As soon as Sato stopped talking, Maister disappeared for a few moments, seemingly looking for something in his quarters, leaving Kishiro employee stunned. To the out most surprise he returned with something remotely resembling a device used to write. The bizarre object could easily be placed in any museum as an example of a pen, which was considered highly advanced half a century in the past.
"I must say that your offer is excellent. We'll take the machine you have in stock. Since Omega 11 is not regulated space, we must accept the 65,000 Cr offer."
The archaeologist stared at Sato, like something interesting could be seen behind him, then shook his head and continued.
"Well, we could take the 35,000 Cr variant, sice Red Hessians control the system and they can be seen as a part of Rheinlands history, therefore Rheinland itself."
"However I doubt your company would accept this. 65 thousand is a fair price. We want you to start equipping the ship right away. Where shall I write my signature?"
Only then Franz realised, that Sato was looking at the antique artefact, designed to write.
"Ah, Der Kugelschreiber!" He wasn't looking at Sato, rather at the obkject. "It is over 80 years old and is a fine example of Rheinland ingenuity, as it has many different functions. It can be used to write on neural net interfaces and it still keeps the ability to write on almost any man made material. I'm sure you've never seen any of these before."
He then smiled and said:" Eh, I'm talking about something no one cases about. I am deeply sorry to have bothered you with such things. Now lets get back to work. As I was saying, we'll buy the computer you can provide right away and sign the contract, which enables immediate support in any solar system. We'll transfer credits, as soon as the works are complete."
After ignoring the almost insulting claim from Maister, as if he had never seen a pen like those used by technicians on construction and assembly plants to mark details on the pieces, Sato clicked on a few icons on his PDA, and a few seconds later a bright "Order queued" icon appeared.
- "The installation of the computer and batteries will not require more than three days. The batteries will already be charged for your first flight. You are free to remain here until the works are done. Sayonara, Mainster-sama."
Without giving the rheinlander to react, Sato turned around and left.
The archaeologist was stunned. 87 years of history in one pen, he recovered from a wreck floating in space still functioning perfectly was just ignored by a Kishiro employee. These people don't see the value of history, despite they claim to live in a semi-traditionalist society? This was not something he expected. He then whispered to himself, completely oblivious to the danger of hidden listening devices:"Zhey don't care about an artefact, zhey don't care about history. Destiny will punish them one day! And I will not step on their land ever again."
Maister then sent a transmission to his crew: "We will leave as soon, as they equip the ship. Make sure, that you're ready!"
He then started to gather founds required, something he still didn't have.