.......................Friday 6th of August, 818 A.S., 11.20 pm SMT
Breaking news !
"- The news just falled a minute ago : one of the leading member of the Kaizoku organization was captured in the New London system and has been transfered to Newgate prison, Manchester system, under heavy escort. The terrorist known as Yuki, previously seen in Dublin, attempted again to anihilate a BAF patrol before she got herself caught in her own trap. After being chased for a few hundreds klicks she finally surrendered at the very border of the New London system. Kate, can you tell us more about the circumstance of Yuki's arrestation ?"
"- Well Andrew the BAF refused any comments and the Armed Forces spokesperson only mentioned that, 'this operation mark a significant progress in our struggle against terrorism, and is to be considered as a warning to any other groups, factions or gang that would threaten the Kingdom now and in the future', end of quote. However some other sources state that Yuki's fall relied on four factors. The first one woud be that she acted with far less cares than the Kaizoku usually does by underestimating the BAF forces she engaged. Especially, the patrol caught under fire wasn't equipped with the usual ordinance required to take on her ship, the Hinode, and thus she might have considered she could stike swiftly and hard against it. However, the Dublin system patrols are now mainly composed of hardened officers due to the harsh status of Dublin battleground against corsairs and piracy. The second factor would be that, Yuki was accustomed to strike in the Leeds sector but in this case she entered a system she was less familiar with, and in which she could expect less support from the KNF. And last, according to my sources the Hinode crew is currently missing, indicating that Yuki could have acted alone for a reason still to be discovered."
"- In short, excessive mistake ?"
"- Or a mark of professionalism from the BAF Andrew. We now are accustomed to the fact that war often rely on both."
"- What about the fourth factor you told us Kate ?"
"- The fourth factor is still to be confirmed, but some witnesses in Dublin mentioned the possible presence of Austin Goodman, a former officer from the BAF before he defected months ago. Still officially under Siriuswide arrest warrant, those sources believe he actually assisted the BAF with the Hinode takeover nonetheless with little reaction from the BAF pilots present on the scene. Again, this information is still to be confirmed, but could explain why the BAF retained to comment despite their great success today."
The Hinode
"- Kate, could you remind us what the Kaizoku is and why this arrestation is so important ?"
"- Andrew, the Kaizoku was previously known as a pirate organization working for some underground Kusarian groups, and since quite a time now their activities turned into direct assistance to the Kusarian invasion as they now directly target the Armed Forces, still bountied by illegal factions like the Corsairs or the Hogosha. No one really know who ordered this late attack and the BPA and Intelligence Services are working together to decipher the inner Kaizoku command chain and network. The Kaizoku was identified as responsible for the disappearance of numerous patrols that never returned home, and is suspected for some other unresolved similar cases. Likewise, Yuki, only 16 years old, is personally guilty for the fall of four high ranked BAF officers and a bunch of patrol in the Leeds sector, her most significant strike being the fall of the Destroyer HMS Versper several months ago. More interestingly, Yuki is closely related to the Kaizoku leader and might be aware of most of the secrets of the organization. Such figure is probably the Key the BPA needed to pin more people on their suspect board, as for the BAF that will soon inquire further into the Kaizoku modus operandi for greater border safety."
Yuki, on her arrival in Newgate.
"- Sounds very good news indeed Kate. And now, what's next ?"
"- Nothing official yet Andrew, I just can tell that the Hinode and all evidences were also brought to Newgate prison, still pending for a minesweeping operation. However no wonder that the Intelligence Services will soon put Yuki for questionning for deeper investigation. On the other hand the authorities will have to discuss if Yuki will be submitted to a civil or military court for a her trial, that will most likely happen in the following weeks. Considering the accusations and solid proofs the BPA keep in its files though, the outcomes will probably and in both cases end in prison time for life or death sentence, unless, maybe, exceptional cooperation with the Bretonian authorities."
"- Thank you Kate for your enlightment, more about this in the next few hours. And now, scandal : Lady Kensington's yorkshire may be actually a ..."
Well hmm, hell- I mean, Konichiwa... I don't know if what I'm doing is right or... whatever. You don't need to know me but I wanted you to say that... Oh my god, I'm sorry I just***********
I'm sorry for that. *coughs* It's me again, I just wanted you to know that the one-you-know will be transfered from Manchester on Sa-saturday, approximately 7pm smt, destination is Salisbury
*she ran out of breathe and deeply takes it again*
... so that if you want to talk to her before her trail I advise you to hurry before her escort forbid you to do so.
Oh Lord, what am I doing ? If you receive this message, please do not EVER try to contact me !
Yuka Kaizoku was aboard the Hinode which they reclaimed from Bretonia just yesterday when she received a message from the communication officer aboard the Tengoku. "Aijin-sama, I received a message that you might want to hear... i'll patch it through" a short static is heard and then the message from the unknown woman is being played. Yuka listens to it twice and then looks out of the starboard window, at the Hinode's sistership... Nichibotsu.
She gazes at it for a while and mumbles to herself "This might be our only chance..." she turns around again and approaches her communication officer "Patch me through to the Nichibotsu." the officer switches a couple of buttons and nods in confirmation. Yuka takes a deep breath... "Kaito-fukusho... she will be transported to from BPA Newgate to Salisbury... at approximatly 19.00 SMT... we'll intercept them on the lane from the Manchester jumpgate to Kensington Shipping Platform in New London..." She pauzes for a minute and then quietly adds "I won't allow any mistakes..."