Right, so I can only assume rumors, happiness, and copy pastes of my various rants to people, I am confirming my leaving the Discovery Community. There are many reasons for this, including the overall disposition of peoples viewpoints towards me and the Vagrant Raiders, and my RL hobbies and school work becoming more srs bzns.
People and factions that I feel need recognizing(in no particular order really):
Gregthepietard: Your a fun dude, more fun than most of this community. Laid back, chilled, and very fun to fly with.
alley: I will never forget your gallic angel battleshovel in conn.
Ench: BigMAX pro solution. |8
theorangebutterfly: We never really saw eye to eye, partially because of my attitude. You seem like a pretty chill guy, when your not trolling me.
Anne: krieg krieg krieg.
Kai Sigfried: You will always be the u-boat king.
Stefz: I have entrusted you with my last hurrah, the Vagrant Raiders. Please do not run it into the ground, but if you do. Please just kill it off, don't try giving it off to someone else, like me giving it to you. I broke my unspoken promise to myself because I do honestly believe that you have what it takes to be a leader. Great leaders are thrust into leadership positions, not asked to be given it. Good luck mate, your going to need it.
DRV: Your a strange person. Its a good thing your not on my skype list when I post this post.
Re\/ang3: You are le ossim. Never had such a intellectual conversation about EA and mass effect and various other games that where shortfalls of everyone expectations.
Jacob/Jeremy Hunter: You have been my friend since the beginning, and It has been a pleasure. Back to 63rd, and my various other failed attempts at factions. Its been fun.
Sam/Recovery One: I probably enraged you enough over skype. But while I am posting this post, I just want to say, it has been fun. Except when you messed with the 63rds shared bombers. Still gotta gank you for that....Gank you with money. You will find some....spending cash on your rogue gunboat. Enjoy it.
Soul Reaper: You mined my LF you ass. (finger) JKJK, peace dude. (fistbump)
Fran: Your a annoying little bugger, to say the least. But kudos to you, you finally made me ragequit disco. You want your cookie? There you go. Have a nice life.
Dejavu: Never really knew you for that long, but for the time I did know you, you where still pretty cool. (bow)
Jayce: Good luck in college dude.
Doc Holliday: You where also one of my older friends, a good friend, even before you became a Admin.
Dab: Good luck with GRN|
Hawk: Your a really nice dude, I understand how much **** you can get as a faction leader, people will always be haters. Some....a lot more than others.
Dimi: You drunk bastard you. Go fly drunk in a LF. I heard it enhances your fighting abilities!:D
Donut: gogogo police cruiser. :<
Montezuma: Never going to forget that one outing with our two Obstinates. That Dunkirk was a dead man walking.
Veygaar: Your a bit of a egomaniac. Sorry, but true. Good luck with the RR. Never seen a faction that completely revolved around a single person who was decapitated in public. And returned...somehow.
Amelia: Fesr ALL the chats. :L (Yes, I remember. Oh the lulz that where had)
Pavel: CR is always going to be a capwhore faction. Good luck leading it.
Kaiwren: Uh....I don't really know what to say about you, but you seemed worthy of mention. Probably because you where right during my 63rd meltdown, but you where right. So was Duncan.
John Doe and Jess Doe (Alte and GF): You make a good couple. And you don't fight over video game disagreements. Something I can say I have seen happen to with a good RL friend and his girlfriend. Both of you, good luck with the LR- and DSE).
virus (not the ex-admin one): Where are you D:< You disappeared! q_q
Anonymous User: Driving off cliffs in PR. Best laugh online I have ever had. Epic win man, epic win.
JihadJoe: Nothing should go here. Because you are nothing.
Teshurr: You kinda disappeared, but you where a good friend before you disappeared. Hope you come back, to be perfectly honest USI is not like it used to be when you where at the head.
The Hellfire Legion: Ah, my first faction. The one that created my drama induced discovery career. I have seen things change, and things stay the same. A alliance with the faction that should not be allied with anyone, a war on the junkers, among other things. While I would like to say that I hate the HF, but the truth is I cant. I always liked the HFs RP. Not because you shoot the LNS all day 'erry day, but the whole "organized rebels" moreso than say....the Rebels of Starwars.
The Xeno Alliance: I don't really know, I did not have much time to fly with you guys before getting inexplicably kicked. But ok.
the Buro de marishenintelligenceywasrthing: Never forget the uboat fun I had with you guys. Fun times, fun times.
the Gallic Royal Navy: Only really a capwhoring faction for me, It was quite the exercise in futility, I always expected to get ganked on the GRN|RNS-Austerlitz, but it was all in good fun. I do hope that the activity keeps up in that faction, because SOMEONE has to play the big bad evil house that wants to take a shiny dump on every other house while parading about in battleships with forward cannons. So far so good guys!
The Vagrant Raiders: Ah....How to begin with possibly my favorite thing to ever have done in discovery, the VR. I remember back in my lolwhut days, being surrounded in my then junky LABC and being mined by various fighters for a good 10 minutes while squelching like a injured animal for help, and later on applying (and getting totally rejected due to my lolwhut attitude ^-^) to talking with one of the members and getting into the VR. My sudden raise to leadership, the good few weeks before things went downhill, the politics that, for some reason I enjoyed, was all really good fun. I will miss you guys, I really will. I left with who I think was the best possible leader, Stefz, in command, I hope I will not lurk into disco for a day and see that my decision was a crappy one.
In Conclusion, It has been a fun run DGC members, I will be on skype for a while, and
will still chat with a few of you. I have deposited fairly generous sums of money on various ships, I hope the people who get it are grateful, and don't spend it on things they really don't need. No, readers of this post, you will not get money by asking. I am awarding my accumulated billion and change to those who I believe deserve it, not because "Oh look im poor" but because they where good friends.
With all this being said, I take my leave.
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.
It was supposed to be a bit lower key, but thank you for moving out of the kudos thread where I intended for it to be mostly ignored and buried by a few hundred million kudos from people to other people.
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.
' Wrote:It was supposed to be a bit lower key, but thank you for moving out of the kudos thread where I intended for it to be mostly ignored and buried by a few hundred million kudos from people to other people.
C'est la vie.
Edit: I quite like the idea of being nothing. Freakin' zen stuff right there man.
' Wrote:Fran: Your a annoying little bugger, to say the least. But kudos to you, you finally made me ragequit disco. You want your cookie? There you go. Have a nice life.
I'm amazed at what a single Xeno indie can do : DDDDDDDD