Check there ID again. Chenzo showed me once the line about houses they are at war with (The Outcast like think they're a house) and them being able to commit unlawfuls acts and hunt them.
Either way. Give it a rest, Its nothing new ( 62 pages of the same thing dating back about a year), admins haven't come down on them yet, so just be thankful you got to do something other than sit around Malta.
' Wrote:Check there ID again. Chenzo showed me once the line about houses they are at war with (The Outcast like think they're a house) and them being able to commit unlawfuls acts and hunt them.
According to the rules the Outcasts and Corsairs are not "Houses"
There are also lines about ongoing roleplay, AS WELL as the fact that I think official war status should count for something.
Frankly speaking, though I'm many times against some things my colleagues do, I am not against strategic raids into Alpha.
If you wish to report us for it, fine, go ahead. I'll accept any decision the admins make and I also trust that they'll use common sense as they always do.
Furthermore, I don't think that every single pilot must blurt out an engagement notice if the pack leader has blurted one out, simply because it's essentially stupid to have 6-7 engagement notices at once.
However, you're free to report us on that too.
I'd very much prefer if people didn't grasp straws and technicalities. If you have any real complaints about our RP, things we do and why you think we shouldn't do them in-RP, or how we're hurting gameplay, please state them.
Until then, cheerio.
Mwerte, I don't think it matters whether they're a house or a faction with a lot of home space. We're at war with them and we'll keep conducting ourselves in that manner unless the admins tell us different, at which theoretical point we'll begrudgingly change our ways in obedience to their authority and respect for what they do for this server.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
Quote:[2010-05-17 23:16:47] Panzer: Quite seriously, is my interpretation of that little passage in the CR ID correct? I mean... I'm allowed to wage equal-equal war as long as I don't do complete idiocy like try and conquer New York?
[2010-05-17 23:17:38] Blodo: anyway yes panzy i would say pretty much so
[2010-05-17 23:17:43] Panzer: good.
[2010-05-17 23:17:54] Panzer: It's not like Malta's getting cleaned anyway
[2010-05-17 23:17:57] Blodo: but it would be rather weird for you to just declare war on random houses that you don't even border, just saying