Mikhail was still, and bloodied. But he was not dead.
He wore an oddly thick flight suit for a reason: It was made to withstand small arms fire. He was not dead, but he was hurt badly. But his injuries were not enough to stop his rage.
He was being dragged out of the room to be disposed off out of a nearby airlock. When he was out of sight of the offices, he quickly turned on the man dragging him, a large and powerful fist knocking him down, and dazing him- Just enough for Mikhail to begin running for his ship.
A trail of blood followed him, several holes in his suit seeping with it. He had mere minutes to patch himself up, if he even made it to his ship. But something was odd. There were no alarms sounding his escape, and no guards rushing after him. He looked into the hangar, and saw that it was just the normal crew operating in there.
Perhaps he knocked out the man dragging him. Maybe his luck has returned. Mikhail didn't know, but he hurried to his Crow, and immediately began flight procedures. Within thirty seconds, he was departing the Destroyer. His weapons were deactivated- All of the power was being diverted to his shielding, engines, and maneuvering thrusters. He punched his cruise engines, made sure his Countermeasure system was operational, and he fled the area.
His adrenaline had subsided, his anger slowly leaving him. Now he could feel the full effect of his injuries.
Unfortunately for Mikhail two Insurgents detected his attempt at escape, breaking off from their patrol patterns these fiendish ships screamed after his ship, The first ship launched a CD, most modern Counter-Measures have a 85% chance of stopping a Cruise Disruptor shot in it's tracks, which means a 15% chance that it can slip through, unfortunately for Mikhail this was that 15%.
His ship is hit hard by the Disruptor and his Cruise Engines stalled, allowing the Insurgents to catch up with ease. As both ships came into range the second ship expertly aimed it's Mini Razor at the ship, before he could understand what had happened a Razor Shot rang out and took his shields out in the blink of an eye while his partner started firing his Kalashnikovs, they tore into his hull and as it buckled and seemed to scream from the shots tearing it to pieces.
Within moments the battered bruised ship exploded into thousands of shards and as the pilots scanned for survivors they only found the pod of the cockpit which had a major hole in it's side, the pilot was dead.
Jess Phate, A face not too un-familiar to the Coilition apears and requests to dock on the Coalitions hanger.
Not being a face surrounded by any susspiscion, she was granted permission to dock immedeatly and took no time in landing.
Once she had landed her batterd Nyx, she quickly un clipped herself from all communication devices and air lines, followed by swiftly getting out and walking towards the hanger doors.
She apreached two guards at the door and ggently said: " Is this the right place to come to apply to be a recruite ? I was told you were looking for pilots with a more sane angle toward the house partys.." Her voice cold and clearly angry, intimadating the guards slightly, they pointed her in the right direction almost without a word.
Jess walked through the corriidors, partially following arrows but mostly on her own accord, eventually came to a roomwith a foul stench. There was clearly visable blood stains on some of the chairs and on the old wallpaper hand prints asif there had been a violent struggle recantly. She was then confronted by a petite secutry figure, who paid little attention as she spoke.
"So who are you ?
the women asked sharply
I am Jess Phate, An ex-pilot of the Colonial Republic, I'm here to become a part of the revoloution.
Jess spoke loud and clearly, her voice still with the same cold emphasis when she said Colonial RepublicThis made the narrow eyed secutary look up at Jess, then she silently signald with her hand on where to wait.
Inside Captain Alvarez was sitting with a stack of papers.
"I just got a recommendation from the Red Hessian Army, concerning you." He said with a nod. "Consider yourself a part of the SCRA, and on my squadron. Get to the flight deck Sub-Lieutenant, and be quick about it!"