' Wrote:
We are quite lulzy in most cases. So it's fun to stick around. No ragequits, nor stupid silly personal stupidity between members, and it's also fun to piss off everyone you come across. Everyone simply hates corsairs (character wise of course). But "dedicated roleplayers" tries to skip hispanic houses. Heh, they don't even know what they are loosing. :cool:
edit: we mostly stick around omegas/bretonia.
Ye Join Sails and be part of the third most hated NPC faction. Always fun when everyone's is trying to kill you.
We don't shoot at all. We just talk and RP and stuff. (smoke)
srsly though, police factions. they need the attention from what i hear, and are more about rp than pvp, since pvp part is mostly done by the militaries / navies
alternatively, go for the NLH and hug trees / smoke weed / hump animals ... something like that.
There are several Corsair factions all with their own unique indentity and lots of indies down here, whichever way you want to play it.
If they're not Corsairs down here, they're either hostile or soon to be...
Advising Gallia to an ANZlagger... come on guys, only because he doesn't want PvP to take the primary role he doesn't want to be alone out there.
I'd say Rheinland too. No idea how active the Rheinland criminals are, but if they are, RFP might be an option.
Or join the Mollies in Bretonia. The current reorganizing might give them an activity-boost
Oh, and yeah, of course join Ageira. If Samura has someone in there, we don't even need to steal those gate and lane parts anymore xD
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.