Simple as that: the recently provided Basilisk had proven itself perfectly useful. This Royal Navy Battleship had ended it's route in the open space in Orkney. Eventually, I had received the hand from a Gaian passing by and the Maquisard, but aren't the explosions beautiful anyway? (especially the one on the third file where my Supernova finally breaches through heavy armor to some pretty important area)
Right, it's been a while since the last time we talked. We just took our sweet time to come up with a proper reply. And what's better than three burned Gallian Capital Ships?
You asked for these as a proof of ability, in order to work with you, so no payment is required. If, however, you see fit (we certainly won't say no to credits), please wire half of the reward to MM~Wainwright and the other half to MM~Simon.Templar .
' Wrote:Mandalorians... While I am not too keen about having you hunting for us, based on past differences, I'll tell you what - burn me one Royal Capital ship or a transport and you are in. If you worry about the payment for that dead Royal ship - you will get paid, no worries.
Payment Status: God knows PAYMENT AMOUNT DUE 13 Million Credits, the GRP one is for free, since they were way out of the zones 1 and 2, perhaps you might want to extend the hunting zone for them. PAYMENT TO MM~Armoury
Just in case, Mister Templar's evidence wasn't good enough.