NSY CommChannel Status: OPEN
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Priority: NORMAL
From: Commander Lucy Silsbury
To: Junker - Deep Panther
Subject: Smuggling
I admit you have a nerve contacting us about this, but possibly you are just stupid.
No, the Officers who were forced to destroy your ship will not be punished; it doesnt do to punish ones staff for doing their jobs.
I have every confidence that you were asked to drop your human cargo and the conclusive evidence showing that you ignored that order and tried to escape with a ship full of slaves does not make your case very strong at all.
Simply complaining that my Officers were out of their zone of jurisdiction is not going to stop them from doing their set task, preventing human trafficking within Bretonia. The Edge Worlds are well within our zone of influence, however if by some miracle your poor flying skills had enabled you to reach another house we would defer to their police. Fortunately we are efficient enough not to have to bother the LPI or RFP very often.
In short, No we will not compensate you for breaking the law, your hard-earned money has been made on the backs of individuals who have had their freedom removed and that simply does not wash.
You have been added to the Blacklist, any time you show your head in Bretonia again you will be fined to the fullest extent of the law. We will also pay out a bounty fee to any mercenary who destroys your ship in the future.
We are not an organization that will be mucked around.
:::COMM ID: Deep Goat: Reuben:::
Subject: My comrade.
I do apologise for my comrade's rude and selfish behaviour. While the Deep Trading Consortium is indeed a free trading company, we do not ferry humans unless they are extremely well cared for.
So, by way of an apology, we have banned the ship Deep Panther from trading in Bretonian space, and fined him the sum of two million credits. Furthermore, the aforementioned sum shall be paid to the account of whomsoever you wish. Please contact me on a private channel for confirmation.
OOC: My brother and I share an account, Panther is his ship. He is a bit of an idiot, as you can see. |
Once again, I offer my apologies on behalf of the company. Such idiocy with slaves is not tolerated.
Lieutenant-Commander Reuben, signing out.
If nothing is worth fighting for, then why are you fighting?
Are you brave?
Or do you simply fight because you have nothing better to do?