I say they can, it doesnt specifically say they cant, and it doesnt specifically say they can. But if it has to say you specifically can do something, for you to be able to do it, then no-one would be PLACE a bounty in the first place, cos no ID says "can place bounties"! Hah! I win!
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It's one of these questions that people have been asking about for several months, if not years, and Admins always failed to provide any kind of definitive answer.
' Wrote:If your ID doesn't say you cannot do something and the rules allow it, you are allowed to do it.
Just watch out for the OORP rule, it can cover a lot.
Ye..sneaky rule that screws over lots of people, heh.
' Wrote:I say they can, it doesnt specifically say they cant, and it doesnt specifically say they can. But if it has to say you specifically can do something, for you to be able to do it, then no-one would be PLACE a bounty in the first place, cos no ID says "can place bounties"! Hah! I win!
That made me laugh....
I've always considered that if it doesn't specifically say NO YOU CAN'T, then YES YOU CAN.
I accept people registering for the Rogues bounty board with Pirate ID.
King once told me about the Liner, and DSE ID. DSE ID says you can use (back then, in .85 somewhere) fighters, freighters, transports. But it never said 'Cannot use Liner'
It's sold on our base, of course we can bloody use it! Sheesh....
' Wrote:King once told me about the Liner, and DSE ID. DSE ID says you can use (back then, in .85 somewhere) fighters, freighters, transports. But it never said 'Cannot use Liner'
Unfortunately, by the same logic you can have a DSE ID'd Assault Carrier.
What ships classes you can and can't use are quite clearly indicated...
But back in 4.85, Liners were separate from transports. Now they're not, so it's not a persistent issue - just a hypothetical one.
Quote:I say they can, it doesnt specifically say they cant, and it doesnt specifically say they can. But if it has to say you specifically can do something, for you to be able to do it, then no-one would be PLACE a bounty in the first place, cos no ID says "can place bounties"! Hah! I win!
Placing an assassination bounty is the right of every character.
But most of all:
Quote:It's one of these questions that people have been asking about for several months, if not years, and Admins always failed to provide any kind of definitive answer.