Congratulations, RepEx has reviewed and accepted your application into our Shipping department. Your ship designation will be RepEx-Shipping|710. Please contact any of the following ships in space to begin your employment: RepEx-Shipping|001, RepEx-CorporateHQ, RepEx-Security|049, or RepEx-Security|501-C. Welcome aboard.
Thank You,
RepEx Human Resources Department
<span style="color:#FF0000"><strike>RETIRED</strike></span>
My name is P*Funk. I was born in Bretonnian space on board my father's old transport in the Manchester system. For years I would sail with him on his trading missions but a brutal attack by corsairs ended my father's life and sent me careening through space until I was picked up by a Liberty transport. Its been 4 years since that day. 4 days ago I purchased my first ship and sailed from Manhattan looking to make a life for myself, in the mold of my father. I aspire to one day defend other freighters from the peril that befell my father. I currently have an Anubis fighter and I'd be happy to engage in security works. However I would also enjoy a stint in a heavy freighter to re-learn the trade routes my father once taught me.
I am new to space but I've got a desire to prosper. Repex I believe offers me that opportunity. You would not regret allowing me to ply the trade lanes under the RepEx name.
Xavier hails from New Berlin. Formerly a mechanic, he now wishes to pursue the more lucrative career of interstellar commerce. RepEx caught his eye while reading a story in a sirius trade newspaper about Independent Express getting the sponsorship from Republican Shipping and he decided to file an application with them.
((I have not been on discovery for very long...only a few short lived tries at some characters I really didn't get into.))
Desired Number: 392, but any other if not available.
Jarian hails from Rheinland Space, Planet Hamburg. He has a sister, and had a brother that was killed in an ambush while he was patrolling the Silverton Ice Field. Rep Ex cought my eye because I have always loved trading, even before I got Discovery. I would start with the Starflyer, and trade until I got a Rhino, then I would sail to Rheinland Space to get the humpback. I love trading; It is my life. I could not do security. I would enjoy to be in a large convoy, I would happily pilot a Large Train, or a Large Transport. Please consider my application; It is my only chance of living in the discovery universe. Thank you.
RepEx Human Resources Transmission
To: Xavier and Jarian
Dear Sirs,
RepEx has reviewed your applications and you have both been accepted for employment with our Shipping department. Every attempt will be made within the next couple of days to get you both set-up. Thank you for applying and we look forward to working with you.
Dieter Wheinhardt
Director of Human Resources
<span style="color:#FF0000"><strike>RETIRED</strike></span>
RP Story:I was born into a noble family in Bretonia.While still an infant I was abducted by the nanny and sold into slavery.I spent many years enduring the most unspeakable tortures from my owner.I was rescued by my twin brother who lost a leg in our escape.I still bear the slave marks*.I am fairly anti-social and prefer the long lonely trade routes.I do follow the rules of society and have never run afoul of the law.
*Slave marks are black tattooed bands that encircle the throat and wrists.They identify you as someone's property.
I've been playing here on and off since version 4.79.I'm not sure how long that is since time kind of runs together with me.
Why do I want to join your organization?The neverending quest for profit,why else?I excel at trading,I always have been good at it with Freelancer.I try to play to my strengths.
How to apply
Post your application here on this thread. Include the following:
What number (003-999) would you like as your designation:503
Your basic RP story:Born a trader and will die a trader(hopefuly not too soon). Father was a trader, his father was trader and i am a trader. My father retired to manhattan after a making a lot of money. He give me enough money to go buy a starflier and i began new life as a trader. Callsign is recon. I like exploring and finding new trade routes, hence the name.
How long have you been on Disco: Been on discovery for about 2 months
Why do you want to work for RepEx: Find out new trade routes met new people.
I have made contact with Trader Jarian and have set him up with 20 million credits plus a name change certificate. I have overseen him acquire a RepEx ID and improve his reputation with Republican Shipping. He only needs access to better equipment from the Armory for his new Train.
I have also spoken with Recon. He is waiting to be accepted. He shows promise.:D
I am Jarian, newly accepted trader, and I am posting to put in a good word for a trader named Recon. Recon and I have traded together before, and he shows the knowledge, intellect and courage that a trader requires. He keeps his eyes on goals and doesn't falter. Overall, Recon is promising and RepEx would benefit greatly from his joining. :laugh:
From: RepEx Human Resources Department
To: recon and Zsadist
Your aplications have been reviewed and we have decided to extend offers of employment to both of you. Welcome aboard the fastest growing trading company in all of Sirius. Someone from the company will get you all set-up as soon as we possibly can.
Side notes P*Funk and Jarian:
P*Funk thank you for taking care of Jarian, you will be reimbursed promptly. Jarian we are glad to have you fully aboard, and you will be granted access to the armoury as soon as it can be arranged.
Human Resources Department
RepEx Corporation
Transmission Terminated
<span style="color:#FF0000"><strike>RETIRED</strike></span>