The Wilde aboard the arch threw off the initial order attack. What's worse, the KNF is now alerted to the combined BD-Order attempt of taking over the Arch. Resultantly, they're moving units into the system to secure the Arch. The BD-Order coalition continues to plot to attempt to capture the arch. This is where the event comes in.
Pretty simple. KNF and wild units posing as KNF defend the Arch against combined Order-BD attacks. the guild core may take an interest and also assist the KNF.
Event Objectives:
Destruction of the Opponent.
Event Rules:
1)We venture to provide fair fights. Do not gank each other. If something like this happens, post here and it'll be attended to.
2)Capital ships can be used on a faction only basis, dependant on the other side fielding capital ships.
3) Indies from any of the above factions are welcome to join provided they register on a case-by-case basis.
4) In case you didn't figure it out, it's Order| + ]bd[ + 141| against the BHG|Core, KNF and Das wilde.
5) It may be a repeat event if the first installment works out fine.
Character Name:BHG|Core-J.Daniels|G Character Ship type:Manta Character Faction:BHG Core
*As usual I can log my Order| ship depending on the number of players on each side.