Greetings RHA High Command I a contacting you abut a request for a Heimdail Gunship with Hessian GB guns. I dont fly under any flags Lawful or unlawful. What I will do with it well I Admire the Engineering in this ship and I will need it for my voyage threw Sirius. Currently my Documentation is Pirate ID Documents and a Freelancer IFF transponder. IF you grant my request i will not Fire on Any [RHA] units or your Allies. So I wont get you in trouble. Also i am Wiling to pay for the ship normal price and something above to give some profit out of this. Everybody knows that Revolution need's Funds. Also for my Honesty and word you can Ask a Gefreiter that I know very well his name is Petko Dimitrov I believe you know him ask him if you dont believe me. I look Fowerd for your response.
----- Incoming transmission ----- Message to: Bialar Crais
Comm ID: Oberst Ernst Neurath
Location: Vogtland, Dresden
Guten tag herr Crais.
We recieved your request for one Heimdall gunship equipped with our own, RH-CT115 "Rote Flamme" gunboat turrets.
Thats quite a request for somebody not directly involved in our struggle. However, we agreed to approve your request but you will have to prove your loyalty to us.
After you obtain repaired and refueled Heimdall gunship from Wolfsburg shipyard, you will post on this comm channel following proof of your allegiance:
25 mil credits collected in Rheinland or Omegas - donated to our bank account 5 confirmed kills of targets hostile to Red Hessian Army
Ofcourse, with our weapons in your hand, you will follow these guidelines at all times:
You agree not to use it in any actions against us or our allies
You will respond to any call for help from RHA members should you be in Rheinland or Omegas