I hope this cargo hold full of mad fetches a good price.
Honestly if this led to any kind of massive faction abuse, I'm pretty sure the admins would step in and stop the whole thing. Plus from what I saw, there's multiple pages of rp posts related to it, so if you really wanted to stop it you could have done it a long time ago.
"The freighters of the Interspace Neuralnet Division will be welcome in our home system as long as they respect our laws. They are authorized to dock on Minato, Sarawak and Sulawesi."
If you wanted to revoke these rights afterwards, you could have very well posted a reply in it to say these docking rights were now void. Yet you didn't.
You expect people to play by the rules ? You try to lawyer them about stuff ?
Then before doing that, play by the rules yourself.
Yes, Tanker, thank you for the very nice powergame post, which has nothing to do with what Linkus and I are asking for in this thread.
What exactly is the point of you posting those and asking for their purpose? Please pull out a law from one of Liberty's buttocks that says that CR cannot -inRP- and -privately- ask other factions for information about the IND.
Come to think of it, it wouldn't surprise me at all if those were used as evidence in that wannabe trial.
' Wrote:Yes, Tanker, thank you for the very nice powergame post, which has nothing to do with what Linkus and I are asking for in this thread.
What exactly is the point of you posting those and asking for their purpose? Please pull out a law from one of Liberty's buttocks that says that CR cannot -inRP- and -privately- ask other factions for information about the IND.
Come to think of it, it wouldn't surprise me at all if those were used as evidence in that wannabe trial.
I will answer you. First. they were not used in any of the court decisions, or even mentioned. The reason I posted them was to show that forum rp does exist, and it isn't one sided. In that the Cr were following their RP as we were following ours. That is why I attached the links. To show that it was not one sided.
So they were used oorply to decide the outcome of the trial. Thank you for making that clear to me Alley.
Also, using those links in the way that you have to forcefully and oorply attempt to enforce trial's outcome, and the community's opinion on a thing such as an inRp trial, makes me sick. My opinion is that you should both shove that Forum Moderator Title up your throats.
And since not you or Tanker, as Forum Moderators won't stick to the god damned topic, I guess I can do the same.
-We asked for Laws. Were told to 'Find them yourself'. Not something I'd expect form a judge.
-We asked again, and we were asked for money in exchange for the laws. Seriously?
In any sort of human civilization, laws are PUBLIC and cannot be kept away from any human being, even more so in the case of a trial.
Using Law as a means of forcefully imposing a fine is plain stupid. But then again, that trial is not an example of stupidity, it's an example of powergaming.
Tanker, the only way of me knowing that is by taking your word for it. I don't want to tell you how much your word is worth to me right now.
Each time something doesn't go the CR's way, I see a thread about it. And you want to know something? It's actually getting pretty boring reading it.
We have always gone with "If it's unlawful in real life, it is on here." in the LPI, and that's how I see most people roll on Disco from what I have seen. If we wrote down every single law for your reading pleasure, don't you think you would lose interest and not bother at all?
It's just common sense.
Hell, you think the law about having a broken tail light out is in the Liberty Laws? No, it's not. But it is in the real laws. So we do it.
Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid. - David Hackworth (1930 - 2005)
Now, you ask us why this is being an issue now, after a year later.
We've been flying in Liberty for a -year- and haven't been pestered by the [LN], =LSF= or even LPI-. Not to mention we even got assistance from the navy while fighting off pirates from our convoys. Why are -you- bringing it up now?
Each time something doesn't go the CR's way, I see a thread about it. And you want to know something? It's actually getting pretty boring reading it.
We have always gone with "If it's unlawful in real life, it is on here." in the LPI, and that's how I see most people roll on Disco from what I have seen. If we wrote down every single law for your reading pleasure, don't you think you would lose interest and not bother at all?
It's just common sense.
Hell, you think the law about having a broken tail light out is in the Liberty Laws? No, it's not. But it is in the real laws. So we do it.
' Wrote:In any sort of human civilization, laws are PUBLIC and cannot be kept away from any human being, even more so in the case of a trial.