Comm ID: Otis Jethro - Interspace Neural Net Division
Location: Roppongi Station, New Tokyo
As IND's operations in Gallia continue to expand, I felt it was the right time to make a deal with your families. We in the IND specialize in moving luxury cargo to exotic locations. Now you may not consider Gallia exotic, but we in Sirius do. We offer to ship these luxuries to you, as well as a lump sum payment of 150 million Sirius credits, to aid you in whatever conflicts you may have with the Royals or others you may come in conflict with.
One last thing, IND operations and operatives depend on their ability to keep secrets and act with discretion, we value this quality in those we work with as well, so it should go without saying that any agreements between our groups be kept in the strictest of confidences.
Bonjour monsieur Jethro!I am indeed very pleased with your offer.
On behalf of the Orsini and Lefevre familias,I accept your terms.
And as you may know,my organization also values secrecy.It's indeed a very good friend,so to say.
We'll also make sure IND ships are safe,if needed.
I'll make all the arrangements as soon as I can.
All dock-masters and patrols will be alerted about our deal.
You just have to wire the credits to our account in the "national bank": [color=#000000][UC]Armurerie-1
Oh,did I mentioned that every IND employee will also get free drinks in our bars?
[font=Arial Narrow][color=#000000]-Joel smiled-