' Wrote:Those are two different groups, one is the lane hacker that gets them to Mactan after the BHG spams piranhas, and the other one is the outcast that gets them saved from that rheinland BS, 3-4 RM cruisers and a ton of fighters in Tau-33 (the one just before Kyushu).
Btw, how's the filming going?
It's not, stoopid timezones and exams have prevented us from doing so.:angry:
You will never go in to space.
FACT: Space does not exist.
Spheres that insist on going into space are inferior to ones that don't.
Since all the main good chars are taken... How about letting me pilots some of the ships Trent and Juni destroy? Like a couple of Rheinland Cruisers / Gunboats / Fighters, and Nomad ships.
Also, could you update the first post with the char names and who is playing who. Also add the server link there, and any news such as times for people to join etc.
Very frustrating to search through the topic to find what's needed.
Since most of the characters are taken i can be some of the Battleships/Cruisers/NPCS that are frequented in the game. And i will be the small Bretonian fighter that races Trent if that hasn't been taken. I forgot the name of the dude