A Clockwork Orange, pretty good. Definitely keeps the important parts of the book. 4.5/5 Animal Farm (The newest one), took some liberties but close enough to the book. 3.5/5 Appleseed 4/5 Akira the classic anime film, watch it. 4/5 Lat den rot komma in the swedish original to the recent Let Me In, I find it better but both must be watched. Cut scenes from Let Me In are also good to watch. This is England Cube, Cube 2: Hypercube, Cube Zero very, very good thrillers Growing Op good The Trotsky protagonist is a second generation pencil pusher that thinks he's Trotsky. Still worth watching. The Hunt for Red October Sphere Boyz N The Hood Eden of the East all of the movies Amexicano very good Dances with Wolves should read the book instead, but meh Casino Saw VI Chocolate (2008 film) The Anarchist Cookbook again, book instead. WARNING: BANNED IN THE UK Oldboy One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 1984 The Other Guys
EDIT: Not a film, but you should also read The Dispossessed by Ursula K. LeGuin