i see a lot of mention of this term when it comes to ships and the like and i tend to disagree with freelancer ships having to look a certain way. and the reason for this is simple. People in the far future are still going to have imaginations and just as long as they have the basic components there shouldn't be any limit to what should be considered for the game. Saying that something is unfreelancerish because it's pointy or curvy just doesn't make any sense to me. in real life we design an endless supply of products that completely change their look from year to year. now i could see the house factions sticking to a certain theme but civilain ships really shouldn't be limited to what they look like as long as they have the correct components (such as freelancer style engines, which rules out most Star Trek ships) that would allow them to conceivably fly in the freelancer universe.
now then, i've spoken my mind. Now it's your turn, but i ask that we keep the flaming out of this and make this a productive discussion.
I think what people mean by "unfreelancerish", is that some ships doesn't even look like ships... I've seen some hectice models on other mods, but then again, I've seen some very nice ideas for ships (...and no, I'm not talking about colour schemes, but designs).
Other than that, I agree with Dreygon - house factions should remain on one set of ship design (old or new), but Freelancers... well, exactly what freelancing means when it comes to ships...
Some house factions can even ban a certain ship (meaning 1 ship) from civilian usage... members only. That alone could solve a couple of already existing issues...:sleep:
Well, form my experience, I see many people consider my ships un FL-ish. Then: I wonder
What if FL 1.0 came without the Z-series borderworlds ships, BSg series never existed and something like a viper was in 1.0 What would then be less FL-ish? the sabre? Or the viper?
FL-ish means resembling 1.0 ships or following their construction patterns. In 1.0, fighters were nearly one-manned warships. Autonomous, capable of surviving in space for a long time, ferrying limited amounts of cargo, etc... Vipers are more like modern carrier-based aircraft. Limited fuel, ammo, life-support... They are a weapon of the carrier, but alone don't survive long either. A different conception from FL.
Why aren't battlestars FL-ish?
Size/crew comparison: A typical FL/SL capship had up to 500 crewmembers. A fully-automated Mercury-class Battlestar - 1700. a Bremen-class carrier (Starlancer) was some 500 meters long, Galactica - over 2 kilometers. If it was brought into FL along with all its original features, a single battlestar would be a match for any house in Sirius.
At any rate, Freelancer is a concept, BSG is a concept too, they differ in only finer points, but are still the same. BSG functions just like FL - fighter groups doing most of the work, capships rolling in when eney capships appear, they are (just like the Reliant, Yamato, Osiris) bases for fighters. Technological differences exist too. BSg doesn't (yet?) utilize energy shields or energy weapons, only immensely heavy armor plating and railguns/missles/nukes
Personally, trying to make disco FL-ish at this point is simply futile and at times, hypocritical. Some ships, straight out of FL look perfect in here, blend in expertly.
Discovery isn't 1.0 anymore, trying to make it look 1.0 only pulls it backwards. A continuity of the 1.0 plot is most welcome, the KU-BR war for example... But Sirius is not surrounded by a Maginot line. Out there... Anything might be.
im not saying me need to change that. i personally think it would suck (can i say that? still fuzzy on the profanity boundaries here) for them to take up that much space.
Well off beat scale has been an element of FL for a long time (MY complaint about serenity being out of scale in the other thread was based on cargo. From the TV we saw how much fits inside there) and besides that is not the general topic of this thread.
Now Dreygon I do agree with you but how do we censor what goes in. Yes civilian vessels can take all shapes but there are some that just feel out of place. Certainly there does need to be some more variation but ships that are too round or sleeked out simply feel out of place. That is why there is such a strong emphasis on FL based designs because no matter what they will flow with every other ship.