints that any friend of mine is also a friend of his. Although he does not know or understand our true mission, identity or purpose he will at least render assistance if he can and ensure safe passage in Dublin if he is around. His name is Nick O'Flannigan. To make it clear to him you are a friend of mine, simply call him by the name 'Clover'. He will then most likely invite you to Arrenmore base for drinks. Do not attempt to fly again until the next day if you choose to accept this invitation...
White Icarus out.
Quote:Dublin Miner: I am Gallic admiral earning money in Bretonia.
In time when high number of Navy and LSF fought RM ( Rheinland Military ) in texas ( fight between fighters ),
Many morphs ( 5 of tham ) entered Omicron minor, I do not know what was going on there, but group of morph entered alaska and headed to New York.
I was in alaska and tryed to block Jump Gate ( it would solve problem ), but the procedure failed and morphs entered new york.
I realy need to train blocking jump gate.
After this, Order squad leader asked me for permission to operate in new york, I granted it ( anyway my permission was worthless later what I will tell in raport ).
I was following 5 morphs trying to track tham, I even managed many times to make tham run around me so Order squad could get here, I even send tham coordinates, however once order team was on my scanner, morphs escaped, and it was taking long.
Morphs tryed to put iluzion on me many times, I not even tryed to shot to tham because I could know outcome 5 vs 1.
Later sytuation got worse when Order squad got close, but also many LN and LNS showed up and got close.
I tryed to slow down morphs, but LN gold ordered to shot do everythink, I asked to aim Nomads first, and leave order for later, but Gold keep ordering to attack everyone, it ended that morphs escaped, I followed tham, but order squad were behind fighting LN and LSF.
Man, LN and LSF hate Order alot more than Nomads.
It seems I not can give any protection from LN and LSF.
Here is picture when I tryed to make morphs busy.
In beggining there was other navy gunboat with me, I asked him to track down morphs with me, but he got behind later ( I will put his name in secret ).
Order squad retreated to Omicron, morphs escaped.
The good new is that I and 2 navy fighter pilots were under zone 21 and we managed to find 1 morphs, there was fight 2 navy fighters vs 1 morph, morph escaped to alaska, but 1 navy pilot followed him, later morph was destroyed, sadly I forgot name of navy pilot who shot him down.
Right now we have new possible recruit, Sir, I hope he will gain your trust someday.
Now back to main point of this raport.
I was on my patrol when I saw 2 outcasts in fighters under tradeline, it is tipical situation what happen often in new york, I and 1 LSF pilot decided to arrest tham what ended fight, in the beggining fight was hard, but we have chance to win, however from nowhere showed
Nathaniel.Valentine in Outcast fighter Sabre and joined to fight
Nathaniel Valentine is traitor you warned me about sir long time ago.
Together they started to do huge damage to my gunboat, this battle could be total lose, however before it started I called for reinforcement.
When my gunboat was in realy bad shape, lets say another navy friend, the one possible recruit I introduced to one of your agents today came to help me, he gove me part of his nano bots and we continued to fight.
Even with his help, fight was realy hard, but lucky navy cruizer come and gove me nanobots and shield batterys in time.
2 Outcasts and Nathaniel.Valentine escaped to rochester base and started to fight there, even with rochester base fire support, they were lossing and have no choice but to land.
The bad news is that I not know do Valentine is still on this base, but he is still alive.
Our meeting with possible new agent ended succesfuly, he will support us in fight against alien forces in Liberty. Name will be shared with agents working in Liberty, for security reasons not on network. He will be on observation and if he show his trusthworthy he will become official Preserver operative. Proceed with your normal duties. To Cat on duty: If you decide to hunt Valentine down, talk with White and Black Icarus, they know more about him.
This news about Valentine is worrying to say the least. I will return to Liberty immediately to investigate the matter personally. Please report any further sightings and if possible try to apprehend him.
White Icarus out.
Quote:Dublin Miner: I am Gallic admiral earning money in Bretonia.
Vanguard here, hate to say it but if i see him on the ground the only thing you wil lbe aprehending is a bodybag... or in space for that matter,i know his type he rather die then face capture.
expect various" failsafes" and anti tampers on anything you come across,if its lsf gear i can help you in that area
i mentioned i know his type,because me and him are the same way,given betraying this group or liberty id die first.find pout what hes loyal to if you dont know allready,thats the key