An heres some more, this time the corsairs that I do so enjoy stamping out;
The first was workin with amelia zoa, as ye may be able te see in the killshot, this was just afore she brought in that dam massive fleet o sairs, Howd that go by the way lads? I took a knock, and woke up with me head splitten, te find id been shanghied by nuns! Tha took some gettin out of, ah can tell you!
The second was tryin te pirate some poor hapless miners, can't have that eh lads?
Then these other two, I hand a hand from Dara, sos mayby yous wanna send im a little sumthing?
ye may o noticed as some o these sairs are part of that benitz family, you pay extra for them?
EY! I just noticed: Thems first 2 be the same guy! ee came back the next day! The cheeck of it!
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***Incoming Transmission*** Comm ID : Dara O'Gara Location : Arranmore Base, Dublin Target : Molly Separatists Bounty Office
Aroight dere lads! Oi dun gut mesel' anudder cupla tings te be claimin' fer, so oi has. Furst off were dis eejit moiner dat were troiyin te shoot wun o' our buddies. Fecker's gut sum roight cheek, te be shure. But once oi weighed in, we soon showed 'im who were boss.
An' oi nailed dis 'sair an' all. Roight mad foight dis were, an' roight next te the Essex an' all.
Oi aint never sin nuttin' loike it. 'sairs, Hogosha, BAF, BMM, mercs, an' den mesel', all alone in me switchblade. Oi tell ye, once dem sairs an dat Hogosha was dun, the rest o' dese feckers turned deyre attention te me! Oi tell ye, ye'd tink dat oi'd started foirin' on dem furst, er summit. Loike oi'd ever do summit loike dat, roight lads?
Payment kin be made te [MS].BeanSidhe
Dara out.
***Transmission ends***
You can accomplish more with a kind word and a shillelagh than you can with just a kind word
***Incoming Transmission*** Comm ID : Dara O'Gara Location : Arranmore Base, Dublin Target : Molly Separatists Bounty Office
Oi, Andy! Whut koind o' eejit are ye? Ye wantin' te be insultin' me are ye? Ye tink oi loikes it when fellers be callin' us a girl, eh? Ye gut sum cheek, so ye has. Yer lucky oi don' take ye outsoide an' gi' ye a roight good hoidin' so ye are! Oi'll be lettin' it lie, dis toime loike, seein' as hows ye be leadin' us separatists an' all.
Den again, mebbe oi should jus' be tellin' me ex-woife dat ye gut a bit o' a ting fer her, eh? She loikes men wi' power, so she does, an' oi tink mebbe youse two'd be made fer each udder, eh?
Tanks fer the monies dough, eh?
[color=#FFFFFF]***Transmission Ends***
You can accomplish more with a kind word and a shillelagh than you can with just a kind word
Tch Tch Tch, I reckon you oughtta lay off the booze for a while Andy, is bad fer your health, at least, it is if it make ye call Dara a woman!
Also, I'd like te know how ye reckon up 2 bmm miners, plus 3 sair bomber/fighters, plus 1 gunboat,
at only 8.5 mill?
see, I aint sayin I'm wizz at the mathematics, but me an my nav comp had a wee discussion, an we came up with this:
2x1.5 = 3 +
3x1.5 = 4.5
1x2 = 2
3 + 4.5 + 2 = 9.5
An THA's only if ye dont count the over one tousand gold ore them two miners were luggin each, as enough te qualify me fer the gold bonus! If ye do, its another mill, makin the grand total:
10.5 Mill!
I were thinkin, mayby ee sent some te dara? but then i saw, and nope, just 3 to dara.
Also, you sure bout that league champion P-rat? Maybe he's changed his name, but he were Plauge champion when I met him.
Now Ah know seein all my kills musta made ye want te celebrate, but hey, even a molly as his limits!
Sos while yer lookin them over, i got sommuit else te show yer:
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Ere's some more sair kills I got wit the elp o new-boy Derrik, good lad ee is:
Now ah only got the id shot o the second one, but ye can see the first one's a dirty sair from the name, that an ees workin wit the other sairs.
A BPA was on the scene aswell, - thas terrence- seems they do venture into dub after all ey? Still, didn seem right te turn on im, sos I let im scarper outta Dub when we wre done cleanin it o sair muck.
Oh aye, the first kill - jose - were a bomber or a fighter.
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Good day to you lad, I'm Charles, Charles Huntford.
It's about time we be driving those traitors, scum and invading from OUR systems. I'll bring death and destruction to all of those who stand against us Mollys!
I was born in Bretonia, not a Molly by birth but I've been fighting beside you lads for some time now and have joined your ranks.
As requested he's my info, I fly a Barghest, using the name Charles.Huntford.