This is the personal log of Captain Mattias Nielsson AKA Twilight onboard the Harbinger
Star date is 8/1 845 AS
Today me and my research staff have begun our experiments on Nomad phyciology
thouh its was hard to get the nomad specimens onboard Damn those NCU's(Nomad containment unit's) are fragile one of the ensigns accedently dropped the NCu containing
a Nomad Minor Brain and before we could react it had taken him as a host and tried to escape we eventually captured him and put him in a Holding cell
for safe keeping we cant have him running around the ship trying too sabotage it
after that little incedint we resumed out Research
and we have made incredible Discoverys in the Nomad Physics
the Nomad it self without a host is very fragile a simple blade can kill it
then we tried experimenting with long distance weapons
a simple Blaster actually cant doo much damage too it
because of its Boneless body the Shock from the Blaster dont kill it like it would a human
instead it just makes a small Burn mark and a hole trough it
this of course can kill the nomad but it isnt very effective
exept if you can hit its visual Membrane
if you hit it there it will cause the nomads brain too overheat and thus explode
then we tried to electricute it
that had No effect at all
then we tried with and experimantal Sonic Weapon we developt using Artefact technology and it proved to be the most effective personal Weapon for killing Nomads
well Nomads and Humans as the user also killed himself using it
we must find a way too imunnize the effects of the weapon
with this kind of weapons Tech the Nomads wont stand a chance
once we can level it up to Ship size Cannons
The masters will be pleased once they get the results of the tests
This is the personal log of Captain Mattias Nielsson AKA Twilight onboard the Harbinger
Star date is 9/1 845 AS
Today we have gotten our new Mark5 Exo-Combat suits
we got some good fotage from the testing range
Its a Holo Simulation that the Suits are going trough
And our newest toy The Mx4-UCW(Urban Combat Walker) has just finished Prototype fase
and its performance is promising
altough these are but tools in our Striving for our Masters plans completion
even i havent been told the full extent of their plans
all i know is that they liberated me from my Mortal concerns and
gave me a purpose in life too serve them and for my loyalty i will be rewarded
there is a Overseer from the Masters race onboard
they are called Antheion's and are over 600 billions years old
they have enourmous Phycic powers and have the ability too posses people
they can even change their shape and can become over 10 million years old
a picture taken from a security Camera
his name is Nithilrouk
and is the Ambassador onboard the harbinger
This is the personal log of Captain Mattias Nielsson AKA Twilight onboard the Harbinger
Star date is 10/1 845 AS
Today the harbinger have been ordered to the Omega systems
by orders of Nithilrouk the Antheion Ambassador onboard the Harbinger
our objectives will be revealed once we get there
in the meantime we have made even more interesting discoverys
in the Nomad Physiololgy
it seems that there is a special liquid that keep the nomad safe from infection and can regenerate Human Wounds all kind of wound even bone Fracktures though it takes more time than flash wounds and burn marks
We have also discovered that the Nomad it self isnt Psycic
it needs a Human Brain in order to become Psycic
and once it get that host the hosts brain cant stand the tension of
the Psycic abilitis for very long
and the host will go into a Koma from brain damage if the Nomad keeps Pushing the limit in the
hosts Brain
The increasing aggresivness
from the Nomads could be a result of Humans trespassing in the Omicrons and
their needs for hosts have been greater than ever because of humans
have proven that they are a very capable race
and that the Nomads underestimated them last time they were trying an invasion
of Sirius.
This is the personal log of Captain Mattias Nielsson AKA Twilight onboard the Harbinger
Star date is 11/1 845 AS
Today we Reached the Omega 11 system thus completing the orders
Nithilrouk had given us
when we reachyed the Meeting corordinates the Ambassador had given us we were greeted on the Comms channel
and a Strange looking ship apeared out of the Blue our scanners didnt even pick it up
and the hull of the Ship appeared to be made from Bone though i wasnt sure
and it appeared to be alive
After a few minutes we came too our selves again and Nithilrouk said too us too steer towards the Ship and begin Docking procedures
when we came abord we were greeted by 3 of the Crew members
*Welcome Twilight we hope your trip was comfertable*
*Yes thank you*
*good we have plans with you step on too the Platform*
and i walked up some stairs and ontoo and platform with a strange symbol in the center afterwards being teleported too the Bridge
Ensign*The captain is expecting you*
Captain*Good you have arrived we are still waiting for your research results*
Twilight*Yes Master* and i downloaded the Data too a datapad and handed it too the captain
Captain*very good this will be useful you are dismissed
of course your crew will be detained in your ship during your Stay onboard
now get some rest We have things too discuss later*
Twilight*Yes Master*
and i followed the ensign into a Chamber that were a replica of my own onboard the Harbinger it was very Unnerveing too be here almost as if i could hear things in my head when i was onboard
well the rest of the day went uneventful
The Next day i was wakened by the ensign
Ensign*Twilight get up the Captain is expecting you*
Twilight*Yes i will be there shortly*
moments later i found my self on the bridge yet again
in front of the captain possibly the most powerful creature i have ever encountered
in his presence it was hard too keep focus and it gave one headaches
it felt like he was Burning one mind without intention
so powerfull was he
Captain*Twilight the Council find your data most intruiging
that they gave me orders too Give you a reward
The gift of Antheion Life
it is a Ritual that give you some of the Antheions Powers
and give you a longer life*
Twilight*Thank you Master*
And so the days went in preperations for the Ritual
When the day came i was Not scared nor grateful
i was completly Empty of emotions
and the Ritual commenced
It was Incredible Painful as the antheions Infused me with Some of their Power
when the ritual was Complete i was transported too the Harbinger
and awakened many hours after the Ritual
but by the time i got too the Bridge the Masters Ship was Gone again
the Antheions power Rushed trough me and it was at first a Scary
feeling i was able too read the thoughts of every crew member onboard
and even Manipulate their thoughts
i felt that this was but the beginning of what i could achieve through Training
This is the personal log of Captain Mattias Nielsson AKA Twilight onboard the Harbinger
Star date is 12/1 845 AS
The powers that The Masters Gifted me with is Disturbing me I am haveing dreams of the Humans Destruction they are not Frightning just Disturbing
along with my humanity the masters striped me of my Human concerns
i feel hollow
I feel no Fear and yet No love they stripped me of my most tresure Feeling
my affection for my Loved ones ARGh DAMNIT
but there no turning back now i am beyond rescue
i must learn too accept my State and condition
not only that haveing the Amabssador Barking orders at me makes it eassier too cope with
Nithilrouk commanded me too call my 2nd and 3rd in command too Omicron Delta
the masters have special plans for them
and yet i sense a hint of fear in Nithilrouk
its like he fears the Nomads but im not sure
Anyway im going too call the Officers too Delta ASAP
This is the personal log of Captain Mattias Nielsson AKA Twilight onboard the Harbinger
Star date is 13/1 845 AS
Well Black Rose is now a Hybrid like myself he will feel the same things i have
he will know no fear nor love yet it does have advantages not too have those feelings
they can make you blind and cloud your judgement
wich tend to happen alot with meer Humans they are so easliy affected by their enviroment or another Human
now Blackpearl is the next too feel the Purging and it will happen once i find him
This is the personal log of Captain Mattias Nielsson AKA Twilight onboard the Harbinger
Star date is 16/1 845 AS
Today The research staff had an accident with my personal fighter
anyway the incident have been looked into by Internal Security Teams
and the responsible will get the Harshest of punsihments
i will give him too the Nomad in Stasis hehe he deservs it
Other than that we have had a little encounter with anyone here in Omicron Alpha
the Outcast generally leave us be because they know me